Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
Louis! Offline
I thought people did, just can't see much screen activity anywhere. It's died down here (which was expected, although a shame cause I really want to get into it), but the reddit is pretty inactive and so is parkitect nexus. It just doesn't seem to have much of a forum following.
Meretrix Offline
As amazing as PC seems to be, I've got to say this game excites me more... Probably because it looks more like RCT... Let's hope it gets more attention once the initial PC hype calms down!
The PC hype won't calm down.......though the game is flawed in its' park management, it is the DREAM platform for those that love a Sandbox creation tool......PT is utter silliness in comparison.
Richie Offline
I have to agree, i've been playing since march and i cant get enough of it, i have to stop myself loading it up or i just get lost in time. I did buy TP but the style of the game just doesnt work for what i want, the textures make it feel like a cartoon. I prefer rct2. Planet coaster litterally is RCT2, with zero clearances built in. It has such a charm to it, the fact it looks so amazing is just a bonus, until you load into the game and play it for yourself you may not be able to understand this. Really anyone thats not sure whether to buy it or no just stop thinking about it. Unless your computer cannot run it properly you will not be dissapointed
trav Offline
I agree with Ritchie about the textures and stuff. That screen that Dave posted looks like a less textured version of any sort of Nordic Rct2 park. The problem with Rct2 is that's is too easy to go into a grid and blocky looking, so a game that does that even more is never gonna compete with something like Planet Coaster.
Roomie Offline
I dont think it has to "Compete". as such. They are completely different games.I find it much easier to pick up Parkitect for 20mins than Planet Coaster. And Parkitect is a lot more modable at the minute. PC is ahead on ride count and types at the moment but Parkitect will pass that easily thanks to community input and the tools available to do that.
The texture style is a matter of preference. I actually prefer it to RCT2 and RCT1 especially the coasters which are immeasurably better.
And last but not least. PC is a resource hog. I can plat it at home but i cant play it while travelling. Very few laptops give PC what it needs where as TP runs on anything. This is a massive massive factor for me as I spend maybe 30% of my life in reach of my home PC.
Louis! Offline
Yeah I wouldn't have said they compete at all, they are totally different games and give different styles of play/aesthetic.
I just can't see any forum activity anywhere and it's annoying cause if I go into it, I want to share and talk about it etc.
G Force Offline
Anyone built/played this game recently? I'm kind of feeling the urge to purchase it finally, would be a nice visual break from RCT.
Louis! Offline
Not recently, I don't think I've even played 30mins. I couldn't get into it properly. Seems like the Parkitect 'trend' has faded somewhat.
mintliqueur Offline
Cool stuff!
Btw, I've always wondered: Is your screenname an acronym for Recommended Retail Price?
][ntamin22 Offline
THe thing that's always caught me out is that RobertoRoboParks and RctRealParks are not the same person
SSSammy Offline
rrp feels like when you're having a conversation in voice chat on discord and you spend ages explaining something and then you say "look at this pic to illustrate my eloquently made point" but then when someone comes the next morning its just a bunch of screens with absolutely no explanation
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