Micro Madness 2014 / Micro Madness 2014 General Information & Discussion
05-June 14
Kumba Online
Maybe we could PM small teaser screens to the admins and they could post them anonymously.
I am okay with no screens tho. It's just a few weeks between entries. I am a total attention whore and if I can deal with it, you guys should be able to too.
Lotte Offline
What kind of snail?
i think he's going with a clever scheme that also involves snails that live underwater, who then give it to above ground living snails. even fooling the american navy
Louis! Offline
No streaming and no screens of any kind are allowed. All work must be private. You may be disqualified if work is found in public view. -
Lotte Offline
in the end you'll need to do this by yourself, you can't just have somebody going to the next round when there was somebody else who was part of it's succes
Louis! Offline
ITM - sharing work in PMs isn't public. You may get someone to hack something for you, however you must inform us when you submit your entry. -
Kumba Online
So after the sign-up closes tomorrow, will we get to know all the seeds? I know we won't know the groups, but knowing the seeds would be cool.
Louis! Offline
Seeds won't be known until the start of the contest. We won't have finalised the seeds until next week sometime, so we will have to wait to release them until then. -
Lotte Offline
i'd like to think that i have some actual chances in this competition, in reality i'd be lucky to reach round 2. but here's to hoping i'm the next camcorder
AdamPlaysGames Offline
I've got a quick question that's been on my mind and I figured I'd post here to check to make sure I don't break any rules. It's something trivial but I don't fancy being disqualified or something because of something this small.
The wall that's not glitching through the station technically is on a block that isn't part of the 15x15 micro, it's on the surrounding edge, but facing inwards. Would this be permitted, or would I need to work completely within the boundaries?
inthemanual Offline
That's allowed in Kumba's Monthly Micros, and in the Micro Contest that was run at reddit, so I would assume so, but I can't say for sure.
Ling Offline
Pretty sure the inner wall of the outermost +1 tile is allowed. But you couldn't have track/rides/path on the tile.
Kumba Online
Here are the rules I had for Monthly Micros:
"Blank tiles are allowed to count as unused map space. Walls on the border are alright. Tiles without any objects or visible rides/shops on them will not count towards your tile count. Objects maybe be used at the edge of the map to cover the sides of used tiles without effecting the tile count."
I think I did allow blank water and grass tiles to NOT count as used space, but I would be fine with this contest not allowing them.
I do hope we can use off-map space for totally invisible dummy stations?
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