Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
Roomie Offline
Is this game ever to come in regular alpha, let alone beta and/or final game?
Haha patience SF
bear in mind this is being built by a tiny team of what 3 people? maybe even 2 compared to the much bigger teams behind PC and RCTW.
RRP Offline
Pre-Alpha 9 Changelog
- added Tourbillon
- added general purpose blueprints (can contain about anything now)
- added cobblestone and gravel path styles
- added changing fence style of flat rides
- added Tilt Shift option to graphics settings menu (disabled by default)
- added options for hiding paths, attractions
- added renaming people
- added new settings screen (+ changing resolution, rebinding keys)
- added a few missing scenery structure pieces
- guests without a map can also head for specific locations like shops and rides etc. now, but less frequently
- did a tracked ride excitement rating balance pass
- made it possible to raise fences
- changed rocks to be recolorable
- improved raised object building
- improved save/load dialog performance
- improved people performance
- overall performance improvements
- increased guest spawn rate
- improved error handling when encountering problems with loading modded objects
- fixed people sometimes getting stuck
- fixed ride entrance/exit sometimes rotating towards a path it couldn’t connect with
- fixed a case where deleting a bobsled coaster station would crash the game
- fixed a case where guests would never leave a coaster
- fixed round settings of some flat rides getting reset
- fixed zoning tools and other mouse tools deleting objects when right-clicking
- fixes issues on Linux with Nvidia GPUs -
G Force Offline
Love'd the trailer, was kind of hilarious. Game keeps looking better and better, big props to the devs for working so hard.
RRP Offline
Most of this posted already (change log,trailer,pre alpha 9 released) so heres the rest of last weeks dev log.
Devlog 91
We finished the UI for creating and building blueprints:
Building raised objects has been improved to be faster and easier:
And we spent some time on performance improvements. Especially guest performance is much better now, so we increased their spawn rate too -
RRP Offline
Re-posting this from shyguysworld
Turns out Parkitect's a flexible little game. Even though it's pretty easy to import your own scenery, I decided to only use the base game scenery, the Asia pack, and Shyguy's Building & Dining sets for this. I'm fairly happy with the result:
Medieval siege weaponry, made without a dedicated set. I'm thinking of doing a ballista or battering ram next, and once I've had my fill of creating siege engines, I'll upload them to the Nexus.
Interested to see if anyone takes this further. Sharable custom flatride (static) templates -
RRP Offline
Devlog Update 92
It’s been a pretty crazy week
We released a new trailer and announced the Steam Early Access launch date (scroll a bit further down if you missed it!). Reactions to that have been really positive, and woah did we get a lot of reactions! We’ve been really busy answering questions about the game all over the internet. Add to that the release of Pre-Alpha 9 and all the feedback for that and you can imagine there’s been a lot going on.
The remaining time this week was spent on getting the Giga Coaster into the game that you might have seen Garret model during one of our previous monthly Art Livestreams:
It can go higher and steeper than any other coaster in the game currently (although we’ll probably enable the steeper slopes for some of the other coasters too).
The coaster support code had to be a bit updated for it to allow these square supports and the angled ones that are slightly offset from the top, and after a certain height it turns off the angled side supports entirely. Some of the older coasters should benefit from these changes too.
While I was already working on supports anyways, ground-level tracks finally spawn supports if you terraform below them as you’d expect: -
RRP Offline
I assume so, Im hoping for a flexi-track system (like no limits) so you can switch between duo/tri/box rail intamin track. But its one for seb to answer...Interesting they went with this style. Will they do the typical box track too?
Mattk48 Offline
This is a pretty cool video. Hes not a roller coaster expert by any means but its cool to see the games side by side like this.
Sulakke Offline
from that video Planet Coaster looks amazing!!! I need that asap
I agree. PC looks beautiful and it seems you have a lot of freedom when building with objects.
muuuh Offline
haven't posted here in a while so I decided to just show you some of my work in progress
muuuh Offline
@rrp: damnit this would have saved me a lot of time.. I keep forgetting blueprints are already in the game
RRP Offline
@rrp: damnit this would have saved me a lot of time.. I keep forgetting blueprints are already in the game
Its a great feature.Not played a lot recently, but been having a play making some blue print custom Schwarzkopf support structures this evening.
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