Micro Madness 2014 / Micro Madness 2014 General Information & Discussion
05-June 14
Kumba Offline
Pots... World Cup Groups... nin as a #1 over Roomie... this all makes no sense...
Im just going to build a kickass micro and send it in and not bother to think to much...
I guess I can make custom objects for my entry, right?
Stoksy Offline
Are entrances to rides allowed outside the 225 tiles? I wanted to have a tracked ride go through certain areas of the park, but don't want the ride's entrance to be within the area.
[Obviously the station/queue etc. would all be invisible and blacktiled].
Louis! Offline
Yes custom objects can be made, there is no workbench, so no limit on objects.
No an entrance can't be placed outside the 225 tile limit, nor can queue. I said hacking could, but making something invisible doesn't constitute as hacking. -
][ntamin22 Offline
I'm in the wrong pot. I'm intending to use this competition as an opportunity to exercise my new ideas in micro-minimalism. Prepare yourselves for a first-pot quality bush placement the likes of which haven't been seen since egg_head and MA's glorious forays into the style in the Dump Place.
submit a 1-tile nano 255 times
Faas Offline
I don't understand this system at all. I'm not good with numbers and stuff. Guess I'll just build a micro and send it in? What does me being in pot 4 mean? Will I battle people from pot 4?
FredD Offline
No, those pots are made regarding the quality of the players; The very best are in pot 1, the "worst" (no offense) in pot 8. In each group there are 4 participants who will be randomly chosen from the pots. You can see from which pot each group will draw. For example group 1:
From pot 1: Liampie
From pot 4: Faas
From pot 5: FredD
From pot 8: papaya
So you'd be in a group with Liampie, me and Papaya. In group 2, there will be draw from pots 2, 3, 6 and 7. In first and second round, the first two go trough the next round. In semi-final, only the first will play the final. I hope this cleared some things up?
Lotte Offline
the pots aren't a very clear indicator of quality IMO, look at Mr brightside's pro tour entry, though it's not top quality it was definitely a good submission, also he has won 2 consequetive contests at reddit last year. he atleast deserves to be in pot 7, more so than a lot of them in that pot.
AdamPlaysGames Offline
It's just a general list to make things easier - not definitive of who's better than who.
Faas Offline
gdb, I don't think it's about who deserves to be where. It's all about making things easier, I get that now. Besides, winning reddit contests is not really an indication of quality. That's like saying GVVV should play Champions League because they've won in the topklasse.
Louis! Offline
The seeds are based on quality, as well as concepts and ideas and ability in small map sizes. The more work shown on NE by a member the better indication we have of their ability and the better judgement we can make.
Towards the bottom (7 andit was very difficult to decide where to place people especially when we can only go finding work at Reddit if they use the same username as here.
At the end of the day, the seeds are to define who is better than who, but whilst there is a massive change of quality between 1 and 8, there isn't a massive change between say 1 and 2 or 6 and 7 etc.
So yes, other peoples opinions may indicate people shouldn't be in the pot they are in, but at the end of the day, we have organised the contest, we have done the best job at seeding we could have done with what we could find.
Anyway, nothing is going to change, we are happy with how the seeds are and believe they are an accurate representation for this contest.
Also, FredD has again explained the whole process in a clear and concise way, so thankyou -
Lotte Offline
well alright then, and for the rest it shows the quality of players pretty well, just some minor things such as the one i mentioned, but that's bound to happen in a contest with 64 spots. you guys are doing a good job at organizing this, and i wish everyone the best!
Mattk48 Offline
Does my entry have to be a square, or can i make it whatever shape I want as long as i stay within 225 tiles?
Lotte Offline
may i ask how it was determined who got to enter in pot 8 and who was left out, out of the users that haven't ever submitted anything?
bdawgtk1982 Offline
If I use black tiles on the outside could I still make something and consider it NCSO?
Also, do custom rides disqualify the NCSO thing as well?
Liampie Online
Gdb, we favoured members who've shown work in the past over members who never showed anything. Assuming there will be a few forfeits, I'm sure everyone will get a chance though.
Bdawgtk1982, to me a single custom object makes it CSO, but it doesn't matter for the contest, does it?
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