Micro Madness 2014 / Micro Madness 2014 Round 1 Rankings Topic
10-July 14
Xeccah Offline
iBecause Liam requested it
I don't really have a top ten from round one yet, but ITM's entry is probably top
Louis! Offline
So you made a topic, because someone else requested that someone made it, when you don't even have a top 10 yourself
This is exactly what I was referring to when I said I didn't want to lock millions of topics.
I'm gonna be mean and lock this. If someone actually has a Top 10 of Round 1 to post. Then please start a new topic, making sure you actually post a top 10 and i'll merge this one into it
Topic merged & unlocked. Thankyou Ling
Ling Offline
I'm not 100% on the bottom 10~15 as it's a mix of unfinished and largely empty entries, but I'm quite confident in the top 10~15. Anyway, I'm curious what others think.
1. inthemanual - Earl Grey
2. Faas - The Great Vilnius Hotel
3. Kumba - Bad Kraken!
4. Airtime - Thompson's Pier
5. Stoksy - Canali di Venezia
6. JJayMForce - Parkouroaster
7. Liampie - Europa Report
8. Dimi - The Janitor's Jinx
9. gdb - The Conspiracy
10. nin - Preview Center
11. Shotguns? - New Society
12. FK+Coastermind - The Haunted Estate
13. Louis! - El Paso Springs
14. Ride6 - Elevated Amusements
15. Camcorder22 - Ghiradelli Gardens
16. JimmyLaessig - Wildalpenbahn
17. PizzaWurscht - China Rising
18. AdamPlaysGames - unnamed entry
19. Coasterbill - Moonlight Pier
20. Roomie - Lucky 8
21. Sulakke - The Mothman
22. XCars - Hatari
23. RCT2Day - Copperhead
24. Ling - Hammersmith
25. Mattk48 - Saphira
26. Maverix - Welcome to Columbia
27. ottersalad - Falling Shores
28. wheres_walto - New Element HQ
29. thirteen - Machu Picchu
30. navalin - Escher's Waterfall
31. Wouter VL - Mini Looper
32. FredD - Vertigo
33. Version1 - River Quest
34. PokeCoasterEmpires - Skull Castle
35. csw - Candyland
36. disneylandian192 - Escape from Naboo
37. 5Dave - The Guardian
38. Corkscrewy - Skyscraper
39. Chocotopian - 7 Little Sins
40. meznator - Firefly
41. bdawgtk1982 - Obsidian
42. CHE - Brasil!
43. Fisch - Blizzard Run
44. MarshmallowPeeps - Concrete
45. Spudzilla21 - Weise Stadium
46. Richie - Escape from Balota
47. Noahnator3 - Vortex
Formatting should be fixed.
Ling Offline
Treat neighboring entries as, for all intents and purposes, tied (although usually for different reasons). In this case both were reasonably good ideas with some skill but lacking execution.
trav Offline
TopTop Tier
=1. itm - Earl Grey
=1. Shotguns - New Society
Top Tier
3. FK - Haunted Estate
4. Kumba - Bad Kraken!
=5. Faas - Grand Vilnius Hotel
=5. Stoksy - Canali di Venezia
7. gdb - The Conspiracy
(Louis - El Paso Springs)
8. Dimi - Janitors Jinx
9. Jimmylaessig - Wildalpenbahn
Upper Middle Tier
10. JJayMForce - Parkouroaster
11. Airtime - Thompson's Pier
12. RCT2day - Copperhead
=13. PizzaWurscht - China Rising
=13. Liampie - Europa Resort
(Roomie - Lucky
Middle Tier
15. Camcorder22 - Ghirardelli Gardens
16. Corkscrewy - Skyscraper
(csw - Candyland)
17. Coasterbill - Moonlight Pier
18. Adamplaysgames - Adamplaysgamestopia
19. Nin - Review Centre
20. Wheres Walto - NE HQ
21. Pokecoasterempire - Skull Castle
=22. Navalin - Escher's Waterfall
=22. Maverix - Welcome To Colombia
(Ling - Hammersmith)
=24. Mattk48 - Saphira
=24. XCars - Hatari
26. Sulakke - The Mothman
27. ottersalad - Falling Shores
28. Version1 - River Quest
Lower Middle Tier
29. CHE - Brasil!
30. 5Dave - The Guardian
=31. FredD - Vertigo
=31. Fisch - Blizzard Run
33. Ride6 - Elevated Amusements
34. Meznator - Firefly
35. Disneylandian - Escape From Naboo
Bottom Tier
36. Wouter - Minilooper
37. Bdawg - Obsidian
38. Spudzilla - Weise Stadium
39. Thirteen - Machu Picchu
40. Richie - Escape From Bolata
41. Chocotopian - 7 Little Sins
42. Marshmallow - Concrete
43. Noah - Vortex
First of all, I've separated them into tiers, just to show where I think the big gaps in quality lie. The biggest gap is definitely between the TopTop Tier and the Top Tier. Seriously, itm and Shotguns pulled everything out this round and I cannot wait to see what they come up with next.
I'll give a quick run down on each tier;
The TopTop Tier is the parks that literally satisfy everything needed on a map this size; they're aesthetically pleasing, they have plenty of little details, they have a solid ride/ride lineup and the quality of the work is consistent throughout the whole mini.
The Top Tier is for parks that are almost there but it's missing just one of the categories mentioned above. For example, I thought that Bad Kraken wasn't too aesthetically pleasing, but the details and quality of the work throughout was top notch, putting it in this bracket.
The Middle Tiers are the sort of parks that I'd expect to see in this competition. They're by no means bad, especially in the Upper Middle Tier, but they don't quite hit the spot for me. They're all solid entries though, and I would have no issues with seeing a park of this quality go through to the next round.
The Bottom Tier is just that. I don't think these parks are necessarily awful, but there's normally a lot of stuff lacking from them.
Also, I don't have LL, so the parks in brackets are where I'd rank the LL parks based on the overviews.
Louis! Offline
Finally a decent ranking topic.
But, I'm gonna lock it because i'm not in Ling's top 10.
Kumba Offline
Thanks I guess, but Bad Kraken should really be top 20 at best, not top 4
For me...
1. Airtime
2. ITM
3. FK
4. Shotguns?
5. Louis
6. Pizza
7. RCT2day
8. Dimi
9. Stoksy
10. JJMayForce
No offense to anyone not up there, but this round was all around pretty even. No one really was that many notches above the mid-lower level entries.
FK+Coastermind Offline
My tops, not really in any order:
I'm ecstatic with the amount of fantasy and semi-realism going on, and how well it's doing. More so, I love the surprising members it's coming from. Wonderful round thus far, even with 20 odd drop outs.
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