General Chat / 2014 in film

  • robbie92%s's Photo

    I had chills from that shot of the X-Wings racing across the water and the Millenium Falcon tracking shot. This next year wait is gonna be killer.


    Jurassic World could be great, in that the set design and execution of the park looks fantastic, but the dialogue and story we saw in the trailer feel clunky. Here's hoping it's more "Jurassic Park" than "Jurassic Park III."

  • Steve%s's Photo

    Star Wars trailer excites me. Not because of the content of the trailer, because not much was actually divulged, but because it looks like we're getting a worthy sequel. Jurassic World however, I have much higher hopes for. I'm mostly basing this on Chris Pratt, because lately he never signs onto a project that isn't gold.


    I saw Interstellar last night in IMAX. Holy shit. I can't think of the last time my mind was blown so many times. Christopher Nolan does it again. Beautifully shot, written, and acted. Highly recommended.

  • 5dave%s's Photo
    Sorry to bump but I realized all the movies I saw 'lately' were from last year, so...:

    Loved it basically, maybe I need to rewatch it someday but still I loved the whole thing. The twists and turns, the visuals, the soundtrack. Some people compared it to 2001, but maybe that's a bit too bold IMO. Better than Inception, because the setting was more believable.

    Very intense movie with a frightening but realistic idea behind it. You're kinda torn between hating and sympathizing with the main character and he plays so well. Deserved more recognition IMO.

    Wild Tales (Relatos salvajes):
    Really crazy movie - six intense and rough short stories about the depths of human emotions and actions. It showed that revenge in some cases isn't the best way to go - highly recommended!

    I was sitting on the edge of the seat waiting for.... Nothing? I mean it's a nice experiment for a movie but that's about it and not deserving the praise it got. Zero storytelling and creativity.

    Amazing movie. Kinda a mixture between Black Swan and Fight club I guess? I loved the long camera shots, the music inbetween the transitions and the whole meta stuff going on :D

    The dark valley:
    It's an amazing Austrian western movie that takes place in the alps. Kinda reminded me of Tarantino-movies, was really surprised of the quality of this movie, being rather negatively biased by Austrian movies.

    Asterix: Le domaine des dieux:
    Fun family animated movie. I hated the real Asterix movies with Depardieu, but this one was really nice - good humor, visuals and pacing and also a lot of nice references to the comics. Went with my nephew&niece and they also loved it...

  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    i shit you not i waited until tonight to watch grand budapest hotel. classic wes anderson shit and i ended up laughing harder than i should

  • MorganFan%s's Photo

    I was smiling from the second I heard the opening music. I love that film.

  • Faas%s's Photo

    If only someone would make a micro park based on it.....

  • Ling%s's Photo

    I remember ^that. I also remember really liking it.


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