Related Games / Roller Coaster Tycoon World announced for PC
12-August 14
ida Offline
I think it looks quite good... be happy they've managed to create this much of a game already through all of this developer changing blog PR bullshit. About a month and a half ago they were still showing assets only on the blog, now there's a game. Surely this is one of the games i'll be checking once i get a new computer.
G Force Offline
Still not confident this will be anything significant. Graphics still dont really please me and the game just seems super simple and basic. Sure the coaster designer will probably be a large improvement but if I want to make super realistic coasters I will just play NL which is probably cheaper. It definitely does look better than it did in the last trailer, good to see the publisher actually cares about the product and isn't going to try and sell a bunch of crap.
Cocoa Offline
I think if it is as good a simulator as cities skylines was, well have a winner. Even of it wont replace rctll/2 for us, im always up for some good real park managing and could absolutely see myseld playing it for that. And who knows, maybe versatile scenery and amazing parks will follow... im not closing doors yet. -
Louis! Offline
I'm not opposed to games as alternatives to RCT2/LL, I mean I'm always playing other games RCT is no longer the game I spend most of the time playing.
So whilst this is a new RCT, like people have said, it wont ever replace the originals for us, and that wouldn't ever happen with any game.
If this game is done correct and is easy to play, enjoyable in all ways (scenarios, sandbox) then like Cocoa said, I could possibly see myself playing it, not in the same way I do RCT2/LL, but still.
I also think we should partially look on this (if successful) as a positive thing. A new game in the RCT series will undoubtedly have people looking for the previous versions, which possibly could lead to more membership here somewhere down the line.
If the game is absolute pants, then fair enough, but it is looking to be more like a solid game as opposed to the mobile port everyone was so scared of initially. I think there is a whole lot of work that needs to go into it still. The game may be a flop, in which case it will very much be forgotten about until the next one comes out (Planet Coaster), but who knows, it could be a surprise to everyone.
Mattk48 Offline
The guys behind this seem like a bunch of IT people that have never seen a roller coaster in real life before. I watched the full 51 min video, and they seem to be proud of all the wrong things. Showing off parts of the game that don't really matter. Peeps give feedback (like rctll), Coasters fly off the rails (rctll), Flat rides have themes (rctll), rides have spheres of influence (wow rct2). Nothing new, just the coaster editor which I have mixed feelings about.
Its been mentioned earlier but I hate their attitude. You cant say were going to figure out all this stuff after release. Fuck it, well do that later, or let somebody else figure it out for us.
Curved paths actually look lousy in my opinion because it appears they're very limited. You can only connect them in certain ways in certain spots. At least that's how it appeared to me in the video
Landscape tools look similar to rct3, which I don't like. In rct2 you can be very specific and make small adjustments a little at a time even though the tool isn't as powerful overall. Rct3 was hard to make minor tweaks, that's how it looks in this game.
Are we allowed to build custom stations in this game? I mean really, this is 2015. Custom coaster stations need to be implemented. Custom park entrance? I mean I realize that you need a basic easy to play game for beginners, but I haven't seen one thing hinting towards this stuff.
These guys have a basic game that is just getting started. Just like unfinished screens on this site, Needs more finish.
This game needs a a year or so. Once the community starts hacking, making objects, ect, this might be completely different than it is now. Hopefully it can be completely changed into something a community like this could use. Right now it doesn't look very interesting.
Lastly I agree with louis. Anything new rct is going to boost interest.
Ling Offline
The guys behind this seem like a bunch of IT people that have never seen a roller coaster in real life before. I watched the full 51 min video, and they seem to be proud of all the wrong things. Showing off parts of the game that don't really matter. Peeps give feedback (like rctll), Coasters fly off the rails (rctll), Flat rides have themes (rctll), rides have spheres of influence (wow rct2). Nothing new, just the coaster editor which I have mixed feelings about.
Its been mentioned earlier but I hate their attitude. You cant say were going to figure out all this stuff after release. Fuck it, well do that later, or let somebody else figure it out for us.
This is precisely how I feel. Too much "let the community do that for us" attitude, the coaster engine looks so lazy it might as well be an afterthought. It's geared towards making shitty roller coasters really easily and absolutely impossible to make anything that makes sense. But judging from the feedback on the game so far, people wanting to make anything even slightly realistic are in the tiny, tiny minority. You would think having literally every single other coaster game cater to this "silly/casual" demographic would be enough, but all we are left with is two decade-old games and NoLimits 2, which is just so frustrating to do anything at all with.
RCTER2 Offline
New video, which was post 6 days ago.RollerCoaster Tycoon World - Behind-the-Scenes - YouTube -
Mattk48 Offline
Video looks good. Woody supports look good, it all sounds great. I liked what I saw in this video, but its not enough for me to retract my earlier comments.
Six Frags Offline
What I wonder is if they have ever visited NE when they say "we read what fans wanted, we saw what their behaviours were in our (lol) previous games and we combined all that knowledge along with the sort of passion of the team (...) to come up with RCTW".. I really doubt they did, because if they would they would've created something along the lines of Theme Parkitect.. It looks decent, but it just doesn't have that charm RCT games used to have..
Also, lol at that Six Flags sellout bullshit.. "Help them with traffic patterns and our ride layouts", like if Six Flags has any expertise in that area. They just pull their wallet and buy a standard B&M/Vekoma/Arrow/etc..
And they make it seem like the AI is the most important part of the game. While it is nice to have good AI, I don't care if some peeps prefer to ride Western rides.
