Micro Madness 2014 / [MM2014 R1] Louis! vs. Ling vs. thirteen
08-July 14
FredD Offline
Don't have LL so I can't vote. Just looking at the overviews I would have voted Louis' entry as #1...
bdawgtk1982 Offline
It wouldn't let me. Oh well. Based on the two I was able to open, I liked Ling's park the most.
nin Offline
Louis, your entry looks incredible. The other two look great as well, though I've yet to see thirteen's in-game. Can't vote but based in the overviews Id likely lean towards the LL side. -
Faas Offline
I can't install the patch. Probably because the only RCT1/LL version that works on my pc is the one I downloaded from a torrent. Shame on me, I know, but I have tons of not working original versions, so Chris Sawyer got my money all right. Shame I can't vote, looks like an interesting match up.
Six Frags Offline
I forgot to read your first post Louis, BUT I have downloaded the entries afterwards and viewed them in-game after I voted and I stand by my voting decisions.. (I still think it doesn't make too much of a difference between voting from overview or in-game tho as the entries are so small)..
Close call between Louis and Ling, but I liked the coaster and overall atmosphere in Louis' entry a bit more.
Thirteen's was a bit too chaotic and scattered for my taste.
Atomik Offline
Can't vote, no LL but I really like Thirteens park and would vote for him
Edit: Why isn't there a flag besides my name? :c
thirteen Offline
Thanks for the comments guys! I dont have LL and never did, so I viewed the overviews of the two entrys from my opponents and got to say: great work guys!
obviously I wont vote on this one for many reasons.
I am kind of not sure if thats a fair round though. Dont get me wrong here. I mean most of the people cant open the parks (and dont vote), and the guys who have played LL and who CAN may have a favour for LL parks/be biased and MAY rate them higher, because they are more difficult in execution. I am just thinking aloud, I never played LL, but I doubt the comparability of these entries.
I mean 3 guys would have voted for my park, but cant because they dont have LL: Atomik, where_walto and Version1.
Maybe strict LL rounds are a option for the next rounds?
inthemanual Offline
I'm on vacation and can't download these yet. How long will the voting stay open? I really wanna check these out and vote. -
tdub96 Offline
I think Louis' is a sweet little design. You did a really nice job packing such an immersive theme into the micro map. I sat there and watched it for a good chunk of time. Clear #1.
For #2, I gave the nod to thirteen despite neither catching my eye all that well. For me, MM is about packing as much fun into the tiny map as you can, and thirteen's entry was just slightly more fun, and overall more interesting.
Louis! Offline
I mean 3 guys would have voted for my park, but cant because they dont have LL: Atomik, where_walto and Version1.
Walto didn't give comments on the other parks, and thus you can't come to that conclusion, same as Version1.
Plus, many of the others who can't vote have also stated that they would've voted for Ling or myself.
It's not any more unfair by not allowing these votes than it would be to allow these votes. However, we consider it a big issue if people vote when they don't have LL as these people wouldn't have seen 2 out of the 3 entries in game.
We understand it is annoying only getting very few votes, but it's the way it has to be to ensure people have viewed the entries in game, and are not judging content solely on a screenshot.
I'm on vacation and can't download these yet. How long will the voting stay open? I really wanna check these out and vote.3 days.
thirteen Offline
Louis, that wasnt my main point. I totally agree with that rule! You have to see the parks ingame. I was just suggesting, that the general situation of LL parks competing against a rct 2 park is awkward. Because LL is such a different (and more difficult, i agree!) canvas to work with and therefore parks tend be more likely to impress. or am I wrong here?
Louis! Offline
Well, the situation of an LL park going up against an RCT2 park I don't see a problem with, they may be 2 different games, but I think in a contest environment there is no real problem.
Plus, we don't really have any control over who builds what in this contest. I built LL this time, but next time I may build RCT2.
Louis! Offline
Again, you will need to apply the drexler patch. This is a standard thing to do, for pretty much every park at this site you will need the drexler patch applied to enable you to open anything.
geewhzz Offline
Um, wow, Louis' entry the best of the entire round1 so far? that was outstanding dude.. -
Louis! Offline
Um, wow, thanks Gee
always means so much coming from you, not only as a fellow player, but as a friend too
Louis! Offline
Lovely LL entry. Nothing too impressive, but still a lovely little micro. I possibly wouldn't have run the reverser coaster through the entire entry, it took away from some of the architecture and landscape, but no one ever builds a reverser coaster, so props to that. I know you are capable of better, so if you make it through, I'd like to see more!
Really atmospheric entry. I think you are deserving of a few more votes, although I would say you are placed in a tough group. Nice landscaping, interesting structures, the choice in music was perfect and really set the tone. Nice work!
What an outstanding entry. So full of life and atmosphere. The layout was perfect for a micro and nestled in incredibly to the landscape. How you managed to get all that ride interaction without the micro looking messy I don't know. I tip my hat to you sir. Best micro of the tournament!
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