H2H7 / H2H7 Sign-Ups
14-February 15
Austin55 Offline
Dis gun be good.
I don't know about you guys but I am PUMPED UP to see the parks, but also to participate. So excited. When do we get going? -
Lotte Offline
i'm stoked too, hopefully i get to be on a fun team and i'm silently hoping that my team reaches the play-offs so i can see everything devellop
][ntamin22 Offline
Does that version support the Dexter patch and work with 4-cars and Beast? If so I'm on it.
Here's the conversion patch for the GoG version.
Also - get with the times, old man! I don't think anybody uses Beast now that Codex is available.
inthemanual Offline
Captains will be decided on monday, when we set up the draft. There's currently 7 (8 if you count coups, but i'm not) in the pool, and we only have room for 6 captains.
Liampie Offline
Because your captaincy sign up sounded like the setup for a hashtag joke.
Ride6 Offline
I'm DL LL from GoG as we speak. But I'm having trouble with my RCT2 disk. It's already installed, so is there a no-CD hack/patch or an online version of that which will work. I fear downloading the "Triple Thrill Pack" won't let me be free of the expansions?
EDIT: I found a video tutorial that ought to do it. I'll let ya know if it works.
EDIT #2: NOP. The registry edit didn't work since "Infogrames" doesn't show up under Software for either the computer or my local user. I find this both surprising and confusing, but that is what it is.
In other news: I will play LL as well (if necessary). ^_^Ride6
Kumba Offline
I'm signing up!
Player. LL/RCT2
(just kidding, i'm not allowed
Yes you are. Most seasons the commissioner has also been a part of the contest.
Get your damn housemate to join and we'll call it even.
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