Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
bigshootergill Offline
As this game progresses, it would be great to see more textures used for the scenery and more realistic looking foliage, it's too cartoony right now. But some of the features of this are pretty cool. Too bad you couldn't merge rct2 with parkitect!... if Atari just put all that time, effort and money into this style of game for RCTW....
RRP Offline
Come back to RCT2, RRP. You're too good!
Can't wait for Roomie's Bobsled experiments.More importantly why aren't you playing parkitect liam
@bigshootergill: like josh said a bit earlier in the thread. Its a bit like LL at the minute,have to find creative uses of limited objects. Id love to see more bushes aswell but the for now the topiary bushes work quite well.
Steve Offline
How are the clearances on this game? Like can you just build things onto paths no problem, or do you need to do some kind of zero clearance like with RCT?
G Force Offline
How are the clearances on this game? Like can you just build things onto paths no problem, or do you need to do some kind of zero clearance like with RCT?
I'm pretty sure the custom object sets all have 0 clearances, I can't speak for experience, just the Lets Play Video posted on the last page. -
RRP Offline
Yea, custom objects so far have zero clearance. And a couple of official objects (grass/bullrushes) are the same
RRP Offline
More custom scenery
Cant see myself using this one as much (too specialized) as kenney's. Palms and shrubs will be useful though
Roomie Offline
Latest stream showed off new articulated trains for the wooden coaster and mine carts for the wild mouse
Still majorly impressed this game is being developed by essentially 3 guys.
RRP Offline
Id say 2, as one is only the sound guy i believe?Latest stream showed off new articulated trains for the wooden coaster and mine carts for the wild mouse
Still majorly impressed this game is being developed by essentially 3 guys.
Roomie Offline
Id say 2, as one is only the sound guy i believe?
I was counting the sound guy as one
You need sounds
G Force Offline
Those peeps remind me of the Knex Ferris Wheel peeps with the huge heads and colors. New stuff looks cool though, definitely some interesting stuff being made.
Steve Offline
Finally got around to purchasing this, and it's wonderful. Definitely got it's share of hiccups and bugs being an early release but overall, the potential is kind of overwhelming. Coaster editor has some faults but regardless, it's still fantastic. The fact that you can create such swooping turns and smooth hills can make even the most boring ride look beautiful. I'm under the impression they will fine tune some things, but otherwise this is the kind of thing we've longed for in RCT. It's not quite as complicated as No Limits but not so restrictive like RCT. Great stuff.
I haven't gotten a chance to try the mods yet since I am using my Mac for this. I understand the next pre-alpha will have mod support for Mac so looks like I'll just have to wait a bit. Some of the things people are building are great, though.
Been playing around with the coaster editor in the meantime and built this thing. Really is a lot of fun.
Screen Shot 2015-11-29 at 11.36.12 AM.png (1.27MB)
downloads: 51 -
In:Cities Offline
Pshh Steve is too cool to use scenery mods like the rest of us. #hipsterlife
ParkitectAsian5.jpg (135.63KB)
downloads: 87 -
Mattk48 Offline
How does the support system work. Do you get to place supports where you want, or does the game create them automatically sorta like rct2
Steve Offline
Haha Josh believe me I wish I could use them! That screen is great though. I'd move the large stone wall back one unit to have a row of foliage to buffer where the wall meets the path.
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