H2H7 / H2H7 General Thread
14-February 15
Liampie Offline
Head to Head 7. A new round to the biggest contest in RCT history.
This topic will be used for all H2H7 announcements. This first post will be updated with links to the anouncements in this topic or elsewhere on the forums as they are posted so that it may be used as a table of contents. This topic will also be the place to discuss general H2H7 matters.
(1) Rules & Regulations -- (16-02-2015)
Rules & Regulations for H2H7 can be found here. Please make sure you have read them before signing up to take part.
22-02-2015: update
01-03-2015: update11-04-2014: update
(2) Sign Ups -- (16-02-2015)
All the information regarding Sign Ups for H2H7 can be found further down in this topic here. Please read the accompanying post before replying to sign up.
(3) H2H7 Captains -- (23-02-2015)
The Captains for H2H7 have been announced. More information can be found here.
(4) H2H7 Draft -- (24-02-2015)
The date of the draft for H2H7 has been announced. More information available here.
(5) H2H7 Draft Results -- (27-02-2015)
The draft has taken place. The tentative teams, still nameless teams can be found here.
(6) Post Draft Trades -- (28-02-2015)
Trade #1 details can be found here.
(7) Official Bench -- (29-02-2015)
The H2H7 Official Bench has been released here.
(8 )Team Rosters -- (01-03-2015)
The H2H7 Team Rosters can be found here.
(9) Match Schedule -- (01-03-2015)
The Round Robin & Play-Offs Schedule can be found here.
30-03-2015: update
(10) Player Replacements -- (24-03-2015)
Replacement #1 details can be found here.
Replacement #2 & #3 details can be found here.Replacement #4 details can be found here.
Replacement #5 details can be found here
Replacement #6 details can be found here
Xeccah Offline
can't wait for the competition to begin! I wonder how people are gonna be drafted and to what team, i love this kinds of shit -
Liampie Offline
I want some old team names returning. No H2H without the Hurricanes. Someone has to restore the Flying Germans to their former glory as well. I know Heaven's Kitchen is opening again! Divine dishes will be cooked! -
Xeccah Offline
"Anyway your stuff is looking good, But you have a long way to goI only joined not even a year ago and i have went from that to being in h2h6, so just listen to what people have to say and look at other parks but don't copy anything just look,listen and learn
And maybe you will be in h2h7"
scotlands_finest, may 2012 -
Version1 Offline
I mostly signed up because I didn't think there would be enough sign ups, but with all these players coming back I have the feeling that was unnecessary.
Ling Offline
I really really want to but I'm very nervous that I won't have the motivation or time when it comes to playing. And letting down an entire team would be a super shitty thing to do.
amblerk Offline
Just watching some of the live streaming then with Pizza. I noticed GDB, Liampie and SF talking about H2H and time constraints, I would of commented there but am not registered to that. Do you already, and if not would it be an idea to look at, splitting the teams up so they are mixed of USA side of the world players and European players, so that work is happening on the parks at all times? Unsure if this is obvious or a stupid suggestion but thought I would throw it out there anyway.
inthemanual Offline
yes, captains can take that into account when they draft. Having better players may supersede having worldly players, but a worldly team does have its own benefits.
amblerk Offline
I see yes, so the captains choose there own players then? Don't they just pick the best ones though?
Would a seeding system for top players either side of the Atlantic be an idea? That way building is kept regular with time zone's, top players are still heading teams keeping quality levels high, and it gives the lesser players a chance of being a part of the top quality parks, and thus improving their game.
I'm sure these are things you guys have thought of already and I'm sure they would come with implications as well was just curious.
inthemanual Offline
Yes, captains generally want to pick the best players. Each of the 6 captains will get a team of 10 players, so there's plenty of room for up-and-coming players on each team.
MCI Offline
I think a huge part of H2H is the drafting. It´s all about strategy, when to use wich player in what ever combination to get the best results. Making restrictions/seedings/guidelines/whatever there would destroy huge amounts of fun for the captains I think + decrease the quality of the parks in the end.
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