The last part excited me though, the user generated content is the staple of a long term RCT game.
It does look really really laggy though, when they show a coaster running in a high poly area, which concerns me. A non-laggy fast loading game is THE most important aspect in a themepark simulation game.. Hope they fix that..
All in all, I'm more excited about Parkitect atm..
RCTER2 Offline
Here are some confirmed features of RCTW I found in https://forum.roller...ures-Confirmed-*REDONE*
What I have interest is UGC tools and Steam workshop.
Green: Confirmed Red: Not in Game Yellow: Not Confirmed Purple: Post Launch
Roller Coaster Tycoon World features: Confirmed/Unconfirmed
Building Tools
+Freeform Object Placement: Control and place every single in-game object anywhere on the map at any angle. ✔
+Curved Paths ✔
+Path Width Customizable ✔
+Structures: build buildings piece by piece. ?
+Fully Deformable Terrain and Water ✔
+Underground rides: Released as a free update after launch ✔
+Undo button ? (Discussion)
+Lockers ?
+Tunnels: Released as a free update after launch ✔
Custom Content
+UGC Tools: You will be able to create your own scenery, peeps and more in any 3D editing program that works with Unity and import it into the game ✔
Coasters and rides
+New 3D Coaster Editor ✔
+Improved coasters stations:control booths, gates.. ✔
+Catwalks ✔
+Custom show sections: https://forum.roller....-Show-Sections ?
+Breakdown/Shutdown system:https://forum.roller....hutdown-System ?
+Realistic loading/unloading: https://forum.roller....8973#post28973 ✔
+Pre-built stations ✔
+Fast Pass ?
+Coaster Cam ✔
+Flat rides Cam ✔
+Water rides: rapids, flumes.. ? Rides Unconfirmed. Water: Confirmed
+Pools and waterslides ?
+Being able to control the rides. ?
+Advanced Physics Calculations ✔
+Coasters accidents ✔
+Darkrides and ride events: Released as a free update after launch ✔
+Zoos and animals like in RCT3 Wild ?
+Transport Rides: Released as a free update after launch ✔
Running a park
+Detailed Park Management Tools: From park finances to the thoughts of your guests, including new features. ✔
+Seasons and climate changes: Special Events / Seasonal Events. Summer (heat), autumn (wind), winter (snow), spring (rain) https://forum.roller....son-Discussion ?
+Multiple Game Modes: Sandbox mode, Scenario and Campaign modes. ✔
+Restaurants ✔
+Responsive Environments + Guests: Placing different themed rides and objects will affect not only ratings but increase its attractiveness to certain peeps. ✔
+Medical, janitorial, entertainment and mechanical services ✔
+Day/Night ✔
+1st Person View ✔ (Discussion)
+Jobs: Work as a cleaner, in a ticket booth, as an entertainer, as a mechanic, as a RollerCoaster Controller, as a Shop Worker, etc... ?
+Operating Hours ?
+Fireworks and lasers ?
+Fountains ✔
+Hotels ?
+Parades ?
+Shows with actors ?
+Plazas ✔
User Interface
+Freeform Cameras ✔
+Isometric view ✔
Native Sharing and Social Features
+Native Steam Workshop Support ✔
+Social Media Integration ✔
+Friend’s Lists and Stat Comparisons ✔
+Visit a Friend ✔
Multiplayer Mode
+Cooperative Multiplayer Mode: Released as a free update after launch ✔
Other features
+Autosave/cloud saves ?
+Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese-Brazil, and Russian ✔
+Platforms: Windows, Linux + SteamOS ✔
If I Missed Anything, Please Tell Me and I will Update the List. -
Dirk Pitt Offline
I just wish they had an "snap to grid" tool where we can create absolutely perfectly straight lift or pathways without the freeform tool. That's going to be a bitch trying to get an straight lift using the freeform tool as well as pathways. In the video some of the path does seem very straight so that gives me a bit of hope. -
RCTER2 Offline
Hi guys, in the new blog of RCTW they announce the release date, the release date is December 10, 2015 on both PC and Linux-based systems. And there will be two beta test for pre-order players, that means, we can see what on earth the game looks like in late october, just one month later
Whitehawk Offline
Not impressed with pre-ordering in this case. Feels too much like a cash grab when development has been so troubled.
Louis! Offline
I also don't understand the decision to place certain things in a Deluxe edition.
I get that every game does this, but usually its items that aren't going to really have a dramatic effect on the game if you don't have the deluxe, they should just be extras.
To put additional textures into a Deluxe edition seems totally stupid, textures are already going to be incredibly limited to then lock some more away unless you pay extra.
Its like EA have got their hands on the franchise, not Atari.
Roomie Offline
That was my thoughts louis. It's insane. If the game is as easy to mod as they say won't people just add them in anyway? -
Louis! Offline
It just felt exactly like producing the LL expansion pack with all new textures, and then saying if you buy this version you can have 2 new textures, but if you buy the deluxe you can have all the textures. Its stupid.
And the panda entertainer costume. I mean seriously, I know it's not something as massive as textures, but like, you're telling me that I can't have the panda entertainer UNLESS I pay an extra £10.
I fully expect this to go down the EA route, where not only will there be expansion packs, but also content packs. The inverted coaster or something will be released as a DLC and shit like that. Money grabbing is what Atari have turned into.
Mattk48 Offline
Content packs lol. Release the beta for money, charge for the full game later. NEW DLC COASTER CAMO'S
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