H2H7 / H2H7 General Thread
14-February 15
GammaZero Offline
[ntamin22' timestamp='1424669630' post='652169']
meanwhile, at the Team Redditnoobs Hourly Circlejerk
(the joke is they're all horny teenagers)
>tfw gdb is the only teenager -
Cocoa Offline
alright boys and girls, I'm out till the 1st, so I won't respond to any pms. also, I just booked flights april 4-11 so I can't build then, but I will be online. consider that when drafting
inthemanual Offline
Head to Head 7. A new round to the biggest contest in RCT history.
H2H7 DRAFTThe captains have agreed to hold the draft on Friday, February 27th at 21:00 GMT (16:00 EDT, 13:00 PDT)
Everyone is welcome to come and watch the procedure. It will be held in NE'S IRC channel which we used for the Awards. The chat will be open to everyone before and after the draft but only captains will have voice rights during the actual draft procedure. This is to ensure that the draft goes smoothly.
The pick order has been decided upon by Louis and the captains, but will be kept private until the draft itself. We will use a snake draft as usual, meaning that each round will have the reverse of the previous round's pick order. This is to ensure fairness, and no definite advantage to any particular place in the pick order. 54 players will be picked in 9 rounds to comprise 6 teams of 10 players, including the captains. Team rosters will be posted shortly after the draft, pending a small trading period over the weekend.
We're all excited for the draft, and hope to see you all there!
PizzaWurscht Offline
allright. i`m not sure , wether I can go for it. driving away on the next day. hopefully there is a bit time
csw Offline
I think Brazil has similar time zones to the United States. Assuming you're in one of the large cities in the east my guess would be the EDT time. -
FK+Coastermind Offline
As a working, respectable, normal human man, i will be at work at that time. Have fun Europeans and Children.
Louis! Offline
Sorry to anyone who cannot make it, this time was arranged as it was a time available to all captains. Spectators are merely an added bonus.
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