News / 2014 New Element Awards Voting
09-February 15
csw Offline
Hardest decisions for me were most original creation and most promising player.
Maybe I'll win something this year...but probably not. I'm still young, I've got time.
][ntamin22 Offline
I think the rewards are generally more a community building exercise anyway; recognize the really outstanding stuff, remind everyone how cool the runners-up were, and add a little motivation to build more things all while making awful lobster jokes.
Louis! Offline
It's more about gettin together as a community and celebrating us and rct. Having a laugh, having a chat.
Consider getting a nomination an award in itself, it shows you are up there with the best, even if you think you aren't going to win or get any votes, it doesn't matter, you are nominated for a reason.
And to people who are disheartened that your work isn't noninated, don't be, continue to push on and strive forward to get into the nominations next year! -
Version1 Offline
Consider getting a nomination an award in itself, it shows you are up there with the best, even if you think you aren't going to win or get any votes, it doesn't matter, you are nominated for a reason.This.
][ntamin22 Offline
I can't promise I'll be available to record the usual full chatlog this year - I'll be recovering from a day at Universal and probably won't have my laptop on me.
robbie92 Offline
And to people who are disheartened that your work isn't noninated, don't be, continue to push on and strive forward to get into the nominations next year!
Thanks for the positivity! I'll keep striving for it!
Coasterbill Offline
You won't be around next year Rob. Even if you win something you won't know about it.
Stoksy Offline
I still can't quite believe that Thorpe Park was released in seems so long ago now haha.
Anyways, best of luck to everyone and thank you for the nominations. Will hopefully be able to make an appearance at the ceremony in some capacity but it'll start at like 7am...which is ridiculous
FK+Coastermind Offline
Congrats to all the nominees, a lot of great work this year.
I gotta say, i'm a bit disappointed by the nominations. I think most of the work nominated deserves the recognition, but the categories just seem poorly chosen. For example, the "most original creation" category has some some parks i wouldn't consider overly "innovative" or "different" while not including the park that won micro madness for being "so original."
As per usual, i wish there was a little more communication between the admins and community, but i know that's unlikely.
RCT2day Offline
Not to be a jerk, but technically the chairlift and Sky Wheel in Kidron (listed under the Best non-Coaster attraction category) are the same...
Thanks for the nominations. Best of luck to everyone in the award ceremony and congrats on making it.
Ling Offline
Yeah, those categories should be combined. Not sure what happened with the nomination selection there.
Louis! Offline
We will merge the two entries that are the same in that category. That was an error made when making the poll by inthemanual. He is new to this, it is understandable that he will make mistakes.
And with the nominations, every year we do normally ask people to check over the nomination list and we take their views into account and adjust accordingly. This year we were pushed for time on when we wanted to host the awards, and as such, had no time to get second opinions. Normally the list is only compiled by myself and Liam, so the addition of inthemanual does give us an extra insight, but yes, we didn't take anyone else's views into account like we normally do, purely because of the time frame issue.
nin Offline
Wow I actually have nominations this year. And for best fantasy park? Lollllllllll.
Thanks, tho. Makes me feel relevant. Good luck to all the other nominees, and I should be able to make the awards this year which is a plus. -
Steve Offline
Awards night on Valentine's Day weekend? Don't you guys have girlfriends yet? Jeez. GUESS I'M NOT GOING THANKS LOUIS YOU BIG JERK.