Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
muuuh Offline
ok editing coasters outside of the game seems to be waaaaay too complicated for me, I think I just wait for further updates of the actual game or some tutorials or mods that make things like this feasible for complete coding noobs like me xD -
RRP Offline
Agreed its no easy task. Still not 100% sure how the middle value of each 'part' of the CubicBezier works
1.858577718],"p3":[2.,1.000002,-2.]}]I thought it was the angle of rotation along each section as a in game unit. But apparently not,as this lift uses a total angle of 2 from flat to up,but then 3.000006 from angle, back to flat, with identical up/down piece length.
Sebioff Offline
These are the positions of the anchor points of the bezier curve. The format is [x,y,z]. So it's the y-coordinate which is along the up-axis in the game.
muuuh Offline
tried out the new custom scenery objects
has anyone found a way to smoothly connect the actual path with the custom scenery paths yet?
like between those lanterns there is a small gap between path and custom path which is really annoying.
RRP Offline
hmm,make the curb thicker by including at least a full quarter tile piece in the width? Or build all the path with path covers. Nice theming though,i like the skulls as deco trim.
Custom flatride in game
muuuh Offline
I went for your second second advice and it looks ok-ish I guess, still not perfect though.
The flat ride looks really cool and I like how the modding scene in this game already gets bigger and bigger.
I mentioned this on reddit before but it would be really useful if the devs add an option to all rides having alternative station/entry/exit and especially for flat rides alternative floor/roof designs such as invisible ones to be able to build your own ones with custom scenery. -
RRP Offline
Well the floor is already changeable,its based on whatever path is connected to the exit. So in theory,when someone makes a invisible path = invisible base for rides. I agree with you about a very simple almost invisible entrance/exit booth though. But at least they are much easier to hide than the old RCT ones currently.
I've found a little bug/cheat where you can move the entrance/exit away from the station of coasters. I wonder if its possible to do the same with flat rides.
Done by changing a 3 tile wide station with entrance/exit track type to 1 with a single tile wide station. The entrance/exit stays in its original position. Wonder if its possible to build a flat ride with a big foot print,then change it to the smaller one of choice via save game editing.
Not tried but i assume the huts have their own id in the save,so could probably change positioning with that aswell.
muuuh Offline
yeah I totally forgot about the auto-changing paths thing for flatrides.
Have you found a proper way to remove ride supports yet? Only way I figured out is placing paths underneath them like I did on the screen but after reopening the park all supports are visible again.
RRP Offline
The vase object removes supports if you place it directly on the footer,and its very small so can easily be hidden under a bush or something.
Ive still not worked out how the supports are generated and if its even possible to manually edit them (hope so).
Ive found the colourable box pillar works pretty nice for making custom vertical supports and track connectors though. The little pole included in the recent path essentials mod will probably be useful aswell.
RRP Offline
playing with catwalksFull thread of progress on this build here:
muuuh Offline
wow looks great. I`m assuming you edited the woody and the objects via save-game-manipulation didn`t you?
I wished I knew how to do things like that.
And I do really agree with you on your post on parkitectnexus. Except for maybe the first 2 years of my rct2 career I have never had as much fun playing rct2 as I have with playing parkitect right now and it kinda reminds of the old days when there wasn`t custom scenery out for anything and you actually had to figure out a way to built it with the limited amount of objects that were given to you. -
Roomie Offline
And I do really agree with you on your post on parkitectnexus. Except for maybe the first 2 years of my rct2 career I have never had as much fun playing rct2 as I have with playing parkitect right now and it kinda reminds of the old days when there wasn`t custom scenery out for anything and you actually had to figure out a way to built it with the limited amount of objects that were given to you.Like LL then
pretty much why i always preferred it over 2
I do like the new inverts they are great fun to build
muuuh Offline
well I never actually played LLLike LL then
pretty much why i always preferred it over 2
Love that inverted coaster layout, it looks really smooth.Did you do the barell roll part with 2 segments (both 180 degrees)? Because I do it like this but yours look way better than mine. -
RRP Offline
@muuuh: you're right, theres 3 layers of track with .1 height difference between each and the scenery has had its heights adjusted off default clearance. Its easy to do,just a little time consuming. I wonder how difficult it would be to make a trainer to tweak the heights in game (if its even possible). Or if seb can add a way to adjust heights like you can do now with object placement on tiles (shift + 1-9 maybe?)
Looks good roomie.
RRP Offline
Parkitect Nexus now has a chat room for parkitect https://discordapp.c...gMCUgmbMdy7pK2j
RRP Offline
Luuk has kindly packed my colour correction palette into its own mod,for easy downloading. Can get it here
and the 4 hour stream from twitch is now on youtube,should you wish to watch 4 hours of small progress
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