Micro Madness 2014 / [MM2014 R1] Fisch vs. Ride6 vs. Mattk48 vs. AdamPlaysGames
09-July 14
Liampie Offline
limited space, unlimited madness
Round 1
Fisch (#2) - Blizzard Run
Ride6 (#3) - Elevated Amusements
Mattk48 (#6) - Saphira
AdamPlaysGames (#7) - (unnamed entry)__________________________________________________________________
How to vote?
First of all, check out all the entries in this match. If you can't view one or more entries, for example if you don't own LL, then please, do NOT vote.
Once you've viewed all 4, select your favourite and second favourite in the polls above.
After 3 days, we will close the poll, the results of the two polls will be added together, and the 2 highest scoring entries will proceed to the next round.
Comments on the individual parks have been disabled, so please leave your comments below.
Anyone found to be voting on their own match up will be disqualified from voting.
Anyone found to be voting when they cannot view all 4 entries will be banned from NE.
Votes are public and so any cheating of the system, betrayal of honesty or mistrust will be picked up on and will be dealt with. -
Louis! Offline
Apologies to AdamPlaysGames, we had to replace your original fire hydrant with a non TT version to make your entry accessible to everyone. We are pretty sure it looks exactly the same as your chosen hydrant, but please let us know if it is different.
Lotte Offline
this one was difficult to decide on, but here it goes
4. fisch
it's a shame you didn't finish this, probably would've been the #1 entry in your group. the landscaping that you had complete looked good and the buildings looked simple, and i believe you can do a lot better given more time. also why didn't you place the red accents correctly? only being able to properly view this from one direction didn't help this.
3. adamplaysgames
very cool entry, and very complete! i loved the red bridge you had in there. i really liked the little street you had in there, but don't place a window on every wall. also you should've made the coaster more visible and interact with the rest of the micro, having 9/10th of it underground and not visible didn't help this. i also liked the station you had underground, those are the things that really help a micro. i'm going to place you 3d because though this was a very good micro it still lacked some refinement and had other problems such as the big hill you had there, that would've been an awesome place for a compact coaster!
2. ride6
though adamplays games had a more fun micro IMO, the reason i'm still voting this 2nd is because i had the feeling that you really get what MM is about, getting extremely creative with the space that you have, obviously though you're last MM's finalist. colourscheme of the tower wasn't the best and the coaster felt a bit random, but it's better than no coaster. one of the big things i liked was that the tower was peepable, however it would've looked better in my opinion if you just used the ingame lift to transport peeps up and just kill off those who complain with our trusted friend water, that's because the path leading to the top just took the majority of the space and i think that a system like in corkscrewy's polarcoaster would've been best. i'm still going to place you second because you were creative with the space that you had and the tower showed a lot of effort.
1. mattk48
this was the winner for me, while it didn't show the creative use of space that other entries did show you had the best executed micro of them all. and you did a good job at fitting an entire invert in such a small place. and while it didn't have as much of a theme like other micro's had in the 1st round it still looked very good and realistic.
AdamPlaysGames Offline
No worries - t'is just a fire hydrant.
My entry was far away from finished. I was hoping for there to be a "upper level" to the city, with much taller buildings and whatnot, but I started procrastinating and leaving it to the last minute, but then I had a wedding to go to so just rushed the top building and made a huge hill to cover the land I didn't finish.
The coaster was also supposed to be like one of those fancy clocks where a little man on a car drives by and pops out in random places, but that didn't really work out.
Thanks for the criticism! I'll keep it in mind next time I build.
Fisch Offline
Just wanna say that sadly during the time we had for the first round I was hospitalized for a week and had to work hard on my final project for my Bachelor's degree at uni afterwards in order to catch back up. Deadline for that was this Monday so I'll certainly have more time from now on. Too bad I couldn't finish though, seems like a competitive group.
Good luck to all of you guys.
Faas Offline
1. Ride6
2. Adamplaysgames - I had no idea what was going on but I had fun with your micro.
Fisch's was too unfinished and Mattk's wasn't original enough and didn't have much to show. Looked kind of uninspired. -
Ling Offline
If the pacing on Saphira had been better and you hadn't used zero clearance to fit that drop in causing the land glitch, it might have taken #2 for me. I liked the foliage, architecture, and atmosphere but with the roller coaster playing such a key role I need it to do more right.
Blizzard Run had some nice bits. What quarter-tile landscaping was there was clearly good and the structure was intriguing, but in this state it simply can't be my choice.
APG's entry was most surprising, although I have to say I didn't really have any expectations at all going into it. I think you did use a good portion of the map well and Crazy Taxi's layout actually worked quite well. Could it have been better? Sure, but I think you're pretty safely in second here.
Elevated Amusements was very old-school and very Ride6. I loved it. I hope you continue to bring this wacky macro style to future rounds.
EDIT: I'm a moron and somehow voted my top two in reverse order. Is there any way to nullify my vote or let me edit it?
Louis! Offline
You can delete your vote. And then re-vote.
Just click the 'Delete Vote' button under the poll.
