H2H7 / H2H7 Sign-Ups
14-February 15
Airtime Offline
So now I've joined can we move the draft day a few hours back or a day before or a day after. That'd be great, thanks.
djbrcace1234 Offline
lol, Gee, don't tell me after talking to you last week you had a change of heart.
Louis! Offline
Ever since we announced this contest, the buzz its created has made me want to play. With Gee & Airtime signing up too, the excitement last night amongst the captains became too much and I knew I needed to be in on this. All the captains are in agreement that I can play, still referee and still be present in their team forums due to the trust we have as a group of captains and admins, and with the knowledge that no information will be passed between myself and anyone else. So, without further ado, sign me up!
Louis - Playing Referee - RCT2, RCTLL
Please be aware that my duties as Referee will always come before my duties as Player.
Coasterbill Offline
Holy shit this is going to be awesome.
Now let's annoy the shit out of Faas so he signs up too. lol
Coasterbill Offline
Haha don't worry I was completely kidding. But unless I'm forgetting someone I think he's the last active, upper-tier player who hasn't entered.
For awhile I thought about not entering so I can start a solo and stream some stuff while everyone else works on the contest. I know from experience that I'm much more productive when watching streams and while I'm looking forward to this contest I'll miss all of the streams while it's going on. I couldn't resist entering though. I was only seriously considering that thought for about 10 seconds.
AvanineCommuter Offline
glad to see you're going to be involved as a builder Louis!
Although ttechnically, having access to all team forums while being in a team is a conflict of interest and can only lead to bad things, not good ones. Also, while captains may trust you with information, what's to say that players do? (Not to say I don't trust you).
Maybe there could be something done about the referee position going to another neutral party? -
Louis! Offline
I'd like to think that players could trust me just as much.
If I was passing information around wouldn't it become obvious? Plus, I already know most people's draft picks, I haven't been passing this information on to other people, so captains know I can be trusted with information.
There obviously needs to be a certain level of trust, but I'd like to think I have that from the majority of the community, and when I have it from the leaders of the teams, there shouldn't really be any issue.
And if the community cannot trust me, why am I running the contest? I could just as easily spread information regardless of whether I am playing or not.
There's trust to come from my perspective too, I need to be able to trust that people trust me. If something like the Bedroom Park incident comes up, where it is purely coincidental, I need to be able to trust that people won't come looking for me, when I haven't passed on any information.
But regardless, we need a referee, and considering they would be given powers of high authority, its not really ideal giving these to other members. Plus I have already been in every team forum so far, so getting another person on board wouldn't make a difference to what I've already seen. So currently, this option is the only viable one.
Liampie Offline
I would only be okay with it if all captains were okay with it. Which is the case. I trust you Louis, and it's great to have you on board as well. -
Hepta Offline
Unfortunately, I had an unexpected family issue arise last night and I no longer will be able to participate in H2H7. Please remove me from the draft list. I'm super bummed to be missing out, but the timing this year just isn't in my favor, apparently. Good luck to all the teams, I'm looking forward to cheering from the sidelines.
Coasterbill Offline
I don't see any reason not to trust Louis.
And anyone that's worried about insider information being leaked and hiding their secretive, strategic plans needs to step back for a second and remind themselves that it's Rollercoaster Tycoon and you're taking it way too damn seriously.
Kumba Offline
CP6 has said he will be following the contest. He's a former admin and well respected member of the community. I think you should check with him about being someone nutral, if needed in the contest.
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