Related Games / RollerCoaster Tycoon® 4 Mobile™ (& new PC version)
16-March 14
Coasterbill Offline
You can set either of them up in like 5 seconds... also, who doesn't have a Facebook account? lol
PizzaWurscht Offline
if this game comes for pc ... awesome . This a realistic RCT not like rct3 . I hope everything looks nice even without CSO from .
ida Offline
Ahahaha, the fact that the game is constantly encouraging and getting you to spend the only ingame currency you get from the start... though, to be honest, it definitely wouldn't be such an awful game if it wouldn't have all those crap transactions in it.
Roomie Offline
SO the Mobile game is crap. no surprise there.
But more news on the PC game
Most importantly
As is popular with games these days, Rollercoaster Tycoon 4 on PC will be available on Steam Early Access. No details were given on when, though Chesnais suggested news wouldn’t be too far away.
Atari will be using the Early Access process to learn, to gauge interest and – hopefully – make the game that RCT fans are crying out for.
Perhaps most annoyingly
The mobile version will also act as a test bed for potential ideas, with one such – perhaps controversial – addition being the inclusion of vanity items that can be redeemed.
Chesnais explains that by inviting friends or pre-registering on the Rollercoaster Tycoon website you’ll gain access to unique items that you’ll be able to show your friends.
“It will be very important for us to see if this is of interest to the community – yay or nay? – if it is we’ll just improve that in the PC version.”
But if that sounds too much like a microtransaction that you’re not into, then it might not happen.
“If people say ‘you know what, we want something else’, okay, we’ll do something else,” adds Chesnais. “We’re flexible.”
Also good news i guess
While On5 is the developer of the mobile version, however, a different developer is working on the PC version – though Chesnais would not say who “because we’re working on a bigger announcement.”
but again annoyingly
“You will be able to gift things to friends, you will be able to give a code to give something to your friend.
“We’ll be adding other things but the first things you’ll be able to do is you’ll be able to add friends to the game, be able to visit their park and you’ll be able to have access to the leaderboard and you’ll be able to see where you rank on the global level.”
It’s a feature that would actually fit quite well into Rollercoaster Tycoon 4, but will the PC game be more like the isometric original two, or the 3D third one? Sadly, all we got was “more about that in a few weeks”.
Ups and downs.
Mattk48 Offline
I don't know what to think anymore, I guess we'll see in a few weeks. Im not holding my breath
Louis! Offline
Yeah, that was the topic that prompted me to contact them, they are so insistent on 'fans views' but are only doing so through facebook. The only people that comment on facebook are either the people that are playing the mobile game, or people who used to play rct 10 years ago. So they aren't going to receive any real feedback.
Liampie Offline
In my opinion, the best case scenario is not a good new RCT-esque game, but a shitty game that makes people come back to LL and RCT2. Shitty game is almost certain, this could be an opportunity.
Roomie Offline
One thing that could be interesting is that as the game is already announced to be a Steam Early Release title its possible it will use Steam Workshop making modding and the ability to make it a good game we want easy.
Even if the games crap, if its easy to mod it can be made good.
Six Frags Offline
What a travesty. If I were Chris Sawyer I would file a lawsuit for screwing up his legacy.
Louis! Offline
The lawsuit against Atari for not paying him never got anywhere, so i doubt that would either.
Which is also why I sincerely doubt he is involved in anyway whatsoever.
Six Frags Offline
Yeah, they just used his name for commercial purposes. I read in an interview somewhere he has nothing to do with it.
Roomie Offline
It appears that Atari have somehow made the gaming equivalent of Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull but worse.On top of that the CEO of Atari just game out in defense of the game and sounds like a complete arseThe monetization tactic is also common to many mobile simulation games that are like RollerCoaster Tycoon. But Atari’s use of the RCT name, albeit without the involvement of the games’ original creator, Chris Sawyer, means many gamers came in with specific expectations, and having to pay repeatedly was not among them.
Chesnais said those expectations should have been different.
“Yeah, you have to wait a little bit, but so what?” he said. “The world was not built overnight. They’re reviewing a mobile game, and a mobile game can’t be a PC game. … People are mad we did not release the PC game first.”
By that, he’s referring to a new computer entry in the RollerCoaster Tycoon franchise for PC, slated for release later this year, which Atari has already promised will be a “completely different game.” Chesnais said it would have “multiplayer and social features” but couldn’t say for sure if the PC version would use the same micro-transaction model as the mobile game.
“We have not made a decision on the PC game,” he said. “It’s entertainment, but it’s also business.” -
Roomie Offline
My probably poorly written review below. I think it gets my point across.
Essentially what Atari has done here is created the gaming equivalent of the Star Wars Christmas Special (Those of a younger persuasion should Google that). It’s so bad its actually a worse travesty that Indiana Jones: Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.
Lotte Offline
i think indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull is a really good example, this game will be okay for those who haven't heard of the franchise before, for the majority that already has heard of it, not so much...