Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
Roomie Offline
New ride in the new Pre Alpha 7 release which is out now.
Mattk48 Offline
That looks gorgeous. Ive never been a fan of how the woody track looks in rct. This looks closer to the real thing IMO
RRP Offline
is there a themed version of this wooden coaster available for download as well?
Park file here https://parkitectnex...dbed663/super-8
RRP Offline
Devlog Update 82 + Pre-Alpha 7
Hey! It’s been a short month for us due to Pre-Alpha 6 being a week late, but here’s Pre-Alpha 7 anyways!
As usual, grab it from the download link that you received back when you purchased the game. Use the key resender if you lost your download link.
The full change log is at the end of this post.Devlog
Garret created a new Star Shape ride during the last art stream (which you can still watch here), and here it is done and in the game:
I’m really happy with how the animation turned out, especially with these physics-driven seat beams. I was also more careful with taking measurements for rotation speeds etc. from footage of real versions of this ride instead of eyeballing it (although my estimates weren’t too far off). I should go back and do the same for some older rides.Pre-Alpha 7 Changelog:
- added Star Shape ride
- added deco builder categories
- added Ambient Occlusion (can be disabled in graphics settings)
- added some new deco objects, stone bench, new dirt path platforms
- added visualizations for the remaining person stat values
- added some more people outfits, hairstyles & hair color variation
- reduced people walking in circles on wide paths
- improved builder window loading times
- overall performance improvements
- fixed workmen dropping crates when loading savegame
- Linux: fixed decimal number input fields not working properly with a non-english locale
- Windows 10: fixed empty coaster/transport ride tabs when installing the game to C:/Program Files -
Roomie Offline
Some great new additions out this week.
Custom Billboards
Plenty of fun themeing options with these.
Also this may be the funniest bug I've seen in a while.
RRP Offline
Another new versionVersion 7a:
- fixed issues with all swinging tracked rides
- fixed white artifacts on water lilies
- fixed Star Shape sometimes loading in wrong orientation and made it stop a bit faster
- fixed resize slider of resizable objects closing immediately
- fixed menu bar weather icon being a month behind
- should fix edge scrolling not working properly on some systems -
RRP Offline
WIP mod tool for making custom flat rides,made by H-POPS -
Louis! Offline
Just bought the game and had a play around.
Can't get used to the controls lol especially when building a coaster, it feels like there is so many things that are fantastic, but then still limitations that are annoying.
Roomie Offline
How so Louis? The coaster editor certainly needs to add a number of pieces which are missing. But what in particular can't you get used to?
Louis! Offline
I feel like the iso is too high and steep an angle. But the free camera essentially makes the game exactly like RCT3, and causes lag when looking at parks with a lot of stuff in them.
The coaster editor has some amazing features and ways to build things, but there's still bits that feel so restricted, like diagonal turns being so tight a radius, not being able to turn up and down on the diagonal.
There is so much right with the game when it comes to the coaster editor, and it could be incredible, but at the minute, I feel like its still limited, with complexity, whereas if it was totally free, the complexity would be more understandable.
The landscaping tool is really slow too. And the UI is a bit messy too.
Its all just little things like that at the minute, there isn't anything major wrong with it, its just me being picky lol just I don't know, its not as easy as I thought it would be to pick up.
Louis! Offline
Just played around again making an invert. It's really quite fluid to make flowing layouts, although I don't think its as impressive as a flowing layout in RCT. But the diagonals are lush, and so is the ability to tweak banking and make decent looking immelmanns and dive loops.
RRP Offline
You should look at adjusting the track pieces in the save Louis. I found this site useful for drawing up bezier curves and then putting them in game https://www.desmos.c...ator/pim7hewjz9
Some documentation on how to edit here
P.s once you get off grid a little,the in game editor will let you build sloped turns starting on the diagonal. The difficult bit is connecting the ride back up since the points are movable by 0.01 units.
RRP Offline
H-POPS' sledge hammer is released children added to the peep mix -
RRP Offline
Mod that allows you to adjust the bezier curves in game,rather than save game editing
P.s make sure you have a backup save first
Roomie Offline
That last link seems to have gone RRP doesn't seem to work right now and the page has gone from PN -
RRP Offline
That last link seems to have gone RRP doesn't seem to work right now and the page has gone from PN
Yea its removed for now,broken for some rides apparently.Michel (the mods dev) is in the discord chat at the min though if you want him to send you a copy.
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