H2H7 / H2H7 Sign-Ups
14-February 15
Liampie Offline
I'm joining, too.
Player. RCT2 CSO / NCSO
But you're already on the list?#12 PizzaWurscht (RCT2, NCSO)
J/k. Great that you're back! -
Louis! Offline
Omg airtime needs to join.
What if I told you I am Airtime?
jk, he's a pussy and doesn't want to play cause pac is #1
Xeccah Offline
What if I told you I am Airtime?
jk, he's a pussy and doesn't want to play cause pac is #1
are you serious, or is it "real life obligations"?
Cocoa Offline
Ride6 ttp is not an issue. I have used it for literally all my time playing rct2 and the only thing it does is let you open parks made with ww/tt! Seriously not an issue -
Louis! Offline
are you serious, or is it "real life obligations"?
He's denounced his ties to the community from now on.
I like to think of it as storming out of the room in a strop.
Louis! Offline
Just like to say that this year is an incredibly strong year, I think stronger than H2H6. I just made a list of where I think people will be picked and found it really hard to do, you guys are all awesome.
5dave Offline
Fuck it, even my GF said I should join so why not...
But right now my time depends on finding a job or not...
#67 5dave (LL, RCT2, NCSO)
Louis! Offline
Woo, figured out a team name idea and somewhat of a logo!
Please tell me it is something awesome like Curryhanes and not something gay like Rob's Big Pink Bus Full of RCT Playas
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