Related Games / Theme Parkitect, new RCT-based game
25-August 14
Steve Offline
Wow. The coasters in this game are great. I trust they'll take the feedback accordingly to perfect them by the time the game is ready to roll out. I'm excited. -
Roomie Offline
Spent a little more time playing around with the game.
Found out you can build almost all things on a 45 degree track too. This means you can have nice immelman, dive loops and cobra rolls on diagonal track.
You can also bank the exit to corkscrews so the cobra roll has a more realistic banked middle section
I also spent some time trying to build an actual park. The available tools are very limited at the moment though. Especially building and scenery
Someone over at Parkitectnexus created this lumber mill. Which considering the limited things we have now is pretty impressive.
5dave Offline
As much as I like those options for coaster-building, I just can't into the graphics of this game it seems. The lack of textures, the lack of depth perception, the shadowing and the strange angle are just not my cup of tea. Also I don't understand why there's no free camera (it seems?) and no possibilty to ride your coasters - because why 3D anyways?
Maybe it will get resolved someday but in the current state it's really hard for me to look at - it looks really abstract and cubistic.
Roomie Offline
Hey 5Dave
The camera is pretty much free. you just can't move it down really low at the moment. Nothing to say that won't happen in the future though. At the moment you can press Q and E to switch round the 4 90 degree angles like RCT or you can hold alt and move the mouse to any angle you want.
Shadows and textures are something a fair few people have mentioned in the feedback for the game. The game is very very early in developments I expect to see these things added. There are numerous things like half height land tiles which have been worked on but aren't quite working yet which when sorted should fix the cubist nature and the steep angles of things a bit.
But i guess it's not ever going to be everyone's cup of tea but after almost 20 years of playing RCT is just nice to play something that does things differently.
PS: Is cubistic a word? -
CedarPoint6 Offline
First wing coaster. I'm getting a lot of lag now due to some computer issues which is limiting the speed of my building, but this has been enjoyable. I'm playing around a little bit with the land manipulation and creating buildings and such, but haven't really done a lot with it. I'll try some more of that soon. I appreciate the scale of these flat rides which are more accurate to the real thing in terms of amount of seats, etc. That's one of the nicest looking things so far in this game.
Roomie Offline
Looking good. I know you dont like the Immelman but i think it looks pretty good.
The transfer track is a neat touch too as is the use of the colourable queues to make a gold tile path.
Going to mess around with that height trick we discussed earlier and see if I can knock up a decent Swarm recreation tonight.
Steve Offline
I'm loving the diagonal inversions, something sorely missing from RCT. Are there any different land textures right now? Are they planning to add some?
Also where's RRP? Would like to see more of his stuff with this. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
There are 5 textures currently. Land surface and walls are linked so if you change the texture it changes the sides which is not always ideal. I haven't played with it enough yet. Current textures are grass, dirt, sand, ice, and one that looks like concrete. There are also only two types of path right now, the gray tarmac and the orange dirt. Hopefully a color changeable tarmac and dirt will come along soon and also a queue that doesn't have tiles.
CedarPoint6 Offline
I tried a suspended coaster tonight. I know it's not a great layout, but I wanted to just play around with the options available. I think this model may still need a bit of work. It's a bit of a challenge to make a proper suspended layout without the ability to do helixes. You can fake it with some of the corner options, but it doesn't look as good. Diving and climbing diagonal turns will help as well as the ability to go from flat into a diving or inclining corner.
At this point though my biggest non-coaster wants in the game are more variety in trees, wall and roof scenery (and the ability to raise and lower scenery), and more path/queue options. I'm sure it's on the way, but those are the things I would enjoy seeing soon... to actually flesh out the parks a little.
nin Offline
It's hilarious that everyone is building this as if it were LL. Some things change, some stay the same.
Roomie Offline
I suppose thats to be expected nin
Theres such a limited selection of things at the moment we are making do with what we have and improvising a bit. Just like LL.
And just like LL I'm already trying to find ways to bend the rules. Already figured out how to make coasters as tall as I want.
Six Frags Offline
I always wonder why companies don't offer other ways of payment for non-US people/people who don't own a creditcard.. Wish I could see it in-game
RRP Offline
I'm loving the diagonal inversions, something sorely missing from RCT. Are there any different land textures right now? Are they planning to add some?
Also where's RRP? Would like to see more of his stuff with this.Im still here but havnt been playing since the screenshot park. Took a bit of a step back from helping test due to performance issues running on the ye olde imac. New pc now though so might try and get more involved again in the future.
I always wonder why companies don't offer other ways of payment for non-US people/people who don't own a creditcard.. Wish I could see it in-game
Its coming to steam at a later date i think
Six Frags Offline
Got it anyway after some searching...
It's a great game, runs very smoothly on my pc (which isn't that high-tech) and short loading times. Only time I got a bit of a lag was when I wanted to recolor like 10x10 squares of land.
I like the look and graphics although it really needs more content (scenery)..
The guests seem to get lost very quickly too though with big squares of path..
I had a lot of fun building some Disney Paris-esque park:
Hope it doesn't get laggy or have long loading times when they add more content though. If it stays this way with more content they might have a winner (that is if they allow custom object importing of course)
CedarPoint6 Offline
Nice to see a different land type used.. and some trackitecture squeezed in there!
I made a big Gravity Group style wooden coaster tonight:
Cocoa Offline
I also feel like nothing really looks 'big'. Everything seems sort of shrunken/cartoonish, but maybe I'm just not used to it...
Louis! Offline
I think it certainly is the true successor to RCT1/2 due to its isometric base. However, sometimes I look at the screens and think, OMG that's incredible, and sometimes I think eh.
Like sometimes the layouts look so good, but other times they look absolutely awful, worse than RCT3.
I'm talking graphically/camera orientation here, not layout building skills
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