Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
Roomie Offline
So why was this post moved? yet you've left the Planet Coaster and TPS threads are still over there? If you're going to make silly nonsensical decisions at least be consistent
How about a Non RCT games forum if you really dont think this belongs in the RCT discussion forum. It belongs less in here.
Anyway spent a little time on the NL conversion last night and sorted out the too many nodes issue.
Now have a smoother track with only 200 track pieces rather than 1500. And the starting angles of the track has been applied so it looks smoother
Next up is sorting out the banking angles
Sebioff's explanation of the Binormal values is right over my head at this time of the morning though
startBinormal is a unit vector (in the coasters local space) used for determining the normal of the track at the beginning of the segment that is orthogonal to the tangent and normal of the segment: Track vectors, Vertical example
The tangent can be derived from the bezier curves, getting the normal requires the binormal.
The actual banking is done with deltaRotation, which is how many degrees the normal should rotate around the tangent vector over the length of the segment.
X7123M3-256 Offline
Is there any chance you could send me the spline data you're using for this? It'd be useful as input to test my track model generator, and I had another idea for something I might be able to do with it as well.
Roomie Offline
Should be attached to this post.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how these banking angles work so I've given up for now.
Roomie Test (56.23KB)
downloads: 1 -
X7123M3-256 Offline
I'm looking forward to seeing how the banking angles work myself because when I was writing a coaster simulator a while ago, I had real trouble choosing a suitable representation. The natural one (0 degrees = upright) has a singularity when the track is vertical, which makes loops virtually impossible to represent well. It turns out that any attempt to define a zero point using the tangent vector alone will inevitably have a discontinuity somewhere. NL1 had an option called "relative roll" to deal with this issue and to this day I don't have any idea how it actually works.
The other obvious choice, the Frenet frame, has a discontinuity when the curvature is zero, which among other things means it won't work for a camelback hill (at least if said hill lies in a plane). I'm interested in the way this is handled here, because before I just gave up and required the user to specify the normal vector directly. Currently, exactly the same system is in use for my RCT2 track renderer, although it's not such an issue there as the set of track pieces are fixed, and once I have functions for all of them they'll be no need to define new ones. I'd still much prefer a representation free of discontinuities, if only because the need to calculate the normals manually is a tedious task, whereas the banking is usually relatively simple to specify.
Might prove tricky to work this stuff out given that I've never actually used NL2, but I suspect I'm looking at some kind of spline, and it's probably either NURBS or Bezier, so I'll go from there.
I have an idea on how to greatly simplify my track sprite renderer, so I can take another stab at rendering track sprites, and I've also got a non-RCT related idea that I think could be interesting, which I need some test data for.
EDIT: Found this while looking for information. Don't know if it's useful to you or anyone else. It's for NL1 though, I don't know if anything similar exists for NL2.
EDIT2: Found the relevant information on the format. It seems this CSV file directly specifies the normal, tangent, and binormal vectors for a large list of points. That should make it very easy to work with this file, but it doesn't answer my question as to how best to represent banking, as this sort of representation is highly redundant and not suitable for manual editing. -
Louis! Offline
We're reworking some of the forums, a few topics will be moved around.
This topic is still active, the people that usually post in here aren't people that are posting all the time so I don't think it has died, just less active at this current time. -
Sebioff Offline
Hey! Sorry for the silence, looks like I forgot to enable notifications
Very happy to see the enthusiasm here though
I've noted down the requests for offset half loops and steeper drops, that should be doable fairly quickly (not for Pre-Alpha 4 though).
Also, we planned to shift focus towards the business side/more gameplay features next, but seeing all the cool stuff you're building already we'll try to prioritize build tools/scenery a bit more for a while to give you a bit more to work with. We've also worked a bit with the guys doing the ParkitectNexus Mod loader to allow custom shops, deco objects and path objects in Pre-Alpha 4, so hopefully we'll see some custom objects happening soon
In:Cities Offline
So glad to have you here. You and your team are doing an incredible job and it is all very much appreciated. Please continue the great work my friend!
Roomie Offline
Sebioff, Nice to see you here and I'll echo In:Cities, great work so far.
For everyone else theres some interesting new developments this week on the devblog. Alpine coasters is an interesting new one and some nice additions to the GUI is always good.
It’s time for another art stream! Come join us on Garrets Twitch channel on Wednesday starting at 12pm PST to chat and watch some new Parkitect art being created.
We’ve upgraded to Unity 5.2. It’s been out for a while and wasn’t stable enough to ship builds with, but seems to be fine now. This means we can finally use dropdowns:
Pretty crazy stuff.
We’ve been waiting for that to add assigning employees to zones:An employee assigned to a zone won’t leave that zone unless he has to (e.g. for fetching a crate), so that should help with keeping your workers nicely distributed.
Garret started working on a set of scenery for the current season:
He also added lower detailed models for a bunch of existing objects for zoomed out views.
And we’ve added this new Alpine Coaster:
It’s a fairly gentle ride, but guests operate the toboggans brakes themselves which makes it a bit more thrilling
Mattk48 Offline
Unlimited Potential now, this could replace rct2 one day
Is there a day/night cycle? Or are they planning implementing it? Im going to buy this after my next round of exams, don't need another distraction at the moment
Steve Offline
YES. Awesome. Roofs need texture of some kind but yeah, it's looking like RCT's successor has arrived. -
RRP Offline
Kenney is interested in this? And making mods for it?
Unlimited Potential now, this could replace rct2 one day
Is there a day/night cycle? Or are they planning implementing it? Im going to buy this after my next round of exams, don't need another distraction at the moment
Planned i think,there are/were lights on the front coaster trains.
For now theres a mod https://parkitectnex...20f4cd4460/dawn
and a little playing by me
Cocoa Offline
Damn this is looking like some potential. Throw in some mods like the coastercam and peepcam and weve got a fucking good simulator. Not too high detailed for realism to be impossible/destroy your computer but enough detail to make awesome theming. Im excited! -
inthemanual Offline
Kenney makes a bunch of free game design assets, and his style is a perfect fit for this game. Really helps this come alive. -
RRP Offline
Will have to look into this 'building mod' at some point. Might be quite easy to retexture his smooth objects. Not sure what parkitect or unity supports to be honest,but even something simple like a new bump and specular map on his objects could bring them to life with brickwork/stone work etc.
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