H2H7 / H2H7 General Thread
14-February 15
Rofl Offline
I'd like to be a guest if you want MCI
Same here, my mic is a Samson C01U if that is good enough for you guys.
Lotte Offline
less than 24 hours left people! here's a list of teammembers who still aren't featured in a release:
- Rofl
- G Force
- Xcoaster
- Alex
- FK+coastermind
- JJayMForce
- Seb
- Roomie
- Avanine Commuter
- Turbin3
- ottersalad
- steve
- bigshootergill
- lightkeeper
there's still some pretty great names on there, such as Xcoaster, FK, JJay, Roomie, Avanine, turbin, and steve. hopefully they'll give us their best!
ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt Offline
Also missing Sf who has/hasn't/will (check the h2h bingo thread maybe, may the odds forever be in your favour or not/maybe) build on a park... Oh shit I shouldn't have said that....
Louis! Offline
We are no longer making extensions public until they occur. So I cannot say if there has been extensions or not.
However we are ready to go with Match 1. BUT, the last match of R3 didn't hit the required number of reviews in the required time, so Match 1 will be delayed by 24 hours and won't be up until Monday evening (GMT) -
BelgianGuy Offline
I think it's kinda obvious the initial love for the contest has died along with the hype, the only people really concerned with it i feel are the contestants... That being said i hope we can just see the parks soon because i for one am very eager to check all parks, depending on ll or not -
Cocoa Offline
Thats classic h2h haha, dont worry well all have forgotten about that in a year and remember it all with nostalgia -
Louis! Offline
I think it's kinda obvious the initial love for the contest has died along with the hype, the only people really concerned with it i feel are the contestants...
I think you're wrong there. The vote count isn't dropping as fast as it has done in previous H2H's. And we've been getting a lot of comments on each match still (since the addition of the rule).
H2H always suffers towards the second half of the season, that's why I'm always somewhat reluctant to start H2H up, but this H2H, so far, is not dying as quickly as previous versions.
5dave Offline
I think the next season of H2H should be cut shorter using 4 teams instead of 6 or so.
I always felt like the more detailed our parks get, the more time we invest in the first few rounds of H2H, the more we disregard the semis and the finals.
Most of the parks we've seen so far were amazing and full of ideas and then the teams run out of steam and forget about proper finals. Not to disrespect former finals, but most of them were sub-par compared to the parks during the season if there even were any entries. (Whzzkids H2H5, Tigers H2H4, Reservoir Dogs H2H6,...)
So I think either we use older benches (which could be interesting) or we just shorten the whole contest to make it through with good quality the whole season.
But we still have a few rounds left so I might be conviced of the opposite
"MFG" -
ottersalad Offline
I think the hype is still there.. I don't read the H2H forums every day, but I am constantly on my team's forum, and I assume the same is for everyone else still in the competition.
I think itm is doing a good job of posting updates on r/rct, but perhaps mores screens of the rounds on r/rct would give more transparency to H2H. But, the downside to that is having possible uniformed and/or ignorant voters.
Louis! Offline
Most of the parks we've seen so far were amazing and full of ideas and then the teams run out of steam and forget about proper finals. Not to disrespect former finals, but most of them were sub-par compared to the parks during the season if there even were any entries. (Whzzkids H2H5, Tigers H2H4, Reservoir Dogs H2H6,...)This is an issue indeed. And the one reason that i've always been reluctant to keep H2H going and keep bringing it back. However, this year, we've got the best bunch of captains I could possibly ask for, and I think the quality will continue on into the playoffs, and that is down a lot to the captains we have and the great job they are doing.
Version1 Offline
However we are ready to go with Match 1. BUT, the last match of R3 didn't hit the required number of reviews in the required time, so Match 1 will be delayed by 24 hours and won't be up until Monday evening (GMT)
Really? I understand it in some way in between single matchups, but pushing for fast reviews at the end of the round doesn't make any sense.
5dave Offline
^Why wouldn't it make sense?
That way also the last matchup gets the reviews it deserves, even if not as efficient as between the other rounds.
"MFG" -
Version1 Offline
Just do a longer timeframe or something. It's really not great to ask for 3 reviews in 3 days, imo
inthemanual Offline
Regardless, it didn't hit it. It only got like 10.
But the point is that the reviews come quickly. If we allow the reviews to be spread out too much, interest will fade, as it has.
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