5dave Offline
(unnamed entry) - Adamplaysgames
I liked the idea of a taxi rollercoaster. Also some parts were really nice (bridge, little buildings & interiours) and the landscaping was quite good too. The thing I didn't like was how most of the coaster was hidden underground, that way the idea isn't really living up to its potential (maybe even ditch the gokart track and let the coaster use its space?). Like many other entries - nice idea but missing the execution a bit.
Blizzard run - Fisch
Nice coaster layout (although I don't like the chain at the end), but I'm missing the wow-factor here. While the landscaping and architecture so far is quite nice, the theme isn't really much besides that. Also I don't like the fact that it isn't connected with paths at all, but I think that's mainly due to the whole unfinishedness... The best part definately is landscaping and layout of the coaster, hope you fi(ni)sh that one!
Elevated amusements - Ride6
Not really an original concept, but that aside it's always great to see a working theme park on such a small scale. What I didn't like though was the massivity of the building because it was so small compared to its width, that way it looks kinda ugly. Also I wasn't a fan of the roof textures and flat roof textures at all, it doesn't really fit such a modern structure IMO. Kudos for using the hairpin coaster, that one gets used far too little.
Saphira - Mattk48
Another low seed surprise it seems - the ride and its colors is really nice. The last Immelmann is a bit on the slow side though, but still I liked the layout and overall feel of the entry. The buildings and landscape were nice too. What's really missing though were some pathing details, shops and a more interesting queue IMO. But overall quite nice given the limited space."MFG"
Louis! Offline
Oh lmao, that's just an option for us admins then.
I'll change it.
Edit: I can't change it, so I'll just have to remember to when I come to tally the votes.
Louis! Offline
1) Matt
A lovely little micro. If I'm honest, probably wouldn't have done well against stronger competition, but nonetheless, a deserving win. Nice flowing layout, nice surroundings, nothing too special, but very enjoyable. Well done.
2) Adam
When I found out a TT object was involved I was holding my breath in anticipation for an awful entry. But I was surprised to find a gem of an entry. Congratulations, whilst it's unfinished, the idea was great and little things about it were lovely. The subway station, the bridge, lovely stuff.
3) Ride6
I didn't really enjoy this. I think the use of 'older' objects held it back. Nice idea, just the structure felt really large and expansive for how short it was. But still, nice to see work from you, I always look forward to work from you.
4) Fish
Too unfinished to really be able to rank it against the other entries. Had it been finished, or even just slightly more finished, it would have easily placed higher. Still, thanks for entering!
Stoksy Offline
Fisch: I get that feeling that you only build from one angle...a lot. Would have been nice to see this finished as the coaster was quite cool [cool, see what I did there]. Unfortunately too unfinished to get my vote here.
Ride6: This was nice. Although there was a distinct lack of detail [as Louis touched on] because of the 'older' objects I still thought it was an interesting entry. Because of this I felt it just pipped Matt's.
Matt: Quaint. Decent coaster, but it didn't really do much for me unfortunately. I kind of liked it but I felt that you weren't really adventurous enough with the theming. No complaints if you get through though as you have quite a 'natural' style which makes for atmospheric areas [I just think that it's better on a larger scale rather than cramped together on 225 tiles].
Adam: Really enjoyed this; wish you'd named the park though. I would have probably just done the entire mountain out of 1/4 tile blocks [given the time of course] so that there were more opportunities to see what was going on underground. The Crazy Taxi was pretty great, but I think had you waited one in-game month, opened all the rides and let the peeps in this would have been even better.
FredD Offline
4. Fisch
What a shame this is unfinished. Coaster layout was good, just as the theme you chose. It was kinda disturbing, so that's why I'm placing you 4th in this group.
3. Mattk48
Deciding on who I would place second was really hard. The entries in these group are so close. You've submitted a technically great micro (besides the glitch). It had a speed problem, but didn't disturb me really much. I've put you on #3 because the idea isn't that original, which was better at the other 2 entries.
2. Ride6
Towers are the ideal things to build for MM! I like it, only not a fan of the roof you've used and the colors of the rides. Besides that, great idea and good execution.
1. AdamPlaysGames
Well that's a stunning micro/park to debut on NE! Technically great and the concept was also original. Seeing the overview I was thinking it was a shame you spent so much tiles on a grass mountain. But seeing it in-game made me realize how wrong I was. You sure have thought to detail it! First place in this group for me, congratulations!
Mattk48 Offline
I like blue better than purple, your argument is invalid. JK by the way
thanks for everyones comments, i had fun building it. This is going to be a close one. Its a good 4 entries IMO. Props to my competition
Louis! Offline
Voting Closed
Winner: AdamPlaysGames with 21 points
Runner-Up: Ride6 with 14.5 points
3rd Place: Mattk48 with 13 points
4th Place: Fisch with 9 pointsAdamPlaysGames & Ride6 go through to Round 2
Mattk48 Offline
That bites, only 1 more vote! Damn. Congrats to ride6 and AdamPaysGames. Both were good entries. I hope you go all the way now
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