H2H7 / H2H7 Sign-Ups
14-February 15
Liampie Offline
31 sign ups already, by mostly established players! I'm not disappointed.
We're halfway towards a full contest!
Steve Offline
I'm not saying yes or no just yet, but if I can get the game up and running again I would be up for this. Great news to see this coming back. #fucknin
Kumba Offline
How strict is it going to be with the game people sign-up with?
If RCT2day signs up NCSO does that mean he cannot build on a RCT2 park with any custom scenery objects?
csw Offline
Kumba, I think that's just to help out captains when they draft, so they know what everyone's strong suits are.
I think I'll sign up. NCSO and LL. So pretty much, don't draft me if you want to use custom objects.
Hopefully I won't have to drop out of this, I think it'll be fun. Thought heavily about doing what Faas did but H2Hs don't come around too often
FredD Offline
OW yeah ! Hope to be chosen right away this edition! I sign up as a player, only RCT2 CSO. I work part time, about 28 hours a week. So I've got time. The first week of april I'm traveling to Scotland but otherwise no plans that take up time.
Liampie Offline
Kumba, csw is right. It's only to aid the captains, although technically it could be abused like if someone says 'Only LL' and then turns out to producte some high quality RCT2.
FredD, I don't doubt that you will be picked during the draft this time.
35 players so far! -
][ntamin22 Offline
In (for now).
LL. RCT2 CSO and NCSO at your own risk, considering my last released 2 project was in 2007. -
BelgianGuy Offline
seeing some of the other captains are more deserving of a spot I will respectfully change my sign up to:
Player - RCT2 ,NCSO
Liampie Offline
Dirk, have you done anything in RCT since... 2002?
Sam, fucking awesome.
BG, thanks for stepping down. Makes choosing the captains a little bit easier, because I was not looking forward to that. -
JJayMForce Offline
Rct2 cso
Edit: I'm trying to continue work on my solo project, which is a priority for me. However, I can't miss the chance to try and participate in H2H! I will certainly be able to contribute, just know my efforts may be slightly divided. I want to build, and just being honest.
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