Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
RRP Offline
- How much are you limited in how you can shape track (is it tied to the type of coaster you're building)?
Limited with the default game on drop steepness,height,inversions. There is a easy to install and use mod however,which will let you shape any track anyway you want. Just like no limits.
- Any chance for trainer integration and the likes in the future, to perform advanced hacks such as track switches (Expedition Everest style) or making track invisible (for seamless integration of water rides into actual bodies of water)?
There is full mod support already,so no need for trainers. You can write a mod, have it use the ingame ui and have it accessible from within the game.No need for external applications. However there is no support for shuttle coasters yet. Invisible track mod in the future aswell maybe?
- Are waterfalls planned?
Unsure officially,cant see why there wont be a mod for them in the future though.
- How big are the park sizes?
Pretty big 100x100 maybe, there will be larger ones later in the year after a unity performance update.
- Are RMCs planned?
Unsure officially,but you can build one now almost using the kiddy coaster track and hand building the wooden supports.
- Custom supports: Will we see something more elaborate like the B&M CSO sets we have in RCT, or the ability to make custom wooden supports.
There are custom slanted wooden and official box supports already (Like the RCT2 ones), there is also a pretty big selection of wooden beams and poles that are vertical and angled. So you can already build a completely custom woody. You also have a lot more freedom with object placement than RCT2
- Are there any object limits?
5dave Offline
1.) Each coaster is limited to some extent (you cannot bank mouse coasters like other coasters, you cannot build kiddie coasters as high as other coasters,...) but I think there are workarounds, or hacks (IMO Roomie played around with those limits)
2.) See 1.) as I don't know how much is possible so far, haven't played around yet, but the savegames are textfiles which you can edit as far as I know.
3.) I think the creators said they'll think about it, but it's no priority and a fan did a workaround already
4.) Right now they're 100x100 tiles, they don't have any UI to change it yet (scenario editor or something), but there's no limit, only lag-limit
5.) Not yet, but there's a large modding community, so even if it isn't there officially, someone will do a design sooner or later. And someone hacked it already via savegame-editing.
6.) Wooden support objects have already been made, but I'm not sure about B&Ms. They might pop up as well. But people seem to be okay with the current automatic system - sometimes the coaster supports are placed very sparsely though.
7.) Nope. But the more detail, the more lag of course. But I haven't experienced anything (besides in POV).
-whoops, RRP beat me to it!
F0ndue Offline
I had a look at the track shaping mod. The whole node system reminds me a lot of NoLimits, but can you manipulate the banking of the track as well (I imagine this would be very useful for building RMCs)?
RRP Offline
I had a look at the track shaping mod. The whole node system reminds me a lot of NoLimits, but can you manipulate the banking of the track as well (I imagine this would be very useful for building RMCs)?
Banking is completely free on a lot of the coasters (with inversions), full 360 degrees. Its also very easy to switch the coaster model style between each after the layout has been built (its literally one word in the save game).
So you can build your RMC as a steel coaster layout (free banking) then switch it to the kiddy coaster in seconds. Same with the coaster trains,they arent track specific other than via in game options. If you edit the save they will run on any track.
F0ndue Offline
Banking is completely free on a lot of the coasters (with inversions), full 360 degrees. Its also very easy to switch the coaster model style between each after the layout has been built (its literally one word in the save game).
So you can build your RMC as a steel coaster layout (free banking) then switch it to the kiddy coaster in seconds. Same with the coaster trains,they arent track specific other than via in game options. If you edit the save they will run on any track.
That sounds really good. Is the banking heartline based or do you have to shape it with the nodes? I'd be surprised if the developers bothered to implement more than one mode of track shaping, but it would be nice if we could get that famed Arrow comfort by simply selecting a certain mode.
RRP Offline
The is no heart lining option at the moment. You'll have to do that by hand and eye using the track edit mod for now.
You can build your layout in NL2 and export it,then load it in parkitect theoretically. I don't think anyone has managed it yet completely. Roomie had a go but didnt get the banking to import properly i think.
muuuh Offline
- Are RMCs planned?
here is a custom RMC I made for my park:
I built this coaster by using the vertical drop coaster originally which led me do the inversions and also used the Trackedit mod to be able to shape and build tracks pretty much in any direction you want to.
The Trackedit mod is heavily inspired by the coaster editor in RCTW.
After that I simply changed the tracktype to Kiddy Coaster via savegame editing (it' s really simple since it's just a .txt file).
