Micro Madness 2014 / [MM2014 R1] Liampie vs. PokeCoasterEmpries vs. Stoksy vs. Noahnator3
08-July 14
meznator Offline
Architecture is fantastic. The colors and textures compliment each other very well. The Venice boats create a great atmosphere as well. Number 1.
Phenomenal idea and even better execution. The only reason I pick stoksy as number 1 is because I like that kind of RCT better, but that is just. I still thought it was brilliant-number 2.
This just didn't do it for me. I really enjoyed the coaster but the whole park felt so cluttered and messy.
I think if you took out one of the flats and let the architecture breath a bit this would have been a lot better.
I think that if you spent a bit more time and effort looking at NCSO on this site it would have been a bit better.
That said, there are still parts that are good like the foliage and ideas.
Ling Offline
Stoksy is the clear winner here for me. So much going on and so much to look at. Liampie second and Poke a moderately distant third - even the best NCSO will not really stand up to good CSO, and while the castle was a cool idea that was well-executed, the dive coaster could have used that height to its advantage instead of diving somewhere else and then just interacting with one turnaround. The concept behind Liampie's was fantastic and the execution was very old-school, but Stoksy's entry was just very solid in nearly every way. Great match.
5dave Offline
Europa report - Liampie
Don't know the movie (yet) but I really liked the whole feel of the entry. The coaster was a bit too fast for being (somewhat) realistic, the brakes are a no-go to me too. The ice was really cool done with the drill tower and the glimpse of track through the surface. The underwater part was solid but not that exciting.
Vortex - Noahnator
Not much to say on this one. A part of a coaster/park doesn't really work well in Micro Madness, at least not when not executed to perfection and to give something interesting to the eye.
Skull castle - PokeCoasterEmpires
Looks kinda repetive and boring IMO. I think it could have been better with mixing in more different elements to the standard castle and horror theme. Why not use futuristic elements or set the whole castle in the jungle with a nice background story? Stuff like this could make this more interesting and you automatically get more creative while building.
Canali di Venezia - Stoksy
Really great work. I was in Venice last year and you really captured the atmosphere (maybe Venice isn't that colorful and friendly in real life, though). I think some more life would have been nice (more boats, more tourists,...). I'd have loved to see at least one landmark in this (maybe half of Rialto bridge?). But really nice nontheless!
"MFG" -
Poke Offline
I think we already know the two winners. I did really like Liam's and Stoksy's entries though, very difficult to choose which I prefer.
JJayMForce Offline
Europa Report- I really liked this one. Really nice coaster layout and good interaction, lovely rockwork, the above ground snow area was great along with the support structure. Don't know what the balloons represented but it was a cool idea. Very solid entry for round 1. 7/10
Canali di Venezia- Wow, you are refining your style very nicely with this game! Very solid entry, with lovely archy, great idea for the gondalas, and lots of nice little details on the paths, and building interiors. Great job Stoksy and interested to see what you could make later on. 6/10
Vortex- Way too basic here, with nothing going on really, with no movement etc... If this is your first work, I would say keep at it. 1/10
Skull Castle- I did like the way you organized the rides, and it was very lively, but it was not my cup of tea, really. The architecture was very basic and didn't look good imo, and that seemed to be a focal point of the park. 3/10
FK+Coastermind Offline
Liampie, claiming it's Jupiter's Moon won't block the comparisons to Monstrocity's deep water section.....i see what you did there.....
Stoksy, my fav of the round this far, well done.
Stoksy Offline
Obviously won't be voting but...
Liampie: Whilst a part of me really wanted more content, I can still appreciate a quality micro. I think that I would also have liked to see some custom supports, or even no supports at all, on the coaster although there was some really great interaction between the ice shelf and the coaster [obviously the lift, but I especially liked the subtlety of changing the colour of the barrel roll under the ice]. I think maybe it would have benefited from some more buildings on the surface [given that I haven't seen the movie I don't know if that would be deviating too far] perhaps a base of some sort. Agree with 5Dave that the bottom level could have done with some excitement, but given the desolate feel you were going for I'm not sure how you would have implemented that...Also, really cool idea with the balloons; intrigued as to how you did that.
Poke: Quite a nice NCSO park, definitely agree with Trav that there were way too many portcullises/windows on the castle. There's certainly merit to having a few blank walls. Definitely would have liked to see the vertical drop coaster interact with the castle, as I think that it looks a little separated; as if the only reason the castle and the coaster are on the same map is because they happen to share the 'creepy' theme rather than for a specific purpose. There were definitely some lovely touches though, I particularly liked the use of the jungle roof on top of the default roof to give a solid, yet rusty feel.
