H2H7 / H2H7 Rules & Regulations
14-February 15
Fisch Offline
In my opinion in this contest the less regulations, the more unfair it becomes.
It clearly makes sense to have these regulations as the draft is part of the contest! If you pick a team full of people who're incredible but might be inactive then you've done that at your own risk.
3 parks per player is A LOT already. You've got 10 people on the team who most likely all want to be an important part of the team. 4 parks per player is gonna suck for all the later draft picks because they're gonna get shafted into minor roles in the 3rd or 4th park of the top 2 picks. Let me say it again, it's a TEAM contest, so obviously it should be about EVERYONE in the team, from front to back. A team is only as good as its weakest part. The team aspect and letting everyone have a go is what made this contest so good.
Also in regards to wheres_walto's idea: Interesting idea in my opinion BUT I think it would make the competition less fair overall. A league season mostly consists of every team playing against eachother under the SAME circumstances (that goes for basically every sport). Some teams will be well rounded, some teams will be very top heavy but perhaps weaker with the later draft picks. That's once again the fun thing about the draft which is clearly part of the competition. So if you allow round 5 to be a round where anyone can go without any restrictions that's extremely unfair for the well-rounded teams and favors the top heavy teams. Especially in round 5, where it's mostly a tight affair, you might suddenly come up against a team park of pac and robbie only because they can suddenly go together and still work on the finals park together later on whereas all the other teams didn't have to worry about them being paired together as they'd have led different parks prior to that. -> unequal conditions throughout the season.
Cocoa Offline
Agreed with fish, mostly. Although maybe every team can get one exception to use in the case of an unfinished Park or whatnot. -
Liampie Offline
Look how easy it is with 3 players per park to get painted into a corner... let's say this is the team:
[fantasy H2H schedule]
Yes, this way you'd run into trouble. But the logistics is mainly the job of the captain. If your schedule is unflexible, then that's poor captaining. The puzzle is a part of the game, and a part I personally enjoy very much. The trick we pulled with Colorflood and DAW in H2H6 was so incredibly satisfying!
But the main reason why you want these looser rules is because you want less unfinished parks. Although I'm quite satisfied with how finished the parks were in H2H6 (similar to H2H5, improvement over H2H4), of course the more finished parks the better. I don't think these looser rules are going to change much however. Were the unfinished parks in your team unfinished because your players were unavailable, or because they were too slow? When I think back to the unfinished parks of the Flying Germans in H2H5, it was the latter. The only change I believe more players is going to make in such a case is that both the construction process and the park is going to be messier...
I get what you're saying, but I don't agree with it. There's one rule change that might satisfy both your goal and my goal that we haven't discussed so far. I personally regret that when we get more than 60 sign ups, many players won't have the chance to be in H2H which only occurs once every few years. That's a tragedy. So what if instead of once replacement list, each team is assigned a number of replacements that can be used once as a 'wildcard' and fourth player on a park? You'll get your extra fourth player for a park in distress and the replacements get to be a part of H2H. It's one exception each captain is granted, just like the three day extension rule.
By the way, I'm not sure if this is clear to you: when a player drops out, he's out of the competition. His work can't be on any map. So if he built a little before disappearing, you'll have to delete it. This is how it has always been, I don't recall any drop out ever getting credit for a park.
With my proposal above, I'm not sure how the drop out thing would work yet. I think this is the way to go: the wildcard player is a captain's #10 pick in the draft. All remaining unpicked players go on the traditional players list. When a player drops out, the captain picks someone from the replacements list and either he or the wildcard player gets promoted to a regular player.
Any thoughts on this? -
Kumba Offline
For replacements to work out they would need to come out of a pool of undrafted players. With those guys you can ask around and see whose up for RCT as some other might figure they'll never get into the contest and move on to other things. I don't think drafting an intentoinal replacement would work.
Could we just have less limits on the last couple of parkmakers a team picks? Would up their value and feeling of usefulness despite being past up in quite a few rounds.
Xeccah Offline
i like walto's idea of making round 5 free, but otherwise i feel the rules should stay the same.
Liampie Offline
Several changes and additions have been made to the Rules and Regulations in the first post. Rule 2 under Park Construction & Submission has been expanded, and rule 3 and 4 are new. No game changing stuff, just some widely accepted unwritten rules for the sake of completeness. -
MCI Offline
I´ve got a question about Construction & Submission Rule 4:
Version1, BigB and myself want to make videos about the contest and our plan was to make a video for each matchup as soon as the parks are released (while voting is still going on). In case on of us get´s drafted the person would not participate in videos regarding their own matchup, for example If I get drafted I would not be involved in a video in wich a park of my team is reviewd/shown. If we both get drafted it would be the same, but in the week both our teams go against each other we would do the park of the opposing team, for example V1 is Team A and will do the video about Team B´s Park while I´m on Team B and will do the video about Team A´s Park.
Would that be against the rules? Or should we wait until the voting is finished?
Kumba Offline
So much for progress. I see none in these minor changes.
Whatever, I am still down to captain and work within these restrictions.
Liampie Offline
MCI: Good point. Rules updated. You're allowed to review with screens and streams on conditions.
Kumba: Don't you think it's good we wrote this down? Just to avoid confusion and hypothetically shitstorms when someone wasn't aware of some unwritten rules. Especially since we have quite a lot of rookies this year. -
Louis! Offline
Kumba, major rule changes are still being discussed, an update will be made on the matter soon.
Kumba Offline
Okay. I was thinking it was the final version of the rules. My bad not knowing ideas/suggestions are still being considered.
Yes Liam, it is good they are in writing. You know which were my main focus.
][ntamin22 Offline
a few points here just to help tighten the verbage:
- might be better to say that "a good-faith effort must be made to use all team members during the round robin"
- what are the official determining factors for a drop-out? Does the player have to do it themselves, is there a period after which they're automatically considered a drop-out, can the captains drop an unresponsive or otherwise unplayable member, etc.
Roomie Offline
Roomies rules!
1) Don't Be A Dick!
2) If you can't finish a park for whatever reason or cant put in the hours. Say so don't claim your pet cow died, your hard drive turned into a fish or the apocalypse started if it hasnt. We all have normal lives (This comes partly under rule 1)
3) Building a park while drunk is fine. Just stay off the Absynth. Theres only room for one Taboo on NE
4) Don't Be A Dick!
5) Feel free to build your park naked. Just don't tell me about it.
6) If you are a Dick about something you will be forced to make a park with GigaG in RCT4 Mobile
7) On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.
8 ) Don't Be A Dick!
Louis! Offline
In response to Rule 1. RCTFan's hard-drive did actually break, which is why we had an unfinished Vampyre lol
robbie92 Offline
3) Building a park while drunk is fine. Just stay off the Absynth.
Oh, I'm taking you to get absinthe while you're in New Orleans, don't fight it.
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