Micro Madness 2014 / [MM2014 R1] Louis! vs. Ling vs. thirteen
08-July 14
Liampie Online
limited space, unlimited madness
Round 1
Louis! (#1) - El Paso Springs
Ling (#4) - Hammersmith
thirteen (#5) - Machu Picchu - The Journey
__________________________________________________________________How to vote?
First of all, check out all the entries in this match. If you can't view one or more entries, for example if you don't own LL, then please, do NOT vote.
Once you've viewed all 4, select your favourite and second favourite in the polls above.
After 3 days, we will close the poll, the results of the two polls will be added together, and the 2 highest scoring entries will proceed to the next round.
Comments on the individual parks have been disabled, so please leave your comments below.
Anyone found to be voting on their own match up will be disqualified from voting.
Anyone found to be voting when they cannot view all 3 entries will be banned from NE. -
Lotte Offline
, i can't vote because i don't have LL installed. but from the overview i like Ling's micro best followed by Louis' entry.
Version1 Offline
Anyone found to be voting when they cannot view all 4 entries will be banned from NE.This rule makes no sense. How do you want to prove that?
Either way, I don't have LL installed so no vote from me. Machu Picchu seems great though.
Lotte Offline
This rule makes no sense. How do you want to prove that?
Either way, I don't have LL installed so no vote from me. Machu Picchu seems great though.
my guess would be that they can see which accounts downloaded the park and then (temporarely?) ban that person from NE, if a person voted but did not download then they're out
-Piggynator- Offline
Oh no! I don't have LL but I just voted from the overview goddamnit.
Well guess I'm getting banned.
Faas Offline
Just read before voting. It makes sense that you have to watch them in game first right? Especially when it's a micro with a lot of 'hidden' stuff.
Liampie Online
Don't vote if you don't see the parks ingame. We'll just ignore your vote in this case... -
Faas Offline
I can't open the parks as well, although I have LL installed. Is there a special easy trick to do?
Coasterbill Offline
I'm in love with El Paso Springs. The bullet inspired coaster is a great idea. Too bad I can't vote. -
bdawgtk1982 Offline
Louis, when I try and open your park it says "Invalid data". I opened Ling's just fine.
GammaZero Offline
Dagnabbit, can't vote. Well, I'd probably vote for Louis!'s entry and Ling's for second place.
Corkscrewy Offline
My stupid LL disc hasn't shown up yet from amazon! I think I got scammed! Ah!
Regardless I'm liking what I'm seeing from the overviews -
Louis! Offline
I can't open the parks as well, although I have LL installed. Is there a special easy trick to do?
Hmmm...do you have the drexler patch installed? Have you had trouble opening our LL parks before?
Louis, when I try and open your park it says "Invalid data". I opened Ling's just fine.Hmmm...works fine for me. Anyone else having this problem?
bdawgtk1982 Offline
I have the GOG version of the game. I had to do a lot of adjusting to get 8cars to work on rct2 so I bet the fact that it is from GOG has something to do with it. I do not have any patches installed.
ida Offline
Most obvious vote i've did yet.
1 - Louis!
Perfect. The foliage is nice, the coaster is small and compact, i really love how much detail there is! The rapid walls work perfect here, the train looks beautiful and there's just so much detail crammed into every area. Do i need to say more?
2 - thirteen
I'm not a big fan of the coaster, it goes around some parts too fast when it should go slow (the corkscrews in the beginning) and too slow around parts where it should go fast (the curved slopes down-right. If a fattie goes on there, i doubt it'll make the hill at all!). The theming looks nice, everything looks perfectly cluttered and broken like a temple should. The colours really strike a constrast with the hills and the paths. Where Faas' entry went wrong with having the cliff edges all plain, you've filled them up with foliage, beatiful buildings and the coaster itself. Nice job. If it weren't for Louis' entry being filled with details though it's LL, you'd definitely be number 1.
3 - Ling
This entry made me go meh. The theming looks random - at some parts it looks like a tropical beach but for most parts it looks like a castle. I'm not sure where it's going and i doubt i need to know. The coaster is something different seeing as reversers don't normally get used, but it's easy to see why as they have limited track pieces and uses. I'm not a big fan of the hacked red path it goes through, i don't really get that. Besides, there's just too many things going on and for me it just doesn't work here.
Louis! Offline
I have the GOG version of the game. I had to do a lot of adjusting to get 8cars to work on rct2 so I bet the fact that it is from GOG has something to do with it. I do not have any patches installed.
This is most likely the problem. Follow this guide, and install the patches if it allows you to. You wont be able to open ANY parks from this site if you don't patch the game.
I have opened mine & Ling's entry on numerous computers and it all opens fine. So not sure what is going wrong with you Faas. -
wheres_walto Offline
Can't vote so I'll just comment on the park I can open.
I liked this entry a lot. You've been showing some real nice work lately and I hope to see more from you. I love the idea, but I think this could have been much better with different textures. Too much much of it was just smooth or brick blocks. Look at some of JK's work, he is the master of using textures to make his work pop. Additionally, I would have liked to see some kind of caves instead of vertical faces. Good entry, I think you've got a good shot at moving on.
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