Music Forum / Just finished my first EP
11-January 14
SSSammy Offline
what's up ladies and gents, i've been gone for while, like i do every so often.
i've always kept you creatures somewhat up to date on what's going on in my creative world, and i've worked my butt off to make my first EP: Photon Epoch by Planetary Archive.
you can check out the EP on the link below, and if you like it you can pay £4 (or more if you prefer, i aint gon stop ya) if you like it. i'm not gonna make you do anything, though.
let me know what you think, guys!
csw Offline
Pretty good! I'm typically not a fan of this genre, but it was pretty enjoyable. I liked the Ballad of Machine Man and Someway especially. Also I think the singer (is it you?) sounds better on the higher notes, especially in And Then There Was Light. The low notes sort of got jumbled in with the accompanying guitar. Truly Centred Zen was good. Overall I enjoyed it. Not sure if I'll buy it because I don't know how often I would listen to it and I prefer other types of music. But it was worth the listen. Keep it up! -
Steve Offline
This is pretty sick, especially for a debut release. Production isn't too shabby, obviously not overdone but not amateur. You really seems to hit your stride in songs like Truly Centered Zen and Fire Ant. TCZ's main riff is fucking badass. The format of the song was also interesting and the lyrics are good. Fire Ant is just plain fun which shows through more than the other slower numbers on the EP. Can definitely pick up on your influences in there. You're a pretty talented musician though, Sam. Guitar work is great all around and you're a pretty promising vocalist. Keep it up, man. I would love to see a a full release in the style of TCZ!
SSSammy Offline
thanks for the replies guys, and thanks for taking the time to listen! csw, yeah, i'm the vocalist. as an interesting point, i recorded everything but drums on this. TCZ was definitely one i was most excited for. i love the relationship between all the instruments, it causes a groove that really got me going when i first heard it out loud after being on paper and fragmented for so long.
thanks again for the kind words guys!
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