Micro Madness 2014 / Micro Madness 2014 General Information & Discussion
05-June 14
Louis! Offline
I'm looking forward to seeing who actually submits an entry and who has just signed up for the lols.
I'd say I was halfway through my first entry after changing the direction I wanted to go in this contest.
Poke Offline
Eh, I decided to do something NCSO instead with the same concept. I still prefer my LL park though.
Richie Offline
Im working on mine, hasn't really worked out how I wanted think i might start again tonight.
Would have been easier with a slightly bigger map in sure of that lol
Lotte Offline
can we put readme's in with the park? i want to further elaborate on my micro to get the story across
robbie92 Offline
Started laying things out and testing hacks last night, full-on work starts tonight. I have tomorrow off, so I can probably get a large chunk done tomorrow.
FredD Offline
I now realise I've placed a sign outside the 15x15 map. I got problems with the guest entry point and only managed to get 48 peeps inside. So I placed a 'forbidden entrance' sign on the path from the entrance to the map. Is that a violation? It's only there to not lose the peeps I managed to get in.
Louis! Offline
We aren't exactly going to sit there and count the squares on all 64 entries anyway, how much time do you people think we have? lol
FredD Offline
Yeah but you don't have to count to see it's not in the map
I just wanted to know sure it's OK.
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