RCT Discussion / City Heights

  • Louis!%s's Photo

    Hi Guys,


    We had a new member (amblerk) email me last night about his 256x256 park. It's not 100% complete and with the christmas releases piling up, it most likely won't get released for a while, so instead of it going through the system, i'm uploading it here in a topic so he get some feedback before finishing it up etc.


    It would be great if you could take a look and give this guy some feedback, remember how much we love new members!


    Attached File  parkmoderting3.SV6 (3.29MB)
    downloads: 181


    Park description:


    This is a city a friend and I created. Its the full size 256x256 so as you can imagine to fill it to the extent that we have has taken some time! It has its own working industry, a bustling CBD, major transports links, services, commerce, different classes of social areas, suburbs, airport, stadia, recreational services, and of course a few theme parks dotted around. It is not 100% complete and there is the odd little area that needs the finishing touches, but i would estimate around 85 - 90 percent complete. Only extra scenery mods have been used. I would welcome some feedback be it positive or negative. Many Thanks,

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    looks like you need timetwister :(


    i'll try to find my old disk

  • egg_head%s's Photo

    Could you maybe get some screens up here?

  • Faas%s's Photo

    I just finished a three hour urban geography exam today so the last thing I want to do is read about CBD's, transport links and suburbs.  ;)

  • JJayMForce%s's Photo

    you had my attention, but TimeTwister :-(

  • amblerk%s's Photo

    hey fellas, not sure how to get the screenshots, as it saves them in bmp format, unsure how to convert that to jpeg and suchlike, but yes if someone will point out how then i would be happy to upload some shots.

    That said its so big I don't think shots would do it justice. As said in the description it still needs the odd area filling in, and some existing areas need the final touch's but mostly complete. If anyone wants to add anything to it then do feel free lol

    I hadn't realized time twister was an issue I thought it could run anyway :(

    anyway if anyone has time to look that would be great cheers kev

  • amblerk%s's Photo

    Attached Image: SCR1.jpgAttached Image: SCR2.jpgAttached Image: SCR3.jpgAttached Image: SCR4.jpg

  • amblerk%s's Photo

    i tell a lie i downloaded a file converter lol :/

    yeah here's a few screenshots for you to have a look at the basic layout.

    But as i say to check it out properly you need to be able to zoom in and peruse the various sectors of the city. There is 2 large parks either side, and one small fairground type park in the centre.

    cheers, kev

  • 5dave%s's Photo
    Hey Egg!

    Nice to see you again! :)

  • Lotte%s's Photo

    alright just providing some constructive criticism here, since nobody else has done that yet. first of all, i'd advice against using the expansion packs, not everybody can open them as you can see and the objects aren't that great. in terms of city planning this is very cool, although i doubt an airfield would be in the middle of the city. i can't open this up either so i can't give you too much depth but it definitely looks cool, although it would be a lot better without expansion packs. maybe try building something with custom scenery, just download one of the workbenches here from the rctobjects page on the sidebar

  • amblerk%s's Photo

    okay thanks. Yeah I hadnt realised that the expansion packs were an issue, I have the xtreme97 bench and a few other, If i had known from the start then I would have just used them :( gone to far to turn back now though! thanks, yeah you would be surprised about city airports though, London heathrow is one but yes as a rule not common. Its my world though right !? lol just wanted an airport in there really, so built it as far as the screen would allow. Thanks for the advice,

    anyone else who can open it?


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