Micro Madness 2014 / [MM2014 R2] Wildcards
05-August 14
Liampie Offline
limited space, unlimited madness
Round 2 Wildcards
From the six runner-ups, two will proceed to the next round. Who these two are will be decided via the poll above. Please view everyone's entries if you haven't done so already, and then pick your two favourites. Votes will not be weighed this time. I'll leave this open for two days to wrap this up quickly.
Stoksy (#5) - Sands of Time
inthemanual (#4) - Oasis
gdb (#6) - Conquest for the Forgotten Empire
JJayMForece (#3) - Hathor's Realm
RCT2day (#3) - Sorin Bridge
Ling (#4) - Rencrest__________________________________________________________________
Liampie Offline
JJay is easily my favourite here. Excellent micro, sick skills. No doubts.
Second pick is a lot harder. Stoksy's done well in micro madness so far, but so did inthemanual. Both their entries in the second round were a bit disappointing, because despite perfect execution they lacked wow-content. RCT2Day's looked 'wow', but it was frozen. Wasn't a big fan of gdb and Ling. I think that between inthemanual, Stoksy and RCT2Day, inthemanual has the most potential for future rounds. My pick. Sorry, other guys!
inthemanual Offline
Are people on this list allowed to vote?
And was the exclusion of the 3rd place entries intentional? I figured that some parks like Kumba's still had a shot, given that all their supporters *may* have voted for 5dave's, for example. -
wheres_walto Offline
I'm not voting for JJ simply because Faas posted that he won't be able to compete in the next round, so I'm assuming that the admins will give him the victory to avoid dropouts. The other 2 that I did vote for were stoksy and inthemanual. I think all 3 of them are most deserving to move on.
Lotte Offline
you are, just not on your own
also i guess this is sort of a ranking as well. this will decide the places 9, 10, 11, and 12!
Kumba Offline
How the heck am I not up for a vote?! I was in the damn group of death and while idk if id advance as top 2 here, I should have a chance.
WHERE in the rules does it say only the runner-up from each bracket gets into the wildcard?
My vote is gdb and RCT2day, since it seems I am allowed to vote.
Kumba Offline
Also, I had 6 votes for first place in the hardest group. That's more than all the other 3rd place finishers... COMBINED (4).
Ling Offline
Yeah, I think this voting system is strange. Some people are up there that shouldn't be and some that are deserving are missing out.
FK+Coastermind Offline
While my two votes are already up there, it do agree that the wildcards should be based on votes, not place in the match. This way ignores the fact that some players were in harder groups.
Only switch should really be Ling out and Kumba in. Kumba got 4 more votes in probably the hardest matchup.
FK+Coastermind Offline
I'm not voting for JJ simply because Faas posted that he won't be able to compete in the next round, so I'm assuming that the admins will give him the victory to avoid dropouts. The other 2 that I did vote for were stoksy and inthemanual. I think all 3 of them are most deserving to move on.
Also, would like to reiterate that from walto, Faas said he can't do the next round and will forfeit, only makes sense that the runner up should go through and save us from automatically knowing we won't get 8 entries next round (though it seems unlikely we will anyway). Or, at least we should be voting for 3 wildcards, we should fill that spot somehow.
Xeccah Offline
I'm with FK and walto
that's need-to-know shit for depending on who we can vote in.
will this mean JJ automatically goes in, 3 spots open, or nothing changes?
Liampie Offline
JJay does not automatically goes in. Whatever happens Faas is still the winner of that match. Nothing is certain yet with Faas anyway, so please vote as usual. If he does drop out I guess we'll let the third runner-up (wildcard) go through. -
trav Offline
I haven't opened any of these in game yet, but from the overview/streams, I'd definitely say JJay and Stoksy are the two deserving to go through.
FK+Coastermind Offline
Wait, are we just going to ignore the whole "Kumba should have gotten a wildcard" discussion?
also, Faas basically said in his match topic he was going to drop out unless there was an extension. Extension or not it seems unlikely Faas will enter anything. If his spot isn't filled (either with another wildcard or JJay) right NOW, then there is no way we are going to get 8 entries. I know if it was me, I wouldn't build a micro "just incase" Faas doesn't enter. So are we just resigning the contest to 7 semi-final maps tops? Seems silly to me...
inthemanual Offline
Wait, are we just going to ignore the whole "Kumba should have gotten a wildcard" discussion?
That boils down to "should all 3rd places be allowed a wildcard or not?" since there's not really an objective way to prove prove that his round was the hardest. And it seems like the admins decided that they shouldn't. It's a little unfortunate, since there are a variety of scenarios in which a 3rd placer could have moved on, but it seems like that's the way it is. -
Liampie Offline
The idea was that the six match winners and the two best runner ups would advance to round 3. To make it clear that there'd be an additional poll, we labeled them wildcards. It should've said this somewhere, though it wouldn't affect the outcome of the competition in any way if people vote serious.
Ling Offline
The point is some people that came third in tighter matches performed better than others that came second. The parks are not all graded with respect to every single other park, so this method is a really bad way to go about deciding wildcards. It's not just me and Kumba either.
Liampie Offline
We called it wildcards but it's really selecting the best runner-ups. I agree that some third placed micros may be better than some other runner-ups or even winners, but that's simply bad luck. There's always luck involved, in any contest. Even in H2H the opposing team might create four really poor parks against your opponents and then kick your ass. The Replacements almost missed the semi finals last season for similar reasons. It can't be helped. On paper each member had about the same odds to advance.
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