The custom supports I made for it have a lot of room for improvements and aren't optimal. You can do a much better job with the existing objects in the game to make them look more realistic.
Also there is already a waterfall object in the game, which isn't perfect though.
In my opinion the only big downside of Parkitect at the moment decorating-wise are the lack of nice plants and trees. Pretty much all of them, that are in the game by default, look way too cartoony for me. The palms you can see in the screen above are from a mod and the only good plants yet in my optinion. -
F0ndue Offline
Thanks for all the replies. Yeah, Muuuh, I saw your post. had been following Parkitect for some time, but your other topic really made me want to own this game. Never got quite the hang of NL2s editor, but RCT2 feels too restrictive a lot of times, especially when it comes to layout designs (on the other hand RCT2 layouts just seem to have a nicer flow than these ones, I suspect that's because of the perspective), Parkitect seems to fill the void inbetween those two. Is it very hard to pull of decent shaping with the mod?
RRP Offline
Hand shaping is pretty easy, when you dont go to off grid. Also worth noting that when you edit the default shaping the preset elements still behave as expected. E.g you go onto a 12 degree turning angle, vertical loop just follows that orientation.
CedarPoint6 Offline
Did the most recent alpha update break anyone else's game? I click a park to load it and it freezes up after a few seconds of the people walking along the bottom of the screen.
I'll post some closer shots of those walls as I do think they look a little better up close. I may release this just as this coaster and area, however. I'm getting a ton of lag with all the little pieces.
Also, didn't get to comment on Dave's screen. Very nice work. You've done a really nice job conveying a theme with a rather simple amount of pieces, which is great. The loop around the station exit is a nice touch on the layout. My biggest comment isn't really on you, but moreso the game itself-- we need a lot better foliage. Not just trees, but shrubs too. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your park continue.
CedarPoint6 Offline
I did... but didn't change anything. It just took ages to load the maps that came with the download. Like 5 minutes+. Hadn't had that issue before. I lowered some settings though my computer should be able to take it. It hasn't helped much.
I did get some closer shots though:
The red roof and the adjacent brown walls are both custom. Probably killing my framerate, but I like the roof a lot. The walls are more of a pain than anything, but I've come this far... I may replace them with the pirate wood later since I guess it's rather similar. Let me know what you all think.
muuuh Offline
I like the roofs a lot, but you should consider replacing the pirate walls with something else.
maybe Shyguys new building set 3 could fit here.
http://www.shyguyswo...ic,18633.0.html -
RRP Offline
It does look nice but that certainly is OTT attention to detail. The window bracing is great btw. The frame rate killing is probably due to each of those 1000's of planks rendering with its own shaders and shadows. Rather than 1 set per block object.
I wonder,is there a way of making blue prints behave as a single object @seb?
Failing that,the more efficient way would be to model you're own roof like that, if you made it very low poly and used a texture for the material it would probably improve performance a lot.
F0ndue Offline
I got my hands on this game, and I really like it. My only gripes:
- The perspective. Maybe it is because I am too used to RCT (and maybe my senses) failed me, but this isometric-ish view makes some angles look awkward. A true isometric view mode would be great
- The coaster builder per se is fantastic, but what bothers me a lot is the fact that once you've determined the steepness of a slope the only way you can alter the track is by making it flat again (or adding a curve). This is the only major flaw in comparison to RCT2s coaster builder that I can think of. Also, steeper slopes on wooden coastrs wouldn't hurt IMO.
Sebioff Offline
Snapping the camera to 45° angles has been added in Alpha 2
Transitioning to different slope steepness is planned. Did some work on it but not quite ready yet.
F0ndue Offline
Snapping the camera to 45° angles has been added in Alpha 2
Transitioning to different slope steepness is planned. Did some work on it but not quite ready yet.
Oh, I totally missed that. Really guys, you got something great going on there.
Oh, BTW, if nobody has said it yet, it would be nice to build backwards (after the station), but I'm sure somebody has already suggested it. And sometimes the game does not allow me to place track at places where previously there had been other track dispite me deleting it.
muuuh Offline
Maximalgedanke posted some new screenshots of his work on Parkitectnexus:]
for more screenshots:
https://parkitectnex...eme-park?page=1 -
bigshootergill Offline
Yeah, some of the latest screenshots posted here have been pretty cool. With some effort put into adding textures to the walls, it will take this game to another level. The brick on this latest picks look pretty good, maybe a little too perfect.
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