Related Games / Roller Coaster Tycoon World announced for PC
12-August 14
Roomie Offline
This game is so broken its kind of hilarious
also this
Six Frags Offline
I think if we would sue their asses we would have a pretty solid case here. I mean, they're promising customers something and they can't deliver what they promised. How on earth can they shelve a not-completed, full of bugs, half assed game like this and ask money for it?! They are just abusing RCT's brand name to frame people into buying this shit.. This makes me so sad...
Ling Offline
Album of the hilarious pre-made coasters, courtesy of /u/Jarmez on Reddit: -
Roomie Offline
Some more amusement compliments of RCTW
Tasty tasty lap bars
People slide down the slide without rotating at all
This ride is so popular apparently
RCTW Human Centipede?
This lady can count to 50 on one hand. She's also very good at knitting.
Liampie Offline
Hahahaha, all of this is solid gold. I didn't expect to enjoy RCTW as much as I do...
I actually want this game more than ever now. But I won't pay a single penny.
edit: and what is with the sex sounds after the peep bowling failure? -
Cocoa Offline
holy crap that game is ugly. and hilarious. I hope it bombs so bad people will forget it ever existed.
any funny stuff on their forums atm?
Mattk48 Offline
Still holding on to hope Top Gun? lol. ^That looks okay I guess, just doesn't outweigh all the BS
Faas Offline
I died ten times on that coaster. Nine times when I hit the supports, and one time at the bottom of that loop.
Sulakke Offline
Releasing this game shows a lot of courage by the creators. Those supports are absolutely ridiculous. I'm sure they have noticed these bugs at some point. What were they thinking?
Cocoa Offline
I feel bad for them, they are probably under a ridiculous amount of corporate pressure. they took over a bad game with terrible press and had to remake it in just a few months. they're probably trying their hardest but just straight up don't have the time or resources to make it actually good. And atari probably just wants to release it asap to make back a bit of money and cut down on losses.
I reckon they would make more money if they scrapped it all now and spent half a year making a new isometric game, specifically emphasizing the nostalgia and rct-feel. Not that I want them to do that, just it would probably be easier for them...
202mitch Offline
I still think the game has plenty of potential... you guys are way too hard on it. Some aspects are fantastic from videos I've seen around the net... others, I agree, need lots of work (support systems, glitching, coaster editor still not being up to par despite them trying to fix it).
I definitely think it was released with early access so they could make a few bucks back since so much work and time has already been put into it. And then having to redo everything after October really put them in a rut. Hopefully over the summer they can make enough money back to actually put some work into the areas of the game that ppl have so far disliked and it can get a full release in the fall.
I don't want this game to just go down the shitter (despite many of you already thinking it has)... I hate my optimistic personality, but i'm still going to hold out hope for that full release later on in the year lol
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