RCT Discussion / Coaster Classifieds
27-March 14
][ntamin22 Offline
that's an outstanding job of spaghetti-bowling. My only criticism is the tight turn after the sea serpent roll - I would say its worth moving the station out a few tiles if needed to get a bigger turn radius there.
Bubbsy41 Offline
Looking for a Rct2 GCI design. 100ft or less with good pacing and preferably a station flyby. and in a 45x45 area. Open to anyone. -
Liampie Offline
That looks huge, but in a good way. Epic would be a good way to describe it. I do not like the slope from the bottom turn into the diagonal steep hill. Can be smoother, or alternatively cover it up with trees.
Wrong topic, by the way. -
F0ndue Offline
Ok, so where can I post it? I'd rather not spam screenshots for every little occasion where I'd need some advice.
Liampie Offline
It's better to spam the front page than posting it somewhere off-topic! Maybe open a new topic. -
F0ndue Offline
This is exactly why I miss the old advertisement district. You could have your dedicated topics there and easily ask for feedback.
Aside from that. I usually build valleys of diagonal slopes this way (and put a straight piece of track between them), do you think it only looks bad at the bottom of the flying snake dive?
Liampie Offline
Oh, there too. Didn't notice that before. I think this just looks bad when done with diagonal track. Diagonal track doesn't really need it anyway, in my opinion, it already has a larger radius than straight sloped track. -
F0ndue Offline
Well shit, I used it a lot in my park, at least for the wooden coaster (which arguably is a lot bigger than the launched coaster, and it's already a nightmare to properly scale everything else to it). But the short slope doesn't look quite right either when you compare it to the steep-to horizontal piece. Makes me really wish there was a horizontal to steep diagonal piece. I'll tinker around a bit (probably need to raise the track at the bottom anyways, it is way too close to the water I think).
Jappy Offline
Been trying to build an Intamin launch... Since I suck at layouts, I want the opinion from the experts.
G Force Offline
Middle of the layout feels too high off the ground, and a bit spaghetti bowl like. Coasters like iSpeed have a bit more of an organized layout and flow a bit better. I'd re-work from the first station fly-by on. I feel an Intamin coaster would never pass under a break run like that.
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