Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
CedarPoint6 Offline
I released my first full park today which was basically a park to play around with the various types of coasters and rides.
One of the rides in there is my shot at an Arrow loopscrew model:
Roomie Offline
I spent some more time hacking (see breaking the game in new ways) last night
Turns out you can change quite a lot. With a bit of trial and error I had some fun
Sort of like a bannana roll.
Like RCT you can add lifts to any track pieces
This one might hurt... looks cool though
Home made helix
and yes I think i can bank it at another angle other than 45degrees
This is more subtle but the ability to bank the top of the loop makes exits to immelmans and dive loop entrances a bit nicer.
Of course i had some fun actually braking things
This might have made Asteroid Fields easier
The ties no longer line up.
I made a micro park... well sort of.
Im starting to understand how things are put together. It's fun finding out
Six Frags Offline
Did you also found a way to move the park entrance roomie? That's one of the things that bugs me the most
Nice finds tho, don't know how you did them
And nice park Brian, unfortunately I'm on version 1.1 I think so I can't load it, but looks nice from the pics
Austin55 Offline
Wow, already a small community growing out of this. The biggest (and only for me, so far) appeal of this over rct looks to be the amount of freedom in coaster building, but I expect that could change over the development.
New CP6 work wooo!
Louis! Offline
I think when you have some of our best RCT players delving into this it is apparent that this is a possible new venture. Can't wait to see more!
Roomie Offline
Did you also found a way to move the park entrance roomie? That's one of the things that bugs me the most
Nice finds tho, don't know how you did them
And nice park Brian, unfortunately I'm on version 1.1 I think so I can't load it, but looks nice from the pics
I might be able to SF. In fact I'm fairly sure I can but i need to figure out the grid system coordinate system first. Thats tonight's task.
CedarPoint6 Offline
I figured I'd get in on some of the hacking action today.
Vekoma Whirlwind with curved station, 7 car train, can take guests. Same issues as RCT however in that if you save and move the design it'll go back to the 3 cars this station length will allow. But, what RCT doesn't have is that the way this is coded allows for theoretically infinite length trains. Just gotta keep adding cars.
Roomie Offline
Here you go SF turns out it's pretty easy. I worked out the Coordinate system pretty quickly so here is a park with the entrance in the corner
Where did you want it?
Mattk48 Offline
Previously I didn't really have any desire to get this game. Other than the coasters, screenshots didnt look that interesting. But I went on youtube and saw some gameplay of people messing around, now im sold. It appears to play exactly like RCT. So much potential here. The zoom is really nice, you can get right ontop of your park. Id encoursge any skeptics to go watch some gameplay. Im hyped for this
I wish they took debit, Id be more than willing to pay for this, but I have no way to pay.
G Force Offline
Currently the only thing I'm not a fan of is the graphics, which is sadly important in a game like this. RCT graphics are still much more appealing to me despite being 15 years older. If they can improve the interface and the accessibility of the game in terms of new objects and content, it would definitely be a cool thing to play alongside RCT.
Mattk48 Offline
^Yesterday i would have agreed with you. But I think that we just got used to RCT's graphics. We've been staring at it for many many hours, change is hard to accept. I don't think the graphics are better or worse in parkitect, just different. If anything it looks more modern I guess, nothing to get to excited about. We haven't really seen any architecture yet, that will make or break the graphics for me. At the moment I don't see it as a negative.
G Force Offline
^Yesterday i would have agreed with you. But I think that we just got used to RCT's graphics. We've been staring at it for many many hours, change is hard to accept. I don't think the graphics are better or worse in parkitect, just different. If anything it looks more modern I guess, nothing to get to excited about. We haven't really seen any architecture yet, that will make or break the graphics for me. At the moment I don't see it as a negative.
I just feel that no matter how snazzy you make 3D graphics look, in 10 years they will almost always look dated. Just look at RCT3, a game with very good graphics for its time, but now simply look flat and bad. The same will happen with this game, because its 3D. One of the reason RCT1/2 have so much staying power is their isometric sketched graphics, sure they aren't 3D but even today they still have a charm and aesthetic appeal that 3D games lose over time.
Not trying to say graphics are everything, but for a game like this they are at least a part of it.
RRP Offline
I dunno about the graphics getting dated with time. Id say we are pretty close to pinnacle of 3d rendering in games. There's only so many poly's you can add before you can't tell the difference anymore. As far as texturing is concerned, I can see why its not to everyones taste. However, re-texturing a 3d model is a much much easier task than remodeling and then staging/saving a sprite.
If unity supports 4k texture resolution i can't see any reason why someone couldn't create a Ultra HD version of RCT using Parkitect as its base.
Unity is pretty friendly with mod support i believe see:cities skylines.
1 for the tinkerers this. Boot up uMod with Parkitect,see if you can rip the textures from game,edit and reapply them,
Cocoa Offline
^more like there's only so many polys you can add before the development time is just too long
but we can get some sexy particle effects I guess
Sephiroth Offline
I have to admit my views are beginning to change in favor of this game as well. I realize that my "complaints" are things that likely will change and am pretty pumped about where this will be in time. In its current state, some of the track elements look a bit wonky, the tall a-frame supports seem off, and I agree the graphics could use a little polish. But those can all be addressed and I'm starting to have much more confidence in the project. -
nin Offline
An RCT overlay of this would be great. If we ever get to that point I'd be more than willing to contribute to the graphics team.
Roomie Offline
Someone has already knocked up a First Person Mod. Its a bit rough at the moment but says a lot about the games adaptability for modders.
its not optimized well so lots of lag but its pretty cool.
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