News / 2014 New Element Awards Voting

  • JJayMForce%s's Photo

    I wanted to make the awards, but wasn't feeling well, either.


    Thank you for the nominations though, it means a lot to me.


    Congrats to the guys that won.

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    You got medals on almost all of your nominations! Congrats, and sorry you missed it.

  • JJayMForce%s's Photo

    :o    Wow, didn't expect that at all. 


    Thanks, Itm, and everyone else.  I'm continuing to work on my solo project, to actually submit a whole park to the site, for once, too. 

  • Poke%s's Photo

    Wow, 1 vote!

  • 5dave%s's Photo



    When will the chatlog be available (if there is one)?



  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    Should be about one hour from now.  My local recording failed, so I'm waiting on the backup.

  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    i have the chatlog of the awards i think, but not any of the pre or post chat stuff
  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo

    FULL CHATLOG (includes pre- and post- awards chat)

    Attached File  full_chatlog_with_pre_and_post_show.html (553.13KB)
    downloads: 242




    Attached File  condensed_chatlog_awards_only.html (235.38KB)
    downloads: 237


    Viewing instructions:  download and open in your favorite browser.

    Ctrl+F to find things; search for "imgur" and you'll hit all the screens that were posted pre-show.


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