Contests / unofficial contest ideas/suggestions thread
20-December 14
bigshootergill Offline
I have an idea for a new style of contest similar to these. Survey coming soon.
um, clearly my idea that I stole from someone else is awesome and trumps your idea Tim
Unless this time it's a banana bread recipe with chocolate chips!... waaayyyy better than your muffins recipe
Maxwell Offline
That would be great bsg and itm.
I feel that we need more smaller contests like the NEDC and micro madness that aren't as time consuming and pressure packed as something like H2H, that would also be more fun and less intimidating than H2H, to get more community involvement out of the site. Not that we should not do H2H as often, but smaller contests to do in the meantime, that would still have some competition to keep things interesting, would be fun for the community and a great chance for members to showcase their talents. Maybe we could do another micro madness, and maybe give it some restrictions like "build only a certain theme" or maybe restrict it to one building style or game a la NCSO/CSO and RCT2/LL. I feel that if we add these guidelines, it would make the contests easier to approach idea-wise, and would keep the competitive edge that contests like H2H would have.
Anyways, I'm starting to ramble. Just wanted to throw in my two cents.
mintliqueur Offline
I like the idea of a smaller scale contest of some kind. It could possibly kick start my imagination and inspire me to do some proper RCT work later! I've been away for the game for so long I have a hard time starting anything.
G Force Offline
Here's an idea I just came up with, kind of a mix of H2H and Pro Tour. Either have a draft with 4-5 captians choosing teams of 3-5 players to build on 1 75x75 park. Maybe have a 8-10 week deadline, then a panelist of judges (like PT) rates the parks to determine the finishing order. Could obviously change some of the details upba bit, but the idea of a simplified and shortened H2H like contest could be really fun if enough people participate. -
][ntamin22 Offline
Actually, I'd like to clarify here.
24-hr contests would be cool also, but I would really prefer to just see a 24-hour Event. A GameJam or Ludum Dare sort of thing, maybe as the new format for Fiestas.
Just schedule a day, get everybody building, run a shared stream or chatroom, and if you finish something, or even if you don't, you probably learned some things and had a good time. If we were to take it a little further, we could 100% just steal the LudumDare formats:
give a theme for the event, hand out prizes afterwards based on the theme for two categories-
1) 24-hour Hardcore where you start completely from scratch- no premade layouts, no half-finished designs, and you have 24 continuous hours from the contest start to finish something.
2) The more relaxed category that allows some pre-made content and you get 24 total hours to finish something, with that time allowed to be spread out anywhere within, say, a week window.
Bubbsy41 Offline
Here's an idea I just came up with, kind of a mix of H2H and Pro Tour. Either have a draft with 4-5 captians choosing teams of 3-5 players to build on 1 75x75 park. Maybe have a 8-10 week deadline, then a panelist of judges (like PT) rates the parks to determine the finishing order. Could obviously change some of the details upba bit, but the idea of a simplified and shortened H2H like contest could be really fun if enough people participate.
Yes! -
chorkiel Offline
Here's an idea I just came up with, kind of a mix of H2H and Pro Tour. Either have a draft with 4-5 captians choosing teams of 3-5 players to build on 1 75x75 park. Maybe have a 8-10 week deadline, then a panelist of judges (like PT) rates the parks to determine the finishing order. Could obviously change some of the details upba bit, but the idea of a simplified and shortened H2H like contest could be really fun if enough people participate.
Great starting point, but this would likely leave so many people out of the contest. Perhaps have people make their own teams rather than drafting. Or you'd have more teams which could cause two problems; 1) teams won't care as much to deliver something unfinished 2) there will be so many parks that a free-for-all vote won't be enough to decide who wins putting the contest back to using rounds.
G Force Offline
Great starting point, but this would likely leave so many people out of the contest. Perhaps have people make their own teams rather than drafting. Or you'd have more teams which could cause two problems; 1) teams won't care as much to deliver something unfinished 2) there will be so many parks that a free-for-all vote won't be enough to decide who wins putting the contest back to using rounds.
The only reason I'd be against people making there own teams is balance. There would probably be 1 or 2 really good teams that would be the only ones with a real chance of winning. Also, the amount of teams could be changed depending on how many people would sign up, but probably no more than 8 and no less than 4.
bigshootergill Offline
I like the idea of a smaller H2H type contest, but it would be really nice to have room for a variety of players to share. Lopsided teams wouldn't be very much fun either, a draft is important:
- 9 teams with 3 rounds (H2H2H rounds) and finals
- 8 teams with 2 rounds (voting like H2H7 finals) and finals
The 24 hour style contest is neat, but I think maybe a Weekend Contest would be more doable for a lot of players, maybe Friday to Sunday, submissions by midnight.
Version1 Offline
I don't really care what the contest will be, as long as everybody who wants to perticipate can perticipate.
chorkiel Offline
Good point Russel, but to that I can only say that Bigshootergill, Tolsimir and Fisch made Asteroid Fields. You and Alex recently released a near-spotlight. Pizza, Jimmy and navalin made Meizhou Rising. In H2H6 Pac made DAW, Fizzix suddenly made The Classic. Best examples would be Manual Laborers in general and The Replacements. People on this site tend to grow a lot in a short time period and especially during a contest.
As to you, Gill, the more the contest starts looking like H2H the easier it would be to just do a H2H. Just like in sports, you don't play half of a world cup. But you do play practicing matches and continental and national championships.
On the other hand, it's very unlikely I will compete so you guys do as you please.
Scoop Offline
I like the designs H2H idea that wouldn't be as stressful on teams since they are smaller parks.
bigshootergill Offline
I have an idea for a new style of contest similar to these. Survey coming soon.
How soon?
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