RCT Discussion / How to rename a RCT2 scenario? (.sc6 file)
- 06-March 14
IcyPRO Offline
Hello, I'm Icy and I've been searching through whole net to find out how to rename RCT2 scenarios.
Well I can tell you that I did find everything but the answer.
I even asked on ask.yahoo, but I only got "derp" for an answer...
Well today my account was finally verified by admin so I finally got the chance to ask good question on a right place. So tell me, does anyone here knows how to rename these scenarios? But not just the file, but the name that appears in the game. (which doesn't change if you only rename the file name)
Thank you very much!
Icy ~
Liampie Offline
I've never really thought about that, but I guess there's no direct way to do it. You could open the scenario in the scenario editor and save it under the name, and delete the old one afterwards maybe.
edit: There might be an obscure trainer to do this though.
IcyPRO Offline
Well, using RCT2 scenario editor doesn't help.
The reason why I want to do that (though let's not discuss my reasons) is to sort better scenarios from RCT1 and RCT2 expansion packs.
Anyway, can you tell me where can I find that trainer? I found a trainer that could edit saved games, but not scenarios...
IcyPRO Offline
As I said before, that doesn't work. Once the scenario has its name, you cant change it...
Liampie Offline
That's really fucking weird. Go into the scenario editor. Load landscape. Browse and load your park. Go through all the stages and change the scenario name, save. Have you done this?
IcyPRO Offline
Yes! I'm saying this for the 3rd time, it's not working...
Try to rename for example Crazy Castle - it will rename the name of the file, but the name of the will remain.
inthemanual Offline
I just did it, so you're obviously doing something wrong. Make sure you save the scenario with the same filename, and make sure you change the "Scenario Name" slot on the last screen before you save it. Also, make sure you're sorting them into the correct tabs, which is also on that same screen. -
IcyPRO Offline
Oh wow I'm so sorry... It's been a while since I played RCT2 and I totally overlooked the "scenario and park name" options - several times.
But yeah, it seems if I pick different name it will automatically throw it to "Other Parks" category.
Well thanks for your help, this pretty much solves it.
inthemanual Offline
Also, make sure you're sorting them into the correct tabs, which is also on that same screen.