Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
posix Offline
I was being sarcastic about the licence as this looks 1:1 like RCT.
Looked complete shit at first, now it's much better of course. Let's hope. I'm sure RRP can do wonderful things with it.
Dirk Pitt Offline
Im not sure if they are going to be redoing textures at any point. The game currently looks very similar to their very early concept art. However they have stated that it should support custom content (its built in unity). So one day someone might be able to go back and redo the the textures and add new content.
That's too bed because I really strongly dislike the bright green ground texture that isn't even textured at all, it's just one color right now. With custom support content, I would be VERY VERY interested if someone imported all of RCT ground textures and textures for steel and wood, then this game has my attention 100%.
Roomie Offline
This is looking much better with every screen. Some of those features are awesome. The velocity feature is great.
I have an idea which may or may not be easy to implement. (I've just registered so waiting for admin decision before i post it there)
The idea is perhaps most useful for racing/deuling coasters and improving the ease of setting up well timed duels.
It would be useful to have a feature if as you are building a ride you have a slider which shows where the coaster train is after at any given time post dispatch. So you can move the slider to 30 seconds and see where the train would be at that point. Moving the slider back and forwards moves the train back and forwards.
If you had this active on a set of racing/dueling coasters it would make it so much easier to set up near misses as you could see where each train would be after 30 seconds and modify the track accordingly.
That make sense?
I'm pretty much a layman when it comes to Unity and what the engine can do not to mention the coding to do it so It could be impossible. Just a thought.
Cocoa Offline
posix what's with you finally having an avatar for the first time in like 4-5 years
I knew something was up haha
RRP Offline
That's too bed because I really strongly dislike the bright green ground texture that isn't even textured at all, it's just one color right now. With custom support content, I would be VERY VERY interested if someone imported all of RCT ground textures and textures for steel and wood, then this game has my attention 100%.
It could change,just me speculating really.I know theres gonna be ground texture painting at some point. Atleast they were working on different ways to transition between ground textures a couple of months back.
This is looking much better with every screen. Some of those features are awesome. The velocity feature is great.
I have an idea which may or may not be easy to implement. (I've just registered so waiting for admin decision before i post it there)
The idea is perhaps most useful for racing/deuling coasters and improving the ease of setting up well timed duels.
It would be useful to have a feature if as you are building a ride you have a slider which shows where the coaster train is after at any given time post dispatch. So you can move the slider to 30 seconds and see where the train would be at that point. Moving the slider back and forwards moves the train back and forwards.
If you had this active on a set of racing/dueling coasters it would make it so much easier to set up near misses as you could see where each train would be after 30 seconds and modify the track accordingly.
That make sense?
I'm pretty much a layman when it comes to Unity and what the engine can do not to mention the coding to do it so It could be impossible. Just a thought.
Sounds cool,like a timeline/replay feature for a coaster under construction. Where you can skip to a specific time with the ability to lock 2 or more rides on the same timeline.
Theres already ghost trains for rides being built so you never know
A work around would be to allow 2 ghost trains at the same time (seperate rides,currently you can only construct 1 at a time). Pause game,open construction menu on 2 rides,un pause so they before leave the station at the same time.
Roomie Offline
That's Basically the idea I was getting at. A duel construction mode with the ghost trains could work well enough but it would be out of sync after one run unless you could set it to sync automatically,
RRP Offline
That's Basically the idea I was getting at. A duel construction mode with the ghost trains could work well enough but it would be out of sync after one run unless you could set it to sync automatically,
Put you a mockup together,to help get your point across
Roomie Offline
Haha thanks man. That's really well mocked up. did you photoshop that up from pre-existing in game graphics?
I'm still waiting for my approval through.
I'm certainly going to back the kickstarter when I get off this ship if I still can.
RRP Offline
Haha thanks man. That's really well mocked up. did you photoshop that up from pre-existing in game graphics?
I'm still waiting for my approval through.
I'm certainly going to back the kickstarter when I get off this ship if I still can.
Yea just took 2 screens,1 of me editing each ride then photoshopped them together.Cut part of the 'build button' shrunk it into a tab for the 'now playing' bar.
Steam early access is august i think? for those wanting a hands on preview.
Roomie Offline
There appears to be earlier access for the larger amounts which is interesting to me. I'll have a think about it and read some more info before I decide on anything though.
RRP Offline
There appears to be earlier access for the larger amounts which is interesting to me. I'll have a think about it and read some more info before I decide on anything though.
They were just for early backers i think.Not sure if you can still join in as a $100 early backer.Been a few pre alpha builds since the kickstarter went up.
I think currently you can just pre order for $15 or pre order+soundtrack+wallpaper $25
Roomie Offline
on closer inspection I'm not sure I can either. Always late to the party
Just the options on their site.
RRP Offline
Update 44
If youve checked our website this week you might have noticed that we updated it with a bunch of new screenshots (all taken ingame by the way and without any retouching). Go check them out!
Sam Gibson, one of our testers, built this nice little park you see on the screenshots. Hes not only great at building good looking parks, but also helped us a ton with finding and reproducing bugs - thanks, Sam!
This is the first time weve seen a park of this size ourselves - it was really amazing for us to see all the new stuff thats been accumulating since the last time weve taken proper screenshots (~August 2014?) in one single picture. Having a proper park will also help tremendously with performance testing and optimizing. The second pre-pre-alpha build has been released early this week, which means we can finally add new stuff to the game again without having to be afraid of breaking anything. Quite a liberating feeling, to be honest
The Gravitron from the last art livestream is in the game now. As you can see its also finally possible to change the custom colors of flat rides. Also did some more UI work, so its possible to set park and ride entrance fees now. We added a Pretzel stall:
And a Wild Mouse coaster
And we did some initial work on a proper savegame picker: -
Stoksy Offline
Good to see you making a name for yourself in the Parkitect community already
From LL to RCT2 to Parkitect...
The more I see of this game the more I'm interested. The problem is that having played RCT2 for so long and becoming so acquainted with the UI I'm not sure if I'll be able to transition into Parkitect as smoothly.
RRP Offline
Same as hereHey RRP what's your username over there. Need to give credit where it's due
It didnt take me to long to adjust,i think the UI is pretty similar to RCT,except theres a text search bar aswell.
Once a fan of this type a game always a fan i guess -
Louis! Offline
I've been a fan of the game and following it from the beginning, but seeing it now is just so lovely, much better than I thought it would be.
I have no issues whatsoever implementing this game into NE if it becomes as popular as it should, it just reminds me of LL, just pure charm.
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