H2H7 / H2H7 Sign-Ups
14-February 15
Dirk Pitt Offline
Dirk, have you done anything in RCT since... 2002?
I'm actually working on some solo LL park. Picking up the pieces of what I remember from my days, probably not to the level of hacks that exist today most likely, since I do not know how to do some of them or forgot how to...
][ntamin22 Offline
I think BG could actually make a cool captain. If we get 70 sign ups is there any reason we can't have a 7-team round robin and take the top four? -
inthemanual Offline
Just that it'd be an extra 2 round robin rounds, which would mean a lot more work for anyone building, and for us to organize. We'd also have to change the rules to work reasonably with the higher amount of work each builder would be doing. I think we'd consider it, but it's unlikely given how stressful it could end up being.
G Force Offline
I guess I'll sign up,
Player, RCT2
I dont really have a lot of work on here from the past five years but now that I've gotten back into the swing of things Ill probably start being more involved.
I am usually pretty available apart from a few random days a week that I have a heavy work load. Usually I'll know in advance when a busy day is coming up so there shouldn't be any surprises.
wjw42 Offline
Any Game, preferably RCT2
First off... I'm very available until after March 10, where I won't be available at all. Is there still a chance to help build or anything like that, or will that leave no time or be too confusing to include me? I completely understand if so, no worries.
I've played rct forever but I'm very new to competitions. I feel like I can build decent rides, though. I read that all levels of skill are welcomed here, so I thought I might as well sign up!
Austin55 Offline
I've sat through 3 H2H's.
Not gonna make that number four. Put me in coach.
All breeds of 2.
inthemanual Offline
wjw, the competition will go well into the summer. If you won't be available at all after march 10th I can't put you on the list.
Xeccah Offline
Some shit came up and through the majority of march and probably into early-mid april, i'll be inactive. i might be able to get on and build once or twice, but not much.
djbrcace1234 Offline
I still play, and I'd love to participate; however, with so many big names on the table, and my limited time to play, I'd like to put my name on the reserves list for now. I can play all of RCT 2 and do have LL, but don't count on anything since I can't do much hacking.
SSSammy Offline
[ntamin22' timestamp='1424116073' post='650937'] I will pay money to see new Sammy work
i'll msg u my paypal xoxo
conkerlfc Offline
I'm nowhere near the level of you guys on here, but I'd still like to participate if that's okay? If not, it's totally fine.
Player RCT2 (CSO and NCSO) -
Lotte Offline
I'm nowhere near the level of you guys on here, but I'd still like to participate if that's okay? If not, it's totally fine.
Player RCT2 (CSO and NCSO)if you want a better shot at getting selected then it helps to share your work on here. that way people will generally know how good you are. and if we get less than 60 you're assured a spot anyways
Super G Offline
I'm not joining, I don't play on a regular basis and I have other projects that I want to finish, but I will have a good look at al the beautiful parks that will be made
Dimi Offline
I wish I could join but I don't have the time anymore. Looking forward to the parks though!
lightkeeper Offline
I think I'll give this a go for once.
Availability notes: Gainfully employed full time in retail, have wednesdays off always, and rotating weekends. A couple of weddings/trips over the summer, but nothing too long.
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