Related Games / Theme Park Studio - what rct3 should have been?
11-August 14
Richie Offline
Its currently in very early access and on steam sale. Anyone got it or planning on getting it?
I bought it over the weekend but only got half an hour game time in, quite confusing to start with but i can see a lot of potential once the community gets hold of it.
Six Frags Offline
Nah, it's a pretty shit game, even the rollercoaster build part that came out a few days ago seems like it sucks.
RCT3 is pretty awesome tho and the best 3d themepark simulation that probably will ever exist. -
Austin55 Offline
You joking Six Frags? It looks nutty awesome. That coaster builder looks incredibly intuitive, and the scenery and grapics and everything looks really nice. That narrator sucks though.
Richie Offline
Once it has been refined and community made custom scenery gets made we will have rollercoaster tycoon in realistic 3d!
I cant wait to see what other people can come up with. I would love to be able to build like rct2, if you could make the rct2 objects in 3d that would be cool way to make the parks on this site come to life.
JJayMForce Offline
Yeah, that narrator couldn't be any worse lol. It's like they looked for the most boring person in the office..
What they are showing of the game is sooo basic, and it's hard for me to get excited about it. But I suppose Rct2 was the same way before all the custom scenery.
I do love all the options in the game, and how complicated it is, unlike some other people. When it comes down to it, sooner or later, you will get the hang of the controls, and it will give you so many more options to be creative. I don't care how complex it is to learn, if it gets the look you want, why not take the time to learn.
And if it truly becomes a better theme park designer than Rct in the future, people will naturally start building with whatever platform they prefer. Rct2 will still be there, like LL is today. I know I still have a lot of unfinished business in Rct2 anyway..
Steve Offline
This looks awesome, actually. Perfect for someone who wants to build a more realistic coaster than RCT has to offer minus the complexity of No Limits. I'm a fan.
fraroc Offline
I'm really looking forward with TPS. Not nearly as complicated as No Limits 1 and 2, and just a smidge more complicated than RCT3.....I have a feeling that when I finally get the boxed version, I'll have a TON of fun with it.
Coasterbill Offline
If I could offer my input here I actually think that if either the new RCT PC game or TPS end up being good games I'd love to see them end up on New Element. Sure the old games are probably going to be better but it would allow us to bring in some new members and introduce them to RCT2 and Loopy Landscapes in the process.
I know I'm pretty new here (not technically since the account is over 10 years old but as far as being an active part of the community) so feel free to tell me to fuck off but I think it would actually end up being a good thing for the older games too.
Disregard this if the new games end up being shit or if the TPS people take the free money and run.
Louis! Offline
We aren't against people bringing new coaster games to the site. But we can't demand people to use them.
If there is a massive following for something amongst our members, it will be implemented, much like RCT2 was.
The reason RCT3 isn't present here is not just because it is an awful game (lol) but it's because not enough members play it. Had there been a major demand for it, I'm sure it would've been implemented. -
Ling Offline
Also trading objects between save files and people is just a massive clusterfuck. I don't see any of the new games becoming implemented at all. Maybe OpenRCT2 if it ever gets finished.
trav Offline
Also trading objects between save files and people is just a massive clusterfuck.
I see this as the main reason Rct3 was never picked up here. Custom scenery is just such a farce with it. But as for actual building and graphics, I don't think enough people here gave it a chance. It was actually really nice, and if some of our custom scenery was ported over to Rct3 so we had the same textures and feel, we would have just had a 3D version of Rct2. I'm pretty confident that even the coaster tracks could have been made more fluid (I remember seeing on a Rct3 site years ago that this was already happening, but not at the rate it could have done if we picked it up).
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