H2H7 / H2H7 Sign-Ups
14-February 15
AvanineCommuter Offline
Was just raising the concern because it is a concern. I trust you Louis, but the first thing that crossed my mind when I read your post is "conflict of interest". I have NO doubt that you will honor the referee position and not pass on information, it's more so the issue that having your stake in the competition while having info of all the parks / ideas being made for which week etc. gives you specifically as a player an unfair advantage. -
Version1 Offline
Guys, remember that this contest is not just about winning but also about having really good parks released. Every good player should perticipate to reach that second goal, referee or not.
Louis! Offline
Yeah Avanine I get what your saying, I just couldn't think of what else to say and didn't want people to come along and jump on some sort of Pro-Louis/Anti-Louis discussion haha
Oh wait, wrong hashtag
AvanineCommuter Offline
Haha there definitely isn't any anti-Louis sentiment, how can anyone not like you?
I think if CP6 is up for the task he would definitely be a great choice as referee as Kumba suggested.
In the end it isn't a big issue if you end up being both the ref and a player because like Version says, as long as we get those quality parks I couldn't care less. But if it could be arranged to have another ref that would also free up your time to commit to your team instead of having the responsibility over the whole contest as well! -
Lotte Offline
CP6 if you read this, you don't build too slow you build just damn fine now go and build a finals park together with whoever choses you and their second pick (you will no doubt be a first pick). don't disappoint us
Lotte Offline
that's completely true, Dreamport is still in my top 3 of most favorite parks, if not my absolute favorite
ida Offline
Unfortunately, I had an unexpected family issue arise last night and I no longer will be able to participate in H2H7. Please remove me from the draft list. I'm super bummed to be missing out, but the timing this year just isn't in my favor, apparently. Good luck to all the teams, I'm looking forward to cheering from the sidelines.
What Hepta REALLY meant is that he'se super scared of my pink rock spamming skills and my brilliant utilization of WW Africa scenery, and that he'se leaving because i'm too much of a competition for him.
In fact, i expect everyone to leave in a few hours. My pink rocks will beat everyone! -
Steve Offline
Haha there definitely isn't any anti-Louis sentiment, how can anyone not like you?
I don't like Louis. #losethelou
Just kidding. I just look for any instance I can use the catchy hashtag. Welcome aboard Louis! I kinda trust you I guess.
Austin55 Offline
"Playing Referee" is the most contradictory phrase I've heard in a while haha. I trust ya Lou but we'll see I guess. -
Louis! Offline
I don't think people realise how much a ref will do, it's not a simple case of being around, it will be a lot of work, and for that reason we cannot place all that work on someone else.
I'm not saying this cause I want the discussion to end, but the decision isn't likely to change, all captains have agreed and know what I am like so there isn't a real issue. -
posix Offline
This contest is going through the roof. Geewhzz ...... ?!??
I think it's rather obvious Louis wants nothing but good for this contest, so to trust him is a no brainer from my point of view.
Ling Offline
If I don't get drafted I will happily referee or help with stuff on the site end of things.
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