RCT Discussion / Coaster Classifieds
27-March 14
G Force Offline
that being said, would anyone be interested in taking over my project??
I might be in the market after I finish Magnum, whenever that is... really want to build a nice GCI design and this layout might be a good starting point.
sneakyfrankie94 Offline
I might be in the market after I finish Magnum, whenever that is... really want to build a nice GCI design and this layout might be a good starting point.
Totally cool man, let me know. -
sneakyfrankie94 Offline
I also have many other GCI designs if anyone would like them. The one I posted before is more of a recreation but I have about 15 other custom ones -
sneakyfrankie94 Offline
Sorry I'm late with the post. Out of all that I made though, these are the 4 that I'm most proud of.
sneakyfrankie94 Offline
2nd and last layout are cash.
Thanks dog. I also happened to like those two the most as well. The second one is completely custom, and the last one is based off Gold Striker. I also made them so people can do a ten foot clearance over an invisible exit/entrance hut as well.
Anyone, let me know if you would like one of them and message me directly! Also, feel free to send me a request for a request for a custom GCI, whether it's in a space you'd like me to complete or with certain elements or even a recreation. I like challenges and I like making GCIs more than anything.
Version1 Offline
So, after I tried all day to build a classical wooden coaster and this being the best outcome of it:
I think I will give up and ask here. I need a classical wooden coaster (90's) for RCT2. The coaster shouldn't need much more space then the woody posted above.
PizzaWurscht Offline
im not a fan of the turn going under the first hill. its also too bumby.
but its nice for an oldschool layout.
RCT2day Offline
Version1, that's an excellent layout. I wouldn't give up on that layout or a layout like that. It can use some tweaks but I love that layout overall.
Stoksy Offline
Layout isn't bad Version1, the problem [which a lot of people have to be fair] is that you're hills are so sharp. Just because you can flatten and start hills at the earliest possible moment doesn't mean that you have to. Ease into the drops and valleys more smoothly by strategic flat sections and additional shallow sections and it'll look and feel a lot smoother in my opinion.
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