Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
RRP Offline
Update 73 + Pre-Alpha 5
Pre-Alpha 5 is now available for download! Simply grab it from the download link that you received back when you purchased the game.
This is also our first Linux release! Note that officially we’re only supporting Ubuntu 12.04+, as that is what our engine supports.
The full change log is at the end of this post.
We had another fun art stream and Garret worked on some mixed stuff this time, including these nice Mine Carts that are alternate cars for the Wild Mouse coaster:
We had scenery objects that can be build off-grid or alternatively snapped to a grid while holding the Alt key for a while. To make it a bit more clear what’s going on the grid overlay rescales now while snapping is active:
And you can change the grid resolution now, for example hitting Alt + 1 snaps to the center of a tile, Alt + 2 subdivides each tile into 2x2 cells, Alt + 4 subdivides into 4x4 cells and so on:
And finally you can toggle between snapping an object to the center or the corners of the grid cells by hitting the key combination for the currently active grid resolution again, e.g. this is what happens when using Alt + 1 repeatedly:
The problem with key combinations is that they aren’t immediately obvious…you have to learn them somehow, you rarely just accidentally find them by yourself.
I’m still thinking about how the game can teach this to new players without a big “Hey did you know you can do this cool thing?” notice. Resizing the grid is mostly useful for the more “advanced” users who want to build a lot so it might not be too bad if it’s just casually mentioned somewhere deep in the control settings menu, but we’ll see… -
Steve Offline
Niiiiiiiice. Sebioff, if you're reading this, when will Mac OSX be supported to handle the mods?
Steve Offline
Also had a go with some of the new scenery pieces since I can't get the custom mods up. Really digging what this thing is capable of so far. Great selection already for this scenery set. Would REALLY be useful if the fences were stackable as well! Actually, it would be useful if all/most of the scenery were.
Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 10.38.50 PM.png (1MB)
downloads: 62Nothing too elaborate, just feeling it out. The pillars are cool and love how everything has no clearances built in already.
Sebioff Offline
Niiiiiiiice. Sebioff, if you're reading this, when will Mac OSX be supported to handle the mods?
It technically is supported with Pre-Alpha 5, but to install them from ParkitectNexus you need their client, and that doesn't run on Mac yet. I'm sure they'll have that working soon though
MCI Offline
Not a huge fan off the 2 seater trains, the front car is to bulky imo.
The 6 seater is perfect though.
Is there any chance you´ll remove the clearences on the vanilla objects and make them stackable?
Sebioff Offline
Yeah. We decided this month that we won't put clearances on structure objects like walls because you can simply get way more creative and build nicer things without.
Still thinking about how to reduce them on other objects in a way that makes sense, e.g. the game should probably not allow you to build intersecting trees as I don't think you'd ever want to do that, but putting them into a flower box should be fine. Intersecting rocks should be allowed, but not intersecting them with trees, etc...and most things should probably not intersect with paths and tracks, but the more clearances we put in the more annoying they can get :/
Six Frags Offline
I can actually see no valid reason for there to be clearances at all though. I can see trees build into each other for a dense forest look, rocks could be cool underneath trees in a more rocky setting and almost everything could be nice to have on paths, like overgrowing foliage or buildings partially build on paths.. I'm not sure what the advantage could be to put clearances on objects. Only the coaster/path makes sense I guess..
Whitehawk Offline
I imagine it's not this easy, but perhaps you could create a toggle for clearances? Either as an ingame tool, or as a choice when you begin a park--ie, an Expert mode, of sorts. Allows you a clear delineation between hardcore builders and casual players. Of the two, the ingame tool/option may be the better idea--I can already imagine a scenario in which someone wanted to toggle them off, but couldn't because of their initial choice. Again, however, I doubt it's that simple.
RRP Offline
Could you keep the big tree clearance seb but allow them to intersect all shrubs and small trees? Ideal for lush forests.
1 thing ive noticed is that even with the clearances enabled on coasters,you can still get head choppers that are too low. You can spot them when using 'ride cam mod'.
Could a 'ride construction view' be with clearances visible?
like the wire-frame you showed as a demo in the dev log about 6 months ago.
Mattk48 Offline
The wire frame is an awesome idea. That would be really cool.
I agree with with six frags. If people want trees/rocks/paths intersecting than they should be able to do that. More freedom is always better I think
In:Cities Offline
I just love the fact that options for clearances are being discussed. As someone who focuses primarily on scenery and architecture, this is exciting.
So grateful for this dialogue! -
RCTER2 Offline
Arquitecture and rolloercoaster of the game looks good. But the trees and grass, lol...
I read on their website that this game will be on steam, it will be great with steam workshop.
I hope they can make it more colorful, add light and shadow, and improve trees...
X7123M3-256 Offline
New woody trains
I can't work out what those top trains are supposed to be - they look like the single row PTC trains, but they have a zero car and they're trailered. Anyone know what it is, or is it just a made-up train type for the game?
CedarPoint6 Offline
I'd have to agree with SF regarding clearances. I think you can get away with no clearances at all except for ride. Perhaps you could avoid that by having a ride envelope indicator that shows where the ride envelope is and highlights any scenery in the way in red or something. Perhaps that's too much of a headache, but would let you keep clearances off on. Really love that snap feature though.
A few other things that I'd really like to see:
- Scenery tabs for organization-- there's just too many in the main tab now for easy building.
- ctrl key or same idea as RCT to lock scenery at a certain height for large building projects
- roof scenery pieces that actually line up from tile to tile for a larger roof (this is for scenery builders and not so much the game design-- but it would make those pieces 100% more versatile.
- Lower slope pathways and ride station options. Would *love* to have a half tile height option for everything really.
I like the new train options though I'd love to see the 2 seat modeled more closely to the Millennium Flyer trains since it looks like that was the goal more or less. I've got plenty of other coaster suggestions but I'm sure those are on the way!
Awesome work so far. This game is a blast.
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