Related Games / Roller Coaster Tycoon World announced for PC
12-August 14
ida Offline
I swear. There's so much wrong with the trailer. Bugs, crappy graphics, fucking lag.
I'm hoping so hard that it's a really bad joke. Even if it is, they've doomed themselves by putting it online. -
Version1 Offline
I swear. There's so much wrong with the trailer. Bugs, [...], fucking lag.
I don't think you know what either of those words mean
Roomie Offline
So they have a new developer it seems and have gone back to the drawing board
Still more excited about Themeparkitect and Planet Coaster but its a start I guess
inthemanual Offline
This looks better than planet coaster imo. The new developer has been known about for a while just that who it was hadn't been revealed until now. -
G Force Offline
I wont put any stock into screenshots, game play will be where I make my judgement on this game.
Six Frags Offline
I agree G force, gameplay will be the deciding factor here as rct3 pretty much lacked in that aspect..
nin Offline
That screen looks far better than anything else we've seen. With decent content (ie CSO) that could make for a pretty good looking game.
Roomie Offline
Looks like the new developer is at least trying. Latest blog post has some interesting news http://www.rollercoa...e-list-updates/
Most interestingly for us are these.
- Freeform Object Placement: Control and place every single in-game object anywhere on the map at any angle. For our more casual users we are also providing ‘snap-to’ and ‘brush’ placement functionality to make this enhancement easy to use.
- Curved Paths: Select your unique type of path from a variety of widths, styles, and shapes. You can make them straight or, for the first time in the franchise, curve them at almost any angle!
- UGC Tools: For the first time, you will be able to create your own scenery, peeps and more in any 3D editing program that works with Unity and import it into the game for everyone to use!
Mattk48 Offline
graphics look good, it all sounds great and promising, but we haven't really seen anything yet
Sephiroth Offline
Well the graphical improvements have changed my thoughts from "rct is dead" to "It's probably still dead but there is a faint light of hope, likely a freight train at the end of the tunnel but light nonetheless." Lol. -
RCTER2 Offline
Hey guys, some new gameplay video is out:
RollerCoaster Tycoon World - FIRST Gameplay Footage (PAX2015) - YouTube Coaster Tycoon World gameplay - roller coaster test - YouTube -
Steve Offline
Uh, wow. This actually looks good. Diagonal and curved paths! Pretty much can do whatever you want with coasters from what it looks like. And those trees! Awesome. The deal breaker for this might be our options with building architecture, but so far I'd say this is looking like the game we wanted with RCT3.
Coasterbill Offline
He mentioned something about the track warning you when the track elements might make the train "come off the track" in the full video. Honestly I still think this looks like it sucks.
Roomie Offline
Looks alright actually. Better now theyve switched developers
Of course it will never gain any traction here. What people here seem to want is RCT2.5 not a new game.
Nice article here.
And how do you do that? Built-in Steam Workshop support. Like, actually built-in. Pull up the pause menu in RollerCoaster Tycoon World and there’s a tab just for browsing Steam Workshop. You can check out popular mods, subscribe to and enable them on-the-fly, and they’ll show up in-game in the appropriate categories.
At launch there will be some limitations—mod tools will pretty much support aesthetic tools only, i.e. scenery. Support for modded rides and modded rollercoasters is planned, but just not at launch.The RollerCoaster Tycoon World of 2015 demolishes what I’d seen from the game previously. The team has ditched the faux-cartoon aesthetic, the unrealistic rides, and even the grid-based rollercoaster constructor. In its place: A faithfulRollerCoaster Tycoon update that seems to embrace the depth long-time fans would want while using modern tech to smooth some of the rougher edges.
Ling Offline
I'm excited for what it could be. All of the elements for a great game that's fundamentally different from the first three games but encapsulates the same desire to micro-manage stuff, ride virtual rides, and design coasters. The paths look good. The landscaping looks alright, but we haven't seen anything actual built on modified land yet - only perfectly flat areas. Trees don't seem to be rotate-able (yet?) which is strange, and the wooden coaster supports actually look okay. The issue is with the coaster designer. There are no "snap" tools except snapping to the grid a la RCT1-3. All we really need is the node system (fuck, it worked for Hyper Rails, and that was in 2002), but with advanced levels of control. We should be able to control, to the degree, the yaw, pitch, and roll of every node. We should be able to straighten any piece of track in three dimensions, not just eyeball it. No tools for constant-radius turns, which is why everyone's lift hills look fucking retarded and like "baby's first day with NoLimits 1.3". Brakes and launch sections should be limited to perfectly straight track. The auto-supports look awful and are never even close to sensible, and there doesn't seem to be any support for custom ones. The scenery is very lacking and the company's "the community will do all of that for us" attitude really bothers me.
Sephiroth Offline
What Ling said. That video of the train on the circuit was incredibly disappointing in all honesty.
RCTER2 Offline
A 51min video is out:Lets Play Roller Coaster Tycoon World (Full Twitch Video) - YouTube -
Roomie Offline
What Ling said. That video of the train on the circuit was incredibly disappointing in all honesty.
Any particular reason?. What was the issue? The physics are pretty accurate, way more accurate than the physics in the first 2 games... what exactly do people have an issue with in this case?
Just intrigued. People keep saying it sucks but dont really say why.
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