Micro Madness 2014 / [MM2014 R1] Louis! vs. Ling vs. thirteen
08-July 14
JJayMForce Offline
Trying to open some LL parks and this is a F-ing pain to say the least. I used Posix's guide, installed Rct first in full, then LL in full. Downloaded and opened both patches, in order, then opened the game by double clicking to get the "invalid data" message. Then I tried following these directions:
vista/win7 x86 and x64 (this has only been tested for win7)
you need administrator rights to do this.
windowskey+r > regedit > enter
if the "RCT.EXE" key doesn't exist, create it, as well as shell, open and command respectively.
with the "command" key highlighted on the left, doubeclick on (Default) in the right window.
for "Value Data", enter "<your path>\RCT.EXE" %1. the " " are important here.
Unless you've told Windows Explorer before, double-click an SV4 and tell it to always open with RCT.EXE.I don't think I even did it right ^ but I still get the invalid data message every time I open a LL park. This is a serious hoop to go through just to vote on parks.
Edit: I have opened them in the past, but on an Xp.
Louis! Offline
That's the guide for getting the saves to open via double clicking. You don't need that to work, and it won't work on anything beyond Windows 7.
To open a save game, its not like RCT2, you have to open the game and load a save from that rather than double clicking to open a save.
Basically, if you've installed the game, installed the path, installed the drexler patch then you are good to go. You just need to load up RCT, then load the save.
Louis! Offline
Haha, I'll let that pass
Nah, BG, if you could inform me the correct vote, i'll change it when I tally up.
Austin55 Offline
Did Louis just build a park with a name based off... Texas? MM over. Give that man the championship. -
Chocotopian Offline
3. Machu Picchu - The Journey.
A very nice entry. The architecture was unique to the theme you picked and worked well. The coaster had a good pace and I especially liked the barrel roll between the mountain. A pleasant colour scheme throughout and a great atmosphere. The only downside was the opponents it was up against :/
2. Hammersmith.
This was a great coaster choice and was themed very well. I was impressed with the length of the coaster as it winded its way round and through the turrets. I liked the names of everything too, and the colours definitely suited the medieval theme. If anything, it was all perhaps a little too cramped and a bit difficult to see anything underneath the coaster, and I think this is what held it back from top spot.
1. El Paso Springs.
I think this is excellent. A complete selection of three tracked rides, all intermingling seamlessly and in an unforced manner. Great colours, great foliage and the water tower is all that is needed in the way of structures. Cramped but clear, with a mix of fast and slow movement and a busy atmosphere. Top notch LL.
Airtime Offline
Lew, loved that coaster layout that you've finally managed to recycle. Great little entry. Beautiful landscape and great foliage.
Ling got my 2nd place. Nice entry I just wish I would of seen the path. I like to see paths that people walk on and the ground at the bottom of coasters.
Stoksy Offline
Thirteen: Felt unnecessarily chaotic to me. Really liked the use of grass as a path, but it didn't really do anything for me; probably personal preference. Thought the layout was a bit average, and there wasn't really enough going on to keep me interested.
thirteen Offline
So this was my first and last round. I thank you guys for commenting and voting my work! It was a pleasure to be in this contest. I am sad it already ended here for me, but thats the way it is. Congrats to Louis and Ling!
Louis! Offline
Voting Closed
Winner: Louis! with 27 points
Runner-Up: Ling with 16 points
3rd Place: Thirteen with 8.5 points
Louis! & Ling go through to Round 2
posix Offline
JJMForce, that is still working perfectly on my PC here.
I have no idea how thriteen didn't win this. It was by far the most elegant entry I've seen so far and had the most convincing theming. I personally didn't see a lot in Louis' entry honestly.
Ling's was fun but didn't feel right. Too crammed. Colours were off too.
JJayMForce Offline
I'm sure it does work, Posix, I was just looking in the wrong part of the topic for what I needed. Sorry for the confusion on my end, everyone.
Congrats Louis, and Ling. Really interested to see what you guys can cook up next round!
5dave Offline
Finally got the time to install RCTLL at my laptop.
Sorry if you guys thought the first R2 are being posted
Machu Picchu - Thirteen
Nice ruin feel. Those structures are really impressive and the walkable grass adds a lot to it. It would be nice if there was something to see on the mountains backside, or even multiple layers on the ruins with shops or even another ride? I didn't like the coaster that much, though - you should try to get a coaster running without those trim brakes and the lifthill at the end isn't very appealing either. But I like those spots were it boasts in and out the mountains and ruins. Good job all in all!
Hammersmith - Ling
Fun little map you've got there. This coaster type is so much fun and used way too little - kudos to that! I didn't like that second lifthill though, made it feel kinda sloppy. The town underneath had a nice packed feel to it, maybe a bit too chaotic in places but it gave it a classic scenario feel. Solid work but also a little bit glitchy in places.
El Paso Springs - Louis
This shows pretty well how to include a nice coaster, and two supporting rides without feeling overcrowded. I love how the coaster sits in this small canyon. Really strong LL entry with nice colors, textures and atmosphere without being overhacked. Well done! The only thing I didn't like was some glitches (around the loop for example).
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