RCT Discussion / PPASTF - Pre-Panel Accolade Scoring Task Force
13-February 15
Cocoa Offline
Yeah ive just been doing my jobs, 5 a day or so when i remember. Its fun going through old parks, many silvers of which i hadnt seen before -
inthemanual Offline
91%, enough for a blue name tag, but not there because it didn't get spotlight. How many other parks are Golds above 90?
This is interesting, to say the least.
Liampie Offline
91%, enough for a blue name tag, but not there because it didn't get spotlight. How many other parks are Golds above 90?
This is interesting, to say the least.
What's mostly interesting to me is that at least three people think a H2H sized map with only 25% of it being actual park stuff is worthy of the title 'spotlight'. I thought Thorpe was stretching it already... -
Lotte Offline
i think me may have a record here. the previous highest was Hyatt's northwest adventures by RCTNW with 84.23% but yeah i agree with liam, a park that size isn't in any ways a spotlight
Stoksy Offline
I basically just went through and voted on all the RCT2 priority parks. Now and again I might check my jobs list, but it's a little sporadic. Apologies for that.
Cocoa Offline
i always agreed with liam on thorpe park just barely having enough for spotlight, IMO. compare the content in it to sfsf or sfsc or any other realistic park and its a lot smaller. not to say its a bad park, just smaller.
G Force Offline
If Thorpe just barely deserved Spotlight then how come all the panelist voted it a spotlight.... Heck SFSF, SFC, or Zippo's didnt even get 100% spotlight approval. Not saying I disagree with you guys however, just that the voting doesn't line up with whats being said here.
][ntamin22 Offline
I think Liam was speaking for himself only there, saying that he personally didn't feel like it met the size/content bar set by previous spotlights and so he didn't personally vote for spot light. -
Lotte Offline
just admit it liam, you don't want me voting on all the classic parks
i kinda get where you're coming from though if that's the case. being a panelist isn't that important anyways anymore in NE5
AvanineCommuter Offline
I like the idea of giving parkmaker spots to these older builders, but like ITM said it seems like newer members will be voting down these ground-breaking parks because of their lack of understanding of the history of their influence. It is kind of unfair that revolutionary spotlights will get 70-80% when they really deserve much higher given their role in shaping the evolution of RCT here at NE.
But I guess it's not too big a deal either way. : /
posix Offline
Lennox did not win spotlight, yeah? That is because its quality is very high but it's just not big enough to a be spotlight. Easy.
Once geewhzz can finish a park of the same quality and larger scale his name will be as blue as can get. We all understand that.
And indeed, Thorpe is stretching it ....
geewhzz Offline
I think Thorpe is more than worthy, I think the system is very accurate overall. As good as it can get, I mostly agree with all the decisions on parks -
Cocoa Offline
don't get me wrong, I think thorpe is worthy. its just close to borderline, especially when you compare it to high golds that almost get spotlight, its sometimes hard to figure out those didn't and thorpe did. at least for me. but we all see parks differently
Liampie Offline
I think Thorpe is worthy too, but if the surroundings weren't so vast and well done it'd feel more like a gold. -
Cocoa Offline
why is it that a couple h2h parks have been voted on, but I can't vote on most of the others? were those few the only ones that were submitted competitively? should we, like amend that or something
Coasterbill Offline
^^I would guess originally they weren't submitted competitively so now people would need to go in and change them in order for you to vote. Then again I'm not a panelist so I'm just talking out of my ass.
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