RCT Discussion / Coaster Classifieds

  • spacek531%s's Photo

    I adore schwarzkopf coasters of all kinds. I thought I would share with you some of the designs I have made in OpenRCT2, and I would enjoy seeing them in parks. There are 5 designs and one alternate design in this pack.


    This pack was created and tested in OpenRCT2. If you are using RCT2, you may have issues placing these designs.


    Attached Image: Wildcat Preview.png


    The track is the water coaster track because I felt it was a better match for the real track style than the mini coaster track. After placing the ride, you can make the two straight chain after the station invisible and replace the gap with junior coaster traction tires, which is prototypical to the real ride. Before placing, ensure that clearances are disabled, and that you have both the Mini Coaster Automobile Cars (appropriately named WCATC.DAT) and the Water Coaster ride available. No stipulations for use.


    Attached Image: Alpenblitz Preview.png


    Alpenblitz is a traveling powered coaster. As some people on Reddit have pointed out, the real ride does not have such steeply-banked straight sections, but the banking is a good way to hide the chain lift. Before placing the ride, make sure that the Disable Vehicle Limits cheat and Unlock Operation Limits cheat are enabled. No stipulations for use.


    Attached Image: Zipper Preview.png


    A custom design, based on the Whizzer in Six Flags Great America. It is made to fit inside a modest rectangle. If you use this ride, please inform me as I enjoy seeing my designs used.


    Attached Image: Fleetfoot Preview.png


    A custom design taking advantage of OpenRCT2's new booster track piece. OpenRCT2 is capable of saving and placing tracks with track pieces unavailable to the ride type or loading trains of a different ride type, but not both at the same time. Because of this, you will need to apply the Schwarzkopf Looper trains (named Roller Coaster Trains ingame) after placement. If you use this ride, please inform me as I enjoy seeing my designs used, and please choose a name other than Fleetfoot, as the coaster already appears under that name in OpenRCT2 0.1.0.


    Attached Image: Shuttle Loop Preview.png


    Last but not least, everyone's favorite: the shuttle loop. This design differs from the design in the game already, because a little birdie on the internet told me to put a brake piece behind the station to slow the train down to realistically shorten the rear tower. The brake pieces on the launch section are simply for aesthetics if you don't feel like opening the tile inspector - the real ride's launch section is similar in appearance to the chain pieces. No stipulations for use.


    There you have it: 5 different Schwarzkopf and Schwarzkopf-inspired track designs. I hope they find many happy homes in your designs, golds, silvers, bronzes, and everything else.


    Get it here: Attached File  Spacek531's Schwarzkopf Pack 1.1.zip (2.21KB)
    downloads: 216

  • dr dirt%s's Photo

    Yeah, I really like it too, thanks!

    I'll make some minor tweaks and edit this post with the file.


    EDIT: Attached File  IntPreFab.sv6 (12.11MB)
    downloads: 204

  • Version1%s's Photo

    Apparently you've got some TT objects in the save, can't open it :(

  • G Force%s's Photo
    Just use ParkDat to get rid of them.
  • Version1%s's Photo

    Forgot that that was a thing...

  • Peeps%s's Photo

    Got some more:


    Attached Image: Twister3.png


    Attached Image: Twister4.jpg


    Attached Image: Twister5.jpg


    Let me know if you're interested.

  • dr dirt%s's Photo

    Twister @ Knoebels Rec if anyone would like to support/theme it:

    Attached Image: Map1 2017-08-11 19-29-13.png

  • G Force%s's Photo

    Thats quite a good attempt, probably as good as you'll be able to get it honestly.

  • Bubbsy41%s's Photo

    Looking for a Gravity Group or CCI woodie.  No need for realism.  I'm just looking for a nice #datflow layout

  • Terry Inferno%s's Photo

    Here's a double out-and-back CCI. It has a long footprint, but it's only 13 units at its widest.



  • sneakyfrankie94%s's Photo

    Attached Image: Unnamed park 2017-08-11 11-46-21.pngAttached Image: Unnamed park 2017-08-11 11-46-28.pngAttached Image: Unnamed park 2017-08-11 11-46-34.png


    Knott's Ghostrider, if anyone wants this. I've given up, not enough time.

