Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    I've never seen anything but 4 man boats.

  • Version1%s's Photo

    I've only seen 6 man boats.


    Seems to be an Arrow-Mack thing. Arrow builds 4 man boats, Mack 6 man.


    Edit: Ignore all above and forgive my comment. Honestly I've never seen anything but 6-man boats but apparently 4-6 are standard, with both Mack and Arrow building 6 man boats, but as far as I'm aware only Arrow building 4 man boats.

  • Twitch%s's Photo

    Intamin builds 4-man, 6-man, and 8-man boats.

  • Dirk Pitt%s's Photo

    inthemanual, on 29 May 2015 - 01:10 AM, said:

    I've never seen anything but 4 man boats.

    Agreed. The 6-8 man boats are probably 2 person wide boats which isn't the look that the developers are going for here. I think 4 people boats are the most common log flume rides and the standard for the type of log flume that is shown.
  • Christipher%s's Photo

    I've seen 24-25 man boats operating (Jurassic Park in Orlando for an example), where the boat is 5 people wide, and I've also seen 17 man boats (Pirates of the Caribbean)

  • inthemanual%s's Photo

    don't those count as splash boats instead of log flumes?

  • Dirk Pitt%s's Photo

    inthemanual, on 29 May 2015 - 03:53 AM, said:

    don't those count as splash boats instead of log flumes?

    Exactly the point, those are not log flumes, they are splash boats if they can hold that much people. Log flumes are modeled and known for a single row boat, and there is no single log flume boat out there that can hold more than 4 adults.
  • Version1%s's Photo

    Dirk Pitt, on 29 May 2015 - 02:15 AM, said:

    Agreed. The 6-8 man boats are probably 2 person wide boats which isn't the look that the developers are going for here. I think 4 people boats are the most common log flume rides and the standard for the type of log flume that is shown.


    6 man boats are just a bit longer. Again, I wouldn't count out 5-6 long boats, as they are really common in europe.

  • RRP%s's Photo
    Always going to be a bit difficult to please all with the boat size/capacity because there are different companies doing different things. This 4 man boat is just based on whatever the devs have used as reference (probably something local to them).
    Same goes for trough width (although i couldn't find any specs on these on the net)

    little wiki quote


    In the 1960s and early 1970s Arrow had a monopoly on the log flume business, producing over 50 flumes by 1979.[2] In 1976, the French company Reverchon Industries started building flumes and In 1979 Hopkins Rides entered the flume building business.[3] Other manufacturers eventually followed with Intamin building its first log flume in 1986[4] and Mack Rides in 1987.

  • Version1%s's Photo

    It would be cool if you had the choice instead of having to deal with 4 man boats.

  • Sebioff%s's Photo


    This is Sebastian, I'm the programmer for Parkitect. Been following this discussion for a while, but since you asked for it I thought I'd join :)



    My local park used to have 4-man Arrow boats, so I prefer those obviously :)


    Version1, on 29 May 2015 - 11:23 AM, said:

    It would be cool if you had the choice instead of having to deal with 4 man boats.

    True...on the other hand, offering choice always means added complexity which can be dangerous, especially for a small team working on a big project. If we have an option for picking alternate cars for tracked rides anyways though I could imagine having 6-man boats (if we can still squeeze them around the corners - it's pretty tight already as you noticed). We'll see.



    Regarding the notification bar - I think it works a bit differently from the one in RCT3, but it's been a long time since I played that so my memory might be a bit fuzzy. Didn't the RCT3 one always keep a certain size, so notifications would oftentimes be cut off, and you didn't see the newest notifications if it was fully collapsed? I'm not entirely sure anymore, but I think I can recall being annoyed by that.

    If that's true then I'd say ours works more like a mix between the ones in RCT2 and 3: automatically hidden until required to be visible, can be manually expanded to view the notification history.

    Anyways, since there's been some dislike for it - what improvements would you like to see there?

  • Version1%s's Photo

    Sebioff, on 29 May 2015 - 12:26 PM, said:

    True...on the other hand, offering choice always means added complexity which can be dangerous, especially for a small team working on a big project. If we have an option for picking alternate cars for tracked rides anyways though I could imagine having 6-man boats (if we can still squeeze them around the corners - it's pretty tight already as you noticed). We'll see.


    I completely understand and was really unaware of those 4 man boats. I would of course prefer to be able to pick the most efficient version of a ride (as I'm a dirty german capacity fanboy), but if it doesn't work in the aesthetics it's okay.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    I'm pretty sure version1 is just trying to sabotage having any boats in the game at all


    #injokes #sorrysebioff

  • Version1%s's Photo

    Yeah, do all the log flume boats Tripsdrill style, so I don't have to see any more boats!



  • Stoksy%s's Photo

    ^Are they supposed to look like steampunk bathtubs?

  • Version1%s's Photo

    More like funny medieval swabian bathtubs. The story of the ride is that you ride those bathtubs to the fountain of youth.

  • Cocoa%s's Photo

    they should make it so that occasionally you get one with a working showerhead

  • MCI%s's Photo

    ^I wrote them a letter about that, but they thought the idea would not be well received from the audience.

  • Dirk Pitt%s's Photo

    Version1, on 29 May 2015 - 07:52 AM, said:

    6 man boats are just a bit longer. Again, I wouldn't count out 5-6 long boats, as they are really common in europe.

    Did a quick google search on Europe Log Flume, didn't see a picture that showed a log flume with more than 4 adults. Sure, there were some picture of 5 children in 1 log flume, but they were children so naturally they are able to fit more in a standard log flume, but none with more than 4 adults. Hillariously there was one picture of a 2 man log flume, zaragoza26.jpg


    But otherwise, no log flume I saw was able to hold more than 4 adults in Europe either.

  • Version1%s's Photo

    Dirk Pitt, on 29 May 2015 - 1:21 PM, said:

    But otherwise, no log flume I saw was able to hold more than 4 adults in Europe either.


    Maybe just trust the european at this one who actually rode log flume with groups of 5 and who spend the last years reading signs like (6 people in each boat)


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