Micro Madness 2014 / Micro Madness 2014 General Information & Discussion
05-June 14
Liampie Offline
If people are pulled at random from the pots, what is the point of the pots?
The point is generating groups of comparable quality. Groups will either consist of seeds #1, #4, #5 and #8, or #2, #3, #6 and #7. If we did it completely at random, you might end up with groups like Pac-Robbie-Kumba-Airtime or MarshmallowPeeps-MrBrightside-papaya-Spudzilla (no offense guys!). Not really fair, right? -
Xeccah Offline
A so called noob made it to the final last time round. Don't under estimate noobs, they are complete unknowns!
yeah and he's in pot 4 now if that tells you anything
robbie92 Offline
I'm in the wrong pot. I'm intending to use this competition as an opportunity to exercise my new ideas in micro-minimalism. Prepare yourselves for a first-pot quality bush placement the likes of which haven't been seen since egg_head and MA's glorious forays into the style in the Dump Place.
Xeccah Offline
I'm in the wrong pot. I'm intending to use this competition as an opportunity to exercise my new ideas in micro-minimalism. Prepare yourselves for a first-pot quality bush placement the likes of which haven't been seen since egg_head and MA's glorious forays into the style in the Dump Place.
Bridge contest, much?
^^ I don't get it.
Pot 4 is best pot
Ling Offline
The point is generating groups of comparable quality. Groups will either consist of seeds #1, #4, #5 and #8, or #2, #3, #6 and #7. If we did it completely at random, you might end up with groups like Pac-Robbie-Kumba-Airtime or MarshmallowPeeps-MrBrightside-papaya-Spudzilla (no offense guys!). Not really fair, right?
I understand not wanting to put everyone of the same caliber together right at the start to eliminate half of them, but the first part of your post makes it sound like seeds are selected from within a pot, which would cause exactly that scenario. So do you mean one person from pot 1, pot 4, pot 5, pot 8, etc.? Not that this really affects me because I probably won't pass the second round anyway, I just want to get my head around it.
robbie92 Offline
My micro will be a macro, to comment on the state of transience within the grid-like confines of a RCT map.
inthemanual Offline
^ Look at the bracket and it should make sense. A random #1, #4, #5, and #8 are put into each of 8 groups, and a #2, #3, #6, and #7 are put into the other 8 groups.
I think Liam meant that the groups themselves would be of comparable quality, not the people within them.
Louis! Offline
You misunderstand. People aren't randomly drawn from all the pots. You'll notice in the bracket there are matches of 1-4-5-8 and 2-3-6-7. These numbers are the pot numbers, so a random person from Pot 1 will face the same from Pot 4, Pot 5 and Pot 8.If people are pulled at random from the pots, what is the point of the pots?
Does that make it clearer?
The pots are seeds, the seeds are placed into the bracket in a specific way, but people are randomly pulled from the pot.
It's the way the top seeds were assigned in the World Cup. Belgium was a top seed, but they were randomly pulled out to be in Group H, the point of the pot was to keep the top seeds seperate, but the randomisation allows for a fairer contest. This is why we have done this too.
Does that make more sense?
Inthemanual makes the most sense lol explained it in a clear and concise way haha -
Camcorder22 Offline
My micro will be a macro, to comment on the state of transience within the grid-like confines of a RCT map.
I want to see an impressionistic entry that is 225 tiles, with 10x10 blank tiles between each tile, so you can only see the complete entry when you zoom out.
robbie92 Offline
It will be 225 random tiles spread across a 225x225 map, with 225 objects for the entire project, or 225 objects placed and then deleted 225 times. One single object displaced 225 times, or a piece of track replicated 225 times. Get ready boys, it's obvious my round's gonna be a doozy...
Ling Offline
I get it now, thank you Louis/inthemanual. Maybe it would make more sense if I followed soccer.
Camcorder22 Offline
As reigning MM underdog/parkmaker who never should have been, I'll take it upon myself to make a quick guide to success for all you noobs:
1) More levels = more sweg
2) Theme entry to aliens, satan, or trees for wow factor.
3) Realism = bad, shoestring through hell = good
4) Sabotage opponents into dropping, losing inspiration, or building less levels than you.
5) Listen to Avicii on repeat while building for maximum levels.
6) Never build again after placing in MM.
robbie92 Offline
That's it! 225 levels! Each tile is a different level! I've got to ask Roomie if it's possible to shoestring a tile...
Lotte Offline
As reigning MM underdog/parkmaker who never should have been, I'll take it upon myself to make a quick guide to success for all you noobs:
1) More levels = more sweg
2) Theme entry to aliens, satan, or trees for wow factor.
3) Realism = bad, shoestring through hell = good
4) Sabotage opponents into dropping, losing inspiration, or building less levels than you.
5) Listen to Avicii on repeat while building for maximum levels.
6) Never build again after placing in MM.
we think alike camcorder, but you might want to get yourself checked because that's not always a good thing
Marshmallow Peeps Offline
Being new, I assume that we can build whatever we want in our entries, no set themes or requirements other than 15x15? Also, is there somewhere I can download Black Tiles to remove the excess ground outside the 15x15 (because minimum park size in RCT2 is 50x50).
Ling Offline
Any modern CSO RCT2 park should have them. Search for workbenches in the database, and use any of them. The H2H or Xtreme97 workbenches are all great but may be a bit overwhelming if you're completely new to that level of CSO.
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