  • G Force%s's Photo
    That looks really nice, might have to take you up on that when I get my RCT back.
  • SensualEthiopianPolice%s's Photo

    Attached Image: Xtreme97 Workbench 2014 2018-01-13 19-54-34.png

    To let

  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I enjoy the turnaround that reminds of thunderbolt at kennywood. Nice layout
  • G Force%s's Photo
    I think it would be much better if you actually make it more like Thunderbolt. Still good though, you're definitely pretty skilled with wooden coaster layouts.
  • Scoop%s's Photo

    I wanna see you make a cci or gci Sensual

  • FunTown1412%s's Photo



    Did y'all remember the now-defunct Son Of Beast hybrid coaster that was at Kings Island from 2000 until 2012 (when it got demolished)?!?!  Have you been reading the various online posts about a wanted RMC remake for it?!?!  THAT'S what I'm looking for--an RMC recreation for Son Of Beast:

    ·It should use the RMC Hybrid Coaster Track option

    ·Follow the course of the late S.O.B roller coaster formerly at Kings Island

    ·It MUST reincorporate the vertical loop, which was on the ride's track from 2000 through 2006

    ·It also should incorporate some new RMC track elements (barrel rolls, underground sections, a water trough/tunnel section underneath the loop.


    I'm also looking for other tracked ride files:

    ·(Pacific Ocean Park) Steel Serpent (née High Boy) wooden coaster

    ·(Pacific Ocean Park) Flying Fish steel wild mouse coaster (using the Flying Fish vehicles)

    ·(Pacific Ocean Park) Banana Train Ride

    ·(Pacific Ocean Park) Ocean Skyway Ride (using the the Ocean Sky Ride bubble vehicles)

    ·(Pacific Ocean Park) Union 76 Ocean Motorway (using the Sportscars vehicles)

    ·(various parks) Galaxy (SDC/Pinfari) mini steel coaster (using Automobile or Rocket vehicles)

    ·(various parks) Roller Coast Looper (Pinfari) mini steel coaster (using Automobile, Bobsled,or Rocket vehicles)

    ·(Circus World Florida/Boardwalk & Baseball Park) Florida Hurricane (née Flying Tiger) wooden coaster (which is now in Arkansas as Arkansas Twister)

    ·(Circus World Florida/Boardwalk & Baseball Park/6 Flags New England) Zoomerang-style Afterburner model looping (forwards/backwards) steel looping coaster (using Looping or Corkscrew style vehicles)

    ·(Fun Spot Orlando) Greazed Lightning (GCI) wooden coaster

    ·(Fun Spot Kissimmee) Mine Blower (GCI) hyper wooden/steel coaster with double barrel rolls (using Timberliner vehicles)

    ·(Fun Spot Orlando/Kissimmee/Atlanta Parks) The various Go-Kart Tracks at these parks

    ·(Kings Dominion) Wacky Wheels (Sunshine Turnpike) ride course (using Sportscars vehicles)

    ·(Walt Disney World) Haunted Manison ride course (using Doombuggy vehicles)

    ·(Disneyland) Haunted Mansion classic ride course (using Doombuggy vehicles)

    ·(Disneyland Paris) Phantom Manor (a Haunted Mansion-style) ride course (using Doombuggy vehicles)

    ·(6 Flags Great Adventure) El Toro wooden coaster

    ·(6 Flags Great Adventure) Frontier Log Flume ride course (may need some advanced editing for proper entrance/exit at its station)

    ·(6 Flags La Ronde Montréal) Le Monstre dual racing wooden coaster (both traditional and RMC remake versions)

    ·(6 Flags La Ronde Montréal) Toboggan Nordique steel wild mouse coaster OR mini steel coaster (using Automobile vehicles)

    ·(6 Flags La Ronde Montréal) Super Manege steel corkscrew coaster (using Corkscrew vehicles)

    ·(6 Flags La Ronde Montréal) (now-defunct) Cobra steel stand-up coaster (using Steel Stand-Up vehicles)

    ·(6 Flags La Ronde Montréal) (now defunct) La Pitoune log flume ride course


    I'll post another request message when I think up of more needed tracks.  Thank You!

  • FunTown1412%s's Photo

    Anyone want the design?

    I DO!!!! 
  • SensualEthiopianPolice%s's Photo



    Did y'all remember the now-defunct Son Of Beast hybrid coaster that was at Kings Island from 2000 until 2012 (when it got demolished)?!?!  Have you been reading the various online posts about a wanted RMC remake for it?!?!  THAT'S what I'm looking for--an RMC recreation for Son Of Beast:

    ·It should use the RMC Hybrid Coaster Track option

    ·Follow the course of the late S.O.B roller coaster formerly at Kings Island

    ·It MUST reincorporate the vertical loop, which was on the ride's track from 2000 through 2006

    ·It also should incorporate some new RMC track elements (barrel rolls, underground sections, a water trough/tunnel section underneath the loop.



    RMCs are kinda tricky to do right now. There's no real way to import custom tracks into the game yet (although it'll probably happen further down the road). So an RMC Son of Beast most likely would have to be made using a combination b&m track and a few others which frankly, doesn't look all that great most of the time.

    But also, what do you need that many layouts for? 
  • SensualEthiopianPolice%s's Photo

    I'm frantically trying create a screen in time for the draft. Here's the layout I drummed up Attached Image: Xtreme97 Workbench 2014 2018-02-26 18-19-31.png


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