Noahnator: It's nice to see that you submitted an entry, but it really wasn't great. I mean, not even naming any of the rides was a significant let down. Looks as if you didn't use any hacking either which is admirable but certainly won't get you very far when building. Get your hands on 8cars, learn the ropes a little, look at some parks on here, and keep building.
Glad that so many people enjoyed my entry.
nin Offline
Had a hard time deciding whether I liked Liam's or Stoksy's entry more, but given the theme I leaned more towards Europe Report. After watching the trailer for the movie I've got the urge to watch it, and a scifi space theme is always fun.
Stoksy's was fantastic though. If you move forward I can't wait to see what else you come up with. An entire park area built like your entry would be amazing.
thirteen Offline
this is so toplevelstuff. liampies entry was extraordinarily creative. loved that one for its atmosphere. but the same with stoksys entry. the interiours were just so charming. so my votes go for these two.
i also really liked the scull castle for its ncso charme. but its just a very hard round.
vortex was pretty rushed i think.
Chocotopian Offline
4. Vortex.
Whilst it was quite plain, I did like the atmosphere that was going on. Within its context, I feel that this area would have a certain tranquillity until every once in a while the coaster tears past and then fades out again. Your selection of trees was good and the touches of pink added a nice splash of colour (although I do think the purple of the coaster and buildings was a bit too overpowering). Perhaps in future you could add a few smaller trees, shrubs and flowers to compliment the foliage and bring a bit more depth. Also, I feel that the buildings could've benefited from extra detailing as, as I said, they were rather plain and didn't provide much to look at.
3. Skull Castle.
Great names for the attractions (Blood and Brains made me smile!), and a solid entry overall. The excess of windows and arches on the main castle somewhat distracted me from its otherwise towering, looming grandeur, but I thought the orange/red building was very well done and added a bright yet suitable colour to the area. A great atmosphere that was half horror, half comic. Nice NCSO work.
2. Europa Report.
A fantastic idea. Absolutely loved the little creature floating around. The coaster itself wasn't particularly interesting to me with regards to its layout, but the theming around the first drop, and the way it was visible through the water was great. Also, the way the ice landscape hung with frozen shards around the edges was a great touch. A very well executed theme and a great use of the space.
1. Canali di Venezia
Absolutely beautiful. Wonderful architecture and detailing (inside and out), crowded but not so much that details were missed, and an excellent atmosphere. The colour choices were spot on and there was enough movement in the area to keep it interesting without distracting from the calmness. A very nice theme done exceptionally well. My #1 vote is for this entry.
Xeccah Offline
Knew right away it would be between Liam and Stosky. At first the creativity, full-fledged coaster design and really great details of Europa nearly sealed the deal, but seeing stosky's...
Holy shit. Like. The interiors. the little imperfections and variations in detailing that has really only been done justice by the likes of RRP. Just the feeling of "I'm in venice holy shit" made me give you #1. You and ITM are going to be breakthrough players out of this contest.
Poke did some good stuff but it wasn't enough. Scale was nice but looking for a bit more, I suppose.
Louis! Offline
1) Stoksy
I fell in love with this as soon as you submitted it. This is one of the best entries we've had this round. Your best work yet and wow, you are going to go far in this tournament!
2) Liam
I really liked this, it was really well constructed, a fabulous idea, and overall, a solid micro. Landscaping was great, the ice level was just outstanding. I think the entry would have been even better had it just been the ice level lol there was something about the calm and tranquillity of it.
3) Poke
I had a tough decision to make, rank this higher or lower than Liam's. In the end, you took the #3 spot. It was a very impressive structure, I was really surprised at how much I actually enjoyed it when viewing it properly. In other matches, you would have placed higher, it's a shame you were up against 2 top quality entries.
4) Noah
Welcome to the site! Don't listen to any of the mean people, thank you for submitting your entry and participating in the contest. Whilst the quality of your entry wasn't up to par, at least you entered, something a lot of our other members didn't do. I hope you stick around our site, and also Reddit, and improve your skills, a lot of members here started at the same level as you are, keep on working!
Airtime Offline
Good idea and good execution as you would expect from Liam.
Stoksy, where the fuck did that come from? It's very Cocoa but wow, the architecture and details in there. Combined that with coaster layouts and you could have a really high scoring park one day. You edge this match just on the fact how much you've impressed me.
Poke, if your entry was in a weaker match up, I think you could of got through the round. Nice entry none the less.
Louis! Offline
Voting Closed
Winner: Stoksy with 63.5 points
Runner-Up: Liampie with 59.5 points
3rd Place: PokeCoasterEmpires with 11 points
4th Place: Noahnator3 with 1 pointStoksy & Liampie go through to Round 2
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