Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
spacek531 Offline
The color space and terrain and path textures make me think I'm looking at an RCT3 screen.
RRP Offline
The color space and terrain and path textures make me think I'm looking at an RCT3 screen.
Its just highlighting the scenery objects,maybe these are better screen?
Also remember you can change the lighting pallet in parkitect so its not as vibrant, should you wish to.
muuuh Offline
found some time to work on my park again. it' s really starting to get really laggy (even on lowest settings) but I hope I' ll be able to finish it. It' s just one RMC left to be decorated.
anyways here is a screen of my Giga in the Maya area:
][ntamin22 Offline
The track looks kinda weird, kind of too fat? I'd love to see more of that station, the surroundings look awesome.
muuuh Offline
The track looks kinda weird, kind of too fat? I'd love to see more of that station, the surroundings look awesome.
that coaster type is the newest addition to the game and I really like it.
the track modell is made of off Intimidator 305
muuuh Offline
thanks for mentioning my park but I already made an entire thread about it here yesterday
nevertheless thank you for the kind words -
RRP Offline
thanks for mentioning my park but I already made an entire thread about it here yesterday
nevertheless thank you for the kind wordsMy apologies,i don't often venture outside of this thread.
Cocoa Offline
wow thats fantastic work. shame the textures look a bit... glumpy. that game definitely needs some rough textures and not just flat colors
RRP Offline
I like the block colour textures, its stylized and vibrant. But i also like block colour illustrations so maybe thats why.
Love the 3rd screen,great attention to detail,auto supports look nice on the turnaround after the flatspin
CedarPoint6 Offline
Unfinished work in progress. I'm sure most will see the pretty heavy inspiration. I'm getting a lot of lag right now with all the rock and the custom steep roofs and those few textured wood walls up high which are a few hundred pieces each. A lot of things to add and change, but I'm generally happy with it.
5dave Offline
Those textured walls don't seem to fit the game that well IMO or is does it look like this because of the zoom level?
The rest looks superb!
RRP Offline
Im excited just to see 2 of my all time favorites building in parkitect. I agree with dave about the wall texture though,hows it look close up.
muuuh Offline
great work 5dave and Cedarpoint6! I can't wait wait to see more Parkitect related stuff from youIm so glad that more and more people on NE give Parkitect, which is already a fantastic game for Alpha, a fair chance and try it out.
And $20 is such a fair price as well -
F0ndue Offline
I'm more and more intirgued by this game. I'll probably pick it up this summer. What I'd like to know:
- How much are you limited in how you can shape track (is it tied to the type of coaster you're building)?
- Any chance for trainer integration and the likes in the future, to perform advanced hacks such as track switches (Expedition Everest style) or making track invisible (for seamless integration of water rides into actual bodies of water)?
- Are waterfalls planned?
- How big are the park sizes?
- Are RMCs planned?
- Custom supports: Will we see something more elaborate like the B&M CSO sets we have in RCT, or the ability to make custom wooden supports.
- Are there any object